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Western PA Rooftop Solar Challenge Final Solar Ordinance

Urban | Suburban | Rural
Penn Future’s Western PA Rooftop Solar Challenge Final Solar Zoning Ordinance provides an example of solar energy systems defined based on type. The ordinance defines a “building-mounted system” as one “attached to any part or type of roof on a building or structure that has an occupancy permit… and that is either the principal structure or an accessory structure…” Additionally, the ordinance defines a “ground-mounted system” as one “mounted on a structure, pole or series of poles constructed specifically to support the photovoltaic system and not attached to any other structure” and defines a “building-integrated system,” in part, as one “constructed as an integral part of a principal or accessory building or structure and where the building-integrated system features maintain a uniform profile or surface of vertical walls, window openings, and roofing.”