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Kearny Transit-Oriented Development Vision Plan

New Jersey
Town Of Kearny   
Urban | Suburban |
The Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Vision Plan of the Town of Kearny was developed by Regional Plan Association (RPA) to conduct a planning study of the area and a public visioning process for the Kearny Station area, near Bergen Avenue and the Harrison-Kingsland Branch Line, that was to be built as a part of New Jersey’s Access to the Region’s Core project. This report detailed the process of stakeholder meetings, a public community design workshop, and other public participation efforts RPA used to develop two consensus plans. The first one consists of three ideas, to recreate the orthogonal street and block pattern of existing residential neighborhoods, preserving viable industrial uses including upgrading supporting infrastructure, and that the station square is located to the south of Bergen Avenue with a separate loop access road. Plan two is more of a transformational scheme, with a major north-south corridor through the site, higher density residential and office uses and with the station area located north of Bergen Avenue and connected to Harvey Field by a town-green style station square. The report gives assessments and implementation suggestions of both plans that Kearny can use in creating TOD.