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Search Results for Town Of Saugerties

Town of Saugerties Waterfront Overlay District
Date Added: Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Coastal Protection, Land Use Planning, Overlay District, Planned Development Districts, Site Design Standards    
New York
The Town of Saugerties adopted the Waterfront Overlay District (WOD) to protect and enhance the shoreline by protecting water quality and preventing erosion along the Hudson River, Esopus Creek, and Plattekill Creek. All development in the WOD District will be reviewed on a case by case via the site plan review process to ensure appropriate layout and design of all properties. The WOD is superimposed over the basic zoning districts, therefore regulations from the underlying district and the WOD apply in those areas. Properties or portions of pr.. Read More

Amendment to Town of Saugerties, New York Zoning Code Chapter 245
Date Added: Monday, June 18, 2018
Solar Energy, Zoning    
New York
The amendment to the Town of Saugerties, New York Zoning Code allows large scale solar energy facilities via special use permits. The site for such facility shall be at least the minimum area required in the zoning district and the total area covered by the facility and all related appurtenances shall not exceed 70% of the gross area of the site. The required coverage as set for in the Schedule of Area and Bulk Regulations (Sec. 245-12) shall not apply to solar energy facilities where a solar array is designed and located so that the underlying.. Read More