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Search Results for City Of New York

New York State General City Law: Chapter 21; Article 3 Official Maps and Planning Boards; § 28-a. City Comprehensive Plan
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Comprehensive Planning    
New York
This law authorizes city governments in New York to develop comprehensive plans and to regulate land use for the purpose of protecting the public health, safety and general welfare of their citizens. The law identifies several items which these comprehensive plans should include: (a) General statements of goals, objectives, principles, policies, and standards upon which proposals for the immediate and long-range enhancement, growth and development of the city are based, (b) Consideration of regional needs and the official plans of other governm.. Read More

New York’s Second Land Use System: A Description of New York City Land Use Law
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Land Use Planning, Local Boards, Zoning    
New York
Kathryn M. Ryan’s paper describes New York City's complex zoning regulations. Its purpose is to condense and explain the most important features of that code in a digestible format. It relies heavily on materials to be found on a variety of the City’s web pages, including that of the Department of City Planning, some of which is presented here verbatim... Read More

Parking Best Practices: A Review of Zoning Regulations and Policies in Select US and International Cities
Date Added: Friday, July 17, 2015
New York
This document is a compilation of parking regulations and policies used in various cities throughout the United States, Canada, and London. The study identified 21 policies implemented in 15 different cities that address on-street and off-street parking resources, as well as traffic congestion. A comprehensive list of definitions and examples of the parking policies are provided, in addition to case studies illustrating their implementation. Resources are provided where more information can be obtained about individual cities, as well as genera.. Read More

New York City Housing Development Corporation Act
Date Added: Thursday, March 2, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
Legislation creating and empowering the New York City Housing Development Corporation. .. Read More

City of New York Special Midtown District Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Development Standards, Incentive Zoning    
New York
The City of New York created incentive zoning in 1961 to acquire available open space in densely packed commercial or business districts. Article VIII, Chapter 1 in the New York City Zoning Resolution regulates floor area bonus for Special Midtown District. As-of-right “floor area” bonuses are not permitted in this district... Read More

City of New York Floor Area Bonus for Subway Station Improvements
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Incentive Zoning, Site Design Standards, Transportation & Land Use Planning    
New York
The City of New York created incentive zoning in 1961 to acquire available open space in densely packed commercial or business districts. Article VII, Chapter 4 in the New York City Zoning Resolution grants floor area bonus by special permit for improving subway station... Read More

Adaptive Reuse: Governor Cuomo’s New Plan to Re-Purpose Buildings
Date Added: Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Affordable Housing    
New York
In New York City, office, commercial, and hotel spaces have been unused due to the pandemic, leaving many spaces vacant. Because NYC has experienced a shortage of affordable housing for years, Governor Cuomo proposed a plan to repurpose vacant commercial properties into affordable housing units. This can help pandemic recovery proceed. Gov. Cuomo proposed a five-year period where these spaces will be converted... Read More

New York City's Racial Equity Reports Int. No. 1572-B
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
New York
This legislation calls for the development of an equitable development data tool that will contain citywide, boroughwide, community district, and neighborhood-level data in New York City. The tool will be available online for public use and will contain data on demographic conditions, economic security, neighborhood quality of life and access to opportunity, housing security/affordability/quality and housing production. The data tool will also include a Displacement Risk Index. Data is disaggregated by race and ethnicity. The tool must be avail.. Read More

Establishing Land Use Protections for Community Gardens
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Healthy Communities, Food Deserts    
New York
New York City passed a zoning resolution defining “FRESH” food stores as a store with at least 6,000 sq. ft. of space utilized for selling grocery products intended for home preparation and consumption. At least 50% of the space must be used for non-perishable items, and at least 30% must be used for the sale of perishable goods. At least 500 ft. of the perishable food section must be dedicated to fresh produce. The city has offered to modify density and parking requirements to encourage establishment of “FRESH” food stores. Dedicating these.. Read More

East New York Neighborhood Plan
Date Added: Monday, June 11, 2018
Affordable Housing , Economic Development, Solar Energy    
New York
New York City’s East New York Neighborhood Plan was first released in 2016 and updated in 2017. The Plan’s 2017 update calls for a subset of the East New York community to be enrolled in the SolarizeNYC Program. This Program brings together local businesses and residents and connects them with the tools needed to install solar energy systems, including financial assistance, permitting guidance, and more. Per the 2017 update to the Plan, leaders in the neighborhood are to take the initiative on enrolling members of the community... Read More

City of New York Executive Order 230 & Executive Order 233
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Flood Prevention, Floodplain Regulations, Floodwater Management, Post-Disaster Management    
New York
Following Executive Order 225 (extending the State of Emergency caused by Hurricane Sandy) and the release of FEMA’s new advisory base flood elevation maps for areas impacted by Sandy (containing the most up-to-date information on flood hazard zones and necessary buildings heights to prevent flood damage) New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg issued Executive Order 230. Executive Order 230 suspends height limits and other restrictions for new construction and reconstruction in areas devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Additionally, as part of the re.. Read More

Adaptive Reuse: Governor Cuomo’s New Plan to Re-Purpose Buildings
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing , Vacant & Distressed Properties    
New York
In New York City, office, commercial, and hotel spaces have been unused due to the pandemic, leaving many spaces vacant. Because NYC has experienced a shortage of affordable housing for years, Governor Cuomo proposed a plan to repurpose vacant commercial properties into affordable housing units. This can help pandemic recovery proceed. Gov. Cuomo proposed a five-year period where these spaces will be converted. .. Read More