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Search Results

Parking Code Guidance: Case Studies and Model Provisions
Date Added: Friday, July 17, 2015
The Parking Code Guidance: Case Studies and Model Provisions paper was written as a part of the San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC) Smart Growth Technical Assistance: Parking Reform Campaign. Its goal is to provide guidance on identifying key issues, reforming parking standards, and on how to regulate and manage parking in a way that supports development in urban infill areas, encourages balanced multimodal access, and reduces vehicle traffic. The guidance provided is based on best practices for access and parking regul.. Read More
Appropriate Parking Management Strategy for Successful Transit Oriented Development
Date Added: Monday, July 20, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Parking    
A major challenge to successfully implementing Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is parking, specifically minimum parking requirements which produce an oversupply of parking that undermines the intended benefits of TOD. This Master’s thesis addresses the effects of parking on TOD’s success, the defects of conventional parking requirements, and specific strategies for TOD parking management, as well as providing a case study of parking in King County, Washington. Additionally, recommendations are given to assist communities in implementing park.. Read More
Form-Based Codes: Lessons Learned from a Mount Holly, NJ Case Study
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Zoning    
New Jersey
Form-based code merge design specifications for land development with transportation elements in order to attain the desired built environment and encourages a mix of uses and building types while emphasizing form and function. It governs building massing, streetscapes, and parking locations to promote development or redevelopment. Form-based codes were implemented in municipalities, including Mount Holly Township, throughout New Jersey as a part of the Mobility and Community Form Initiative, which is sponsored by the New Jersey Department of T.. Read More
Parking Lots, Where Motorists Become Pedestrians
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
State: Not Applicable
In Parking Lots, Where Motorists Become Pedestrians John A. Stark aims to address physical design components of parking lots in terms of safety, environmental protection, and a shared experience between cars and pedestrians. The interactions between pedestrians and cars are often considered in terms of separating the two modes of traffic or how to make street intersections between the two safer. However, in a parking lot people drive in the middle of a pedestrian path when searching for a space and conversely, pedestrians are often forced to wa.. Read More
Parking Management Strategies
Date Added: Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Smart Growth, Parking    
Traditional parking policies, which generally focus on setting a minimum number of parking spaces for various land uses are based on standards developed by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The Lancaster County Planning Commission conducted a study, Analysis of Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing, which found that the amounts of parking required for various housing types does not match what is needed and developed this document to help match parking supply to parking demand. The document details techniques that can be used .. Read More
Western PA Rooftop Solar Challenge Final Solar Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Penn Future’s Western PA Rooftop Solar Challenge Final Solar Zoning Ordinance provides an example of solar energy systems defined based on type. The ordinance defines a “building-mounted system” as one “attached to any part or type of roof on a building or structure that has an occupancy permit… and that is either the principal structure or an accessory structure…” Additionally, the ordinance defines a “ground-mounted system” as one “mounted on a structure, pole or series of poles constructed specifically to support the photovoltaic system and .. Read More
Minneapolis Healthy Corner Store Program
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Healthy Communities, Food Deserts    
The Minneapolis Health Department conducted studies which concluded that impoverished areas, and particularly communities of color, had less access to healthy produce within the City. These communities most often use corner stores for daily food purchases, and these stores rarely have fresh produce for sale. As a result, these communities often have disproportionate health risks. The Minneapolis Health Department teamed up with corner store owners to improve access to fresh produce and healthier foods. The program’s objectives are to (1) in.. Read More
Model Small-Scale Solar Siting Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, June 18, 2018
Solar Energy, Zoning    
New York
Columbia Law School’s Center for Climate Change Law developed the Model Small-Scale Solar Siting Ordinance, which includes several helpful solar energy system definitions. The model ordinance defines building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems as those that integrate photovoltaic modules into the building structure, such as the roof or fac¸ade, but which do not alter roof relief. The model defines freestanding or ground-mounted solar energy systems as those directly installed in the ground and not attached or affixed to an existing structur.. Read More
Penn Future's Solar Installation Guidebook
Date Added: Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Penn Future’s Western PA Solar Installation Guidebook provides information on how to handle zoning and permitting solar energy in one’s municipality. Section B contains a model zoning ordinance. The ordinance defines a “building-mounted system” as one “attached to any part or type of roof on a building or structure that has an occupancy permit . . . and that is either the principal structure or an accessory structure . . . .” The ordinance defines a “ground-mounted system” as one “mounted on a structure, pole or series of poles constructed spec.. Read More
