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Search Results for City Of San Diego

City of San Diego Municipal Code - Alternative Dispute Resolution Provision
Date Added: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Alternative Dispute Resolution    
In the interest of gaining compliance with municipal statutes (including zoning/land use laws), the San Diego city council enacted a statute to allow for mediation of all disputes involving San Diego statutes as well as applicable California and federal statutes. The municipal code allows for both mediation and facilitation. .. Read More

City of San Diego Abatement of Vacant Structures Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, April 15, 2017
Vacant & Distressed Properties    
The City of San Diego, California, enacted an ordinance requiring that vacant and boarded buildings immediately be rehabilitated because they pose several risks to the community including: facilitating illegal activity, creation of fire hazards, and threatening general public health and safety. The Director of the Neighborhood Code Compliance Department or any other Director authorized by the City Manager may enforce the ordinance. Violations of the ordinance result in misdemeanors, injunctive relief, or civil damages. Upon the Director’.. Read More

Traffic Safety Policy
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Traffic Calming & Safety    
The goal of San Diego, California’s “Mobility Element” plan is to develop a multi-modal transportation network that gets citizens where they want to go while minimizing environmental and neighborhood impacts. Among the goals of this policy, San Diego aimed to increase general traffic safety of pedestrians. The city collaborated with community groups and interested private and public parties to design and implement safe pedestrian routes to schools, transit centers, and other highly frequented destinations. After locating these priority areas.. Read More

Enhanced Public Rights of Way and Pedestrian-Oriented Features
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
The Mobility Element section of San Diego’s Comprehensive Plan makes facilitating walking and biking as viable forms of transportation a priority for the city. The plan calls for the creation of mixed-use neighborhoods connected by public transportation; building residences closer to parks, schools, shopping, employment and transit; and a safe and accessible walking environment created by designing streets to increase pedestrian safety. To accomplish this, San Diego plans to—among other things—enhance public rights of way, design site plans .. Read More

City of San Diego Land Development Manual: Storm Water Standards
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Floodplain Regulations, Stormwater Management    
This ordinance is designed as a manual for selection, design, and incorporation of storm water Best Management Practices (BMPs) into the project’s design plan. It requires identification of pollutants of concern from land use activities and pollutants and conditions of concern in receiving waters. The manual additionally requires pollution prevention throughout. One example is pollution prevention through pest control in the design of a site to avoid pesticide application... Read More

City of Villages
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Transportation Efficient Development, Healthy Communities, Climate Change Planning    
San Diego’s Land Use and Community Planning Element includes a series of goals which effectuate the amelioration of climate change through the mitigation of greenhouse emissions. One of these efforts is creating a “City of Villages,” which is the goal to develop mixed-use activity centers within villages. This concentration of activity offers better access to pedestrian-friendly travel options, including walking, biking, and public transit. This will enable large numbers of people to make fewer and shorter auto trips, a large component of San D.. Read More