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Search Results for Village Of Croton-on-Hudson

Village of Croton-on-Hudson Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Erosion & Sedimentation Control    
New York
Chapter 118 of the Municipal Code for the Village of Croton-on-Hudson is designed to prevent erosion and to protect property, roadways, and waterways from the negative effects of erosion, including deposition on roadways, creation of gullies, flooding, clogging of sewers, pollution, the increase of weeds in waterways, and the death of fish. .. Read More

Village of Croton-on-Hudson Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Consistency Review
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Coastal Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Village of Croton-on-Hudson, New York approved a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Consistency Review Ordinance (or Chapter 225 of the Municipal Code) to ensure a proper balance between protection of natural resources and the need to accommodate population growth and economic development within the Village. The Law establishes a Waterfront Advisory Committee (WAC) in the Village of Croton-on-Hudson. First, a Village agency must prepare a coastal assessment form (CAF) to assist with the consistency review for any program approval or fu.. Read More

Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Consistency Review
Date Added: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Coastal Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Village of Croton-on-Hudson, New York approved a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Consistency Review Ordinance (or Chapter 225 of the Municipal Code) to ensure a proper balance between protection of natural resources and the need to accommodate population growth and economic development within the Village. The Law establishes a Waterfront Advisory Committee (WAC) in the Village of Croton-on-Hudson. First, a Village agency must prepare a coastal assessment form (CAF) to assist with the consistency review for any program approval or fu.. Read More

Village of Croton-on-Hudson Telecommunications Towers Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Communications, Site Design Standards    
New York
The Village of Croton-on-Hudson seeks to establish predictable and balanced regulations for the sitting and screening of various personnel wireless service antennas, towers, and accessory structures in order to accommodate the growth of such systems within the Village, while protecting the public against any adverse impacts on resources, avoiding the potential damage to adjacent properties for tower failure through structural standards and setback requirements, and reducing the number of towers needed to serve the community by maximizing the us.. Read More

Village of Croton-on-Hudson Conservation Advisory Council Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Local Boards, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Village of Croton-on-Hudson is creating a Conservation Advisory Council in the fight to preserve and improve the quality of the natural and manmade environment of the Village in the face of population growth, urbanization, and technological change. The Conservation Advisory Council will serve to reinforce the environmental interests of the community by developing community programs to foster understanding of environmental issues, conducting studies to carry out their protective purposes, coordinating efforts of private groups, maintaining c.. Read More

Village of Croton-on-Hudson Environmental Compliance Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Development Standards, Clustering & Cluster Development, Environmental Compliance, Site Design Standards, Site Plan Approval, Conservation Districts & Subdivisions    
New York
This law authorizes the village Planning Board, and other advisory boards within the Village of Croton-on-Hudson, to retain the services of an Environmental Consultant to review and consult the board(s) concerning development taking place within the village’s environmentally sensitive areas, and to assure that environmental compliance measures are followed. The law also describes the role and duties of the Environmental Consultant. .. Read More

Village of Croton-on-Hudson Excavation, Filling & Topsoil Removal Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Environmental Compliance, Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Landscaping, Scenic Resources    
New York
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Croton-on-Hudson has declared it policy that the natural topography of the land of the Village should be preserved and safeguarded, prohibiting changes to the land except those that are absolutely necessary in order to permit the proper and appropriate use of the land and the water. The topsoil, trees, and other materials which constitute the land, such as plant and wild life are of vital concern to the people of the Village. Therefore, the Village will regulate or prohibit excavation, the removal of tree.. Read More

Village of Croton-on-Hudson Gateway Overlay District Zoning Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Development Standards, Overlay District, Zoning    
New York
Croton-on-Hudson has developed a scheme for the creation of physical gateway areas comprised of roads and surrounding areas where those first encountering the village will derive a sense of arrival and connection to the village, which will establish a favorable impression of the community. Restrictions will be placed on development within these areas to ensure and preserve a residential feel and provide a more defined entrance into the village for incoming motorists and pedestrians, which ultimately will bring a more favorable image to the comm.. Read More