Philadelphia Bill No. 120532 Complete Streets
Date Added: Monday, June 25, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
This Ordinance amended Title 12 of The Philadelphia Code, the “Traffic Code,” providing for the manner in which bicyclists may operate bicycles in the streets, and by prohibiting motor vehicles from obstructing or creating hazards in bicycle lanes. This Ordinance also amends Title 11 of the Philadelphia Code, the “streets” section, providing for the establishment and implementation of a Complete Streets Policy. .. Read More
Philadelphia Complete Streets Design Handbook
Date Added: Monday, June 25, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
This Handbook will help inform the City, design professionals, developers, and community groups that are involved in the planning and design of streets and changes to the public right-of-way in Philadelphia. The Handbook identifies 7 conceptual complete streets components that make up the public right-of-way: Pedestrian, Building & Furnishing, Bicycle, Curbside Management, Vehicle/Cartway, Urban Design, and Intersections & Crossings. This Handbook will promote more efficient project implementation by serving as a comprehensive resource to guide.. Read More
City of Austin, Texas Resolution No. 20120426-081: Creation of Austin Local Solar Advisory Committee
Date Added: Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Local Boards, Solar Energy    
Austin adopted Resolution No. 20120426-081, creating the Austin Local Solar Advisory Committee, which included representatives from the solar industry, Chamber of Commerce, the environmental non-profit community, consumer advocate community, the Electric Utility Commission, and the Resource Management Commission. The Advisory Committee produced the Strategic Plan for Local Solar, providing recommendations for new policies, as well as amendments to the city’s zoning regulations, that will optimize Austin’s solar energy resource base... Read More
Healthy Planning: An evaluation of comprehensive plans addressing public health (APA)
Date Added: Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Healthy Communities    
State: Not Applicable
The purpose of this project is to create a framework which communities can follow that outline strategies of how to implement public health goals into comprehensive plans. More specifically, the project includes four sustainability plans that have been implemented across the United States. In “Examples” of Robust Public Health Policy, it discusses community examples which include active living, emergency preparedness, environmental exposures, food and nutrition, health and human services policies and social cohesion and mental health. The proje.. Read More
City of Saratoga Springs New York Zoning Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Stormwater Management, Zoning    
New York
The purpose of the City of Saratoga Springs Zoning Ordinance is to encourage physical development while promoting public health, safety, and welfare. The ordinance is intended to classify, designate, and regulate the location and use of buildings, structures, and land for agricultural, residential, commercial, industrial, or other uses, and to divide the City into districts best suited to carry out the regulations set forth in the General City Law and provide for their enforcement. The regulations and district boundaries identified in the Zonin.. Read More
City of Boynton Beach Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Boynton Beach, Florida has incorporated Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Arrays regulations within its Zoning Code in a separate subsection. In that subsection, Boynton Beach lists height, location, and rooftop requirements. The PV Arrays sub-section also describes regulations for wall mounted or flush to a building or structure solar energy systems. These regulations include a required yard setback by more than three feet, a minimum dimension of nine feet, and a wall mounted PV array design that is compatible with the structure and surface to which it .. Read More
County of Broward Solar Zoning Regulations
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Broward County, Florida enacted Ordinance No. 2012-22 to amend its Code of Ordinances, specifically within its Zoning Article, to create a new section, 39-109, entitled “Rooftop Photovoltaic Solar Systems.” Section 39-109 permits photovoltaic solar systems as accessory equipment in all zoning categories and provides for severability with an effective date. The section lists height and maintenance regulations as well as the requirements for a permit an owner must obtain before installation. .. Read More
County of Brown Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
In its Zoning Ordinance, Brown County in Minnesota lists solar energy systems and solar structures as permitted uses in the Agricultural/Shoreland Protection District, Highway Business District, General Business District, and Limited Industry. Section 702 of its Zoning Ordinance, however, permits solar energy systems and solar structures as accessory uses in all districts, including residential ones, “provided the system is in compliance with minimum lot requirement and setbacks.” The section also goes on to include solar energy systems as elig.. Read More
County of Camden Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
North Carolina
In Camden County, North Carolina solar farms are permitted in all zoning districts, however, a special use permit must first be acquired. Within its zoning code, Camden County integrated a sub-section outlining standards for solar farms such as a minimum lot size, minimum setbacks, and a 50-foot buffer from routine view. Solar collectors as an accessory use are also permitted in all zoning districts in Camden County, however, in order to install them, an applicant must either obtain a special use permit (if there are three or more collectors) o.. Read More
City of Cottage Grove Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
