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State Street Corridor Transit Oriented Development Policy Guidelines
Date Added: Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
State: Not Applicable
Regional Planning Entity
This document is a comprehensive walk-through of a state plan for implementing Transit Oriented Development (TOD). It contains policy guidelines for the first step in a twenty-year project to implement TOD in Idaho’s State Street Corridor and advises communities on site-specific as well as more general guidance in order to create a region-wide concerted and cooperative effort. Model language and detailed information on TOD policy guidelines provide communities with a model to follow in implementing TOD... Read More
How to Conduct a Build-Out Analysis
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Build-Out Analysis    
New Hampshire
Regional Planning Entity
The instructions formed by the Southern NH Planning Commission detail a step-by-step process a municipality should use in conducting a Build-Out Analysis. This document contains helpful information on what a Build-Out Analysis is, what questions it can answer, and the type of community best served by conducting an Analysis. The instructions detail two stages in the process, Mapping and Interpretation which entails compiling data and creating maps to create estimates, and Quantitative Analysis which is where the information collected is quantifi.. Read More
Delaware Regional Planning Commission Municipal Implementation Tool #6: Parking Management Strategies
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Regional Planning Entity
The Parking Management Strategies brochure was developed by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission as part of a series of implementation tools based on the recommendations in the region’s long-term plan and specifically addresses strategies to balance the supply and demand for parking. The brochure details two types of parking strategies that are important for managing parking demand, the type that can be used to accommodate existing and future parking demand more efficiently and the type that can be used to reduce parking demand whic.. Read More
Transit Supportive Planning Toolkit: Guidance and Resources for Plan and Policy Development
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
Regional Planning Entity
The Puget Sound region is estimated to grow to 5 million people and 3 million jobs by 2040 and in order to accommodate that growth, better access to a strong multimodal transportation system is needed. This Toolkit was developed by the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) to provide strategies that strengthen the linkage between land use and transit in local plans and implementation regulations, as well as to provide important PSRC and transit agency contacts and web resources. The three general strategies for successfully implementing trans.. Read More
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission Renewable Energy Ordinance Framework Solar PV
Date Added: Monday, July 11, 2016
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Regional Planning Entity
The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s Alternative Energy Ordinance Working Group developed the DVRPC Renewable Energy Ordinance Frameworks to help municipalities adopt regulations for small-scale renewable energy systems. The ordinance frameworks “provide a menu of sample ordinance language options, both permissive and restrictive, to allow municipalities to build a customized ordinance that addresses their local issues.” The frameworks offer a range of development standards for municipalities to choose from, including requirements.. Read More
Tahoe Region Bonus Unit Incentive Program
Date Added: Saturday, April 22, 2017
Incentive Zoning    
State: Not Applicable
Regional Planning Entity
The Tahoe Regional Planning Authority Bonus Unit Incentive Program encourages the provision of environmental services to the Tahoe region, which may include land conservation and protection, regional smart growth infrastructure, habitat restoration, public recreation opportunities, and reduced land cover, in return for additional units for a residential or tourist accommodation project. The program grants additional residential units or tourist accommodation units based on a point system rewarded for mitigation measures to the region above and .. Read More
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission Renewable Energy Ordinance Frameworks; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Saturday, January 6, 2018
State: Not Applicable
Regional Planning Entity
The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s (DVRPC) Renewable Energy Ordinance Frameworks serve as a resource for municipalities as they develop and update ordinances to govern the siting of small-scale renewable energy systems in their community. The frameworks provide clear, consistent guidance on how to construct renewable energy ordinances and promote safe and sound community development. These frameworks provide a menu of sample ordinance language options, both permissive and restrictive, to allow municipalities to build a customize.. Read More