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Search Results for City Of Portland

City of Portland Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Erosion & Sedimentation Control    
These regulations are focused on ground disturbing activities regardless of whether or not a permit is required and unless otherwise exempted. Minimum requirements include: a threshold of no visible and measurable sediment or pollutant exiting the site or washing into a water body or storm system; installation of BMPs selected from the Erosion Control Manual, special requirements during the wet season (Oct 1-Apr 30); signage requirements on sites where a permit is required; and inspection of BMPs within 24 hours of a storm events. For sites req.. Read More

City of Portland Demolition or Repair of Derelict Buildings Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, April 15, 2017
Vacant & Distressed Properties    
Portland, Oregon, enacted an ordinance that requires the destruction, repair, rehabilitation, or removal of any dangerous or derelict structure. Derelict structures are usually identified by the Director of the Bureau of Development Services and include, but are not limited to structures that are boarded, vacant, or unsecured, and previously had a public nuisance abated by the city. A property violates the ordinance until it has been lawfully occupied, demolished and regraded under proper permit, or the owner has proved to the Director that t.. Read More

Better Housing By Design
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing , Transfer of Development Rights (TDR), Zoning, Density    
Portland, Oregon created a report titled “Better Housing By Design” to create plans to promote affordable and diverse housing. The report is a compilation of Portland’s recent zoning code amendments. Portland implemented code changes to address housing affordability and diversity, expand outdoor spaces and green design, building design and scale requirements, and more. Housing affordability and density changes were implemented in multi-family residential zones outside of the city core in order to expand options, diversity, and walkability. The .. Read More

Portland, OR Green Roofs
Date Added: Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency, Climate Change Planning    
Portland requires all new buildings with a net building area of 20,000 square feet or more in the Central City Plan District zoned CX, EX, RX, and IG1 to have green roofs (33.510.243 Ecoroofs). Up to 40% of the roof can alternatively house mechanical equipment, skylights, solar panels, wind turbines, rain capture equipment, or common areas. Green roofs are cooler than conventional roofs, help with air pollution, and keep buildings cooler... Read More

City of Portland Green Building Code
Date Added: Saturday, August 27, 2016
Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
Under its Green Building Code, the City of Portland, Maine requires all new construction and renovation projects having total construction costs of greater than $250,000 to attain United States Green Building Council’s (USBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification at the Silver level, if the project is either: (1) to be owned or occupied by the City and is of at least 5,000 square feet in floor area; or (2) to be funded in whole or in part by the City and is of at least 10,000 square feet in floor area. Buildings mus.. Read More

Park Development in Industrial Zones
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Healthy Communities, Parks & Recreation, Equity    
Part of Portland’s economic development goals include ensuring that parks, trails, natural areas, and a healthy environment continue to protect the city’s quality of life and attract businesses and the workforce alike. Accordingly, Portland set forth a policy of allowing park development within industrial zones to guarantee adequate park service within one-half mile of every resident. This policy will make green infrastructure conveniently accessible to all residents of Portland. Additionally, the added green spaces will aid the city in the .. Read More

City of Portland, Oregon Code, Title 33.218- Community Design Standards
Date Added: Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Historic District Preservation, Solar Energy, Zoning    
Within their Community Design Standards, Portland, Oregon eliminated discretionary review of solar energy systems that adhere to community design standards, thereby making it easier for solar panels to be installed in historic districts... Read More