In Cottage Grove, Minnesota, the city has established a Low-Density Residential District “where all public services, utilities and amenities needed for urban residential development are available” and development densities do not exceed five dwelling units per gross acre. Cottage Grove does permit density bonuses in this District between 0-5% if applicants demonstrate innovative energy conservation efforts, including orientation of lost for maximum use of passive solar energy and preservation of solar access for active solar energy systems. Sol.. Read More
Township of London Grove Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Thursday, September 7, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
London Grove’s extensive Zoning Code incorporates a separate and informative section on solar energy systems, § 27-1839. According to § 27-1839, solar energy systems are permitted in all zoning districts as an accessory use, except that in two districts, “a special exception is required for the installation of any ground mounted solar energy system on any property less than 8,000 square feet.” The section goes on to list a number of development and design standards that are to be applied to the construction and installation of any solar energy .. Read More
Township of Bethlehem Land Use Regulations § 102-37.3; Solar Energy Facilities; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Monday, December 18, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
New Jersey
The Township of Bethlehem’s solar energy facilities regulation requires minor site plan approval for ground-mounted solar energy facilities between 2,000 square feet and 10 acres in size while requiring preliminary and final site plan approval for systems greater than 10 acres in size. The planning board or an appointed site plan subcommittee may waive the minor site plan approval requirement if the proposed facility is reasonable and adheres to the solar regulation’s general purpose and intent. In addition to Bethlehem’s standard site plan req.. Read More
City of Boulder Code § 9-9-17 Solar Access Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Monday, December 18, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
The City of Boulder, Colorado’s solar access regulation divides the city into three solar access areas to provide maximum solar access protection for each area, consistent with planned densities, topography, and lot configurations and orientations. The regulation then establishes solar fences in two of these solar access areas. Each solar fence completely encloses a lot in question, and its foundation is contiguous with lot lines. Further, solar fences are vertical, opaque, and lack any thickness. The regulation then forbids the construction of.. Read More
State of Virginia’s Model Ordinances for Solar Energy Projects (Large, Small, Tax Exemptions); Solar Zoning
Date Added: Sunday, January 7, 2018
The Local Government Outreach Group (LOG), convened by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, developed two model zoning ordinances: the first for smaller-scale solar energy projects and the second for larger-scale projects. These ordinances define both smaller- and larger-scale projects as (1) those that generate electricity from sunlight using one or more photovoltaic systems and other appurtenant structures and facilities onsite, OR (2) those that utilize sunlight as an energy source to heat or cool buildings or water or produce e.. Read More
State of Virginia’s Model Ordinances for Solar Energy Projects (Large, Small, Tax Exemptions); Solar Zoning
Date Added: Sunday, January 7, 2018
The Local Government Outreach Group (LOG), convened by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, developed two model zoning ordinances: the first for smaller-scale solar energy projects and the second for larger-scale projects. These ordinances define both smaller- and larger-scale projects as (1) those that generate electricity from sunlight using one or more photovoltaic systems and other appurtenant structures and facilities onsite, OR (2) those that utilize sunlight as an energy source to heat or cool buildings or water or produce e.. Read More
State of Virginia’s Model Ordinances for Solar Energy Projects (Large, Small, Tax Exemptions); Solar Zoning
Date Added: Sunday, January 7, 2018
The Local Government Outreach Group (LOG), convened by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, developed two model zoning ordinances: the first for smaller-scale solar energy projects and the second for larger-scale projects. These ordinances define both smaller- and larger-scale projects as (1) those that generate electricity from sunlight using one or more photovoltaic systems and other appurtenant structures and facilities onsite, OR (2) those that utilize sunlight as an energy source to heat or cool buildings or water or produce e.. Read More
State of Virginia’s Model Ordinances for Solar Energy Projects (Large, Small, Tax Exemptions); Solar Zoning
Date Added: Sunday, January 7, 2018
The Local Government Outreach Group (LOG), convened by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, developed two model zoning ordinances: the first for smaller-scale solar energy projects and the second for larger-scale projects. These ordinances define both smaller- and larger-scale projects as (1) those that generate electricity from sunlight using one or more photovoltaic systems and other appurtenant structures and facilities onsite, OR (2) those that utilize sunlight as an energy source to heat or cool buildings or water or produce e.. Read More
Soil Contamination Strategies
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
New York
Syracuse, New York created a Comprehensive Plan with a singular focus on sustainability. One of the objectives within their efforts to increase sustainability is the remediation of brownfields. The remediation of brownfields can improve environmental conditions, public health, and the local economy. Syracuse has partnered with several government agencies, including the New York DEC and the U.S. E.P.A, to design brownfield remediation plans. These plans work to evaluate, inventory, and plan for the redevelopment of brownfield areas. Syracus.. Read More