Village of Croton-on-Hudson Greenway Compact Plan Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Intermunicipal Agreements, Local Boards    
New York
The Village of Croton-on-Hudson has become a participating community in the intermunicipal agreement, the Greenway Compact Plan, whose policies, principles and guides are adopted from compendiums based on tourism and economic development, the maintenance of the Hudson River waterfront, building livable downtowns, growing smarter together, and patterns for the county’s preservation. Where appropriate, new land use laws should conform to the standards of the Greenway Compact Plan, but at no time should this intermunicipal agreement limit the auth.. Read More

Village of Croton-on-Hudson Multiple Development Use District
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Development Standards, Historic Preservation, Mixed/Multiple Use, Open Space Preservation, Scenic Resources, Site Design Standards, Site Plan Approval    
New York
This law creates guidelines for creating a multiple/mixed use district in the Village of Croton-on-Hudson. The law includes information such as: eligibility requirements, general conditions, permitted uses, site development standards, procedures for MDU designation and approval of site development plans, lapse of approval of site development plan, performance guaranty, phasing of development, amendment of site development plan, and revocation of MDU designation. .. Read More

Village of Croton-on-Hudson Trees Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Landscaping, Tree Preservation & Protection    
New York
The Village of Croton-on-Hudson Tree Ordinance provides requirements for minimum distances between trees and (1) other trees, (2) curbs and sidewalks, (3) street corners and hydrants, and (4) utilities. Topping of trees and removal of healthy trees is prohibited. A tree removal permit will be required before removing: (1) any tree eight inches or more (diameter at breast height or DBH) on any parcel of land capable of being subdivided under the zoning provisions applicable to the district in which the parcel is situated or on any parcel of land.. Read More

Village of Croton-on-Hudson Visual Environment Advisory Board
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Development Standards, Local Boards, Quality of Life, Scenic Resources, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Croton Visual Environment Advisory Board was developed to safeguard the beneficial effects of such existing natural and man-made features and structures and to prevent the harmful effects of potential unattractive or inappropriate projects and thus to promote and protect the economy, quality of life, and general welfare of the Village of Croton-on-Hudson. Chapter 60 of the Municipal Code creates an Advisory Board on the Visual Environment consisting of five members appointed by the Mayor. The Board shall serve in an advisory capacity to the.. Read More

Village of Croton-on-Hudson Water Supply Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Coastal Protection, Development Standards, Site Plan Approval, Zoning    
New York
The Water Supply Protection Code of the Village of Croton-on-Hudson dictates that each Waterfront Development District shall be comprised of 10 or more contiguous acres of dry land under single ownership and shall have a minimum of 1,000 feet of shoreline along the Hudson River. Permitted uses include specific recreational, residential, and special permit uses, but accessory uses are limited to those uses that are customarily incidental to the permitted uses. It additionally provides the requirements regarding enclosure, landscaping, bulk, heig.. Read More

Village of Croton-on-Hudson Water Supply Protection
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Aquifer Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Drinking Water Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Water Supply Protection Code of the Village of Croton-on-Hudson establishes protective land use regulations for the watershed affecting well fields. It defines the three zones affecting the quality of the aquifer and provides a degree of regulation or management for each zone in order to protect the water supply source from contamination. The three-zone system is superimposed on existing land use zones, and requirements of the underlying districts shall continue to apply, except in the event of a conflict, where the more restrictive require.. Read More

Village of Croton-on-Hudson Unified Solar Application; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Saturday, January 6, 2018
Solar Energy, Zoning    
New York
The Village of Croton-on-Hudson adopted the NY-Sun Unified Solar Permit (USP), a combined building and electrical permit for certain solar energy systems developed by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), the New York Power Authority (NYPA), and the City University of New York’s Sustainable CUNY. The USP expedites the permitting process for “small-scale solar electric systems,” that have a rated capacity of 12 kW or less and that are installed on a permitted roof structure of a building, or on a legal accessory.. Read More