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Healthy Planning: An evaluation of comprehensive plans addressing public health (APA)
Date Added: Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Healthy Communities    
State: Not Applicable
The purpose of this project is to create a framework which communities can follow that outline strategies of how to implement public health goals into comprehensive plans. More specifically, the project includes four sustainability plans that have been implemented across the United States. In “Examples” of Robust Public Health Policy, it discusses community examples which include active living, emergency preparedness, environmental exposures, food and nutrition, health and human services policies and social cohesion and mental health. The proje.. Read More

Metrics For Planning Healthy Communities
Date Added: Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Healthy Communities    
State: Not Applicable
This project focuses on improving community healthy through the environments people “live, work and play.” The built environment is important because it can be used to reduce health inequities, strengthen the integration of health and planning and reduce socioeconomic issues. The project discusses the five categories that impact overall health and determines how planners can promote healthy lifestyles to counteract these factors through the built environment. Planners must be a focus on both traditional and social factors which impact human hea.. Read More

Land Use Planning for Public Health: The Role of Local Boards of Health in Community Design and Development
Date Added: Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Land Use Planning, Local Boards, Healthy Communities, Zoning    
State: Not Applicable
This article focuses on the health issues arising from the built environment and the roles of both the government and private sector must do to combat these issues. First the article discusses issues affecting the built environment, such as decreases in water and air quality, loss of farmland, increase in traffic and residential segregation. A key focus in the article is how transportation plays a major role in shaping the built environment and how urban design can create greater quality neighborhoods. The article also goes into detail about wa.. Read More

A Practitioner’s Guide for Advancing Health Equity: Community Strategies for Preventing Chronic Disease
Date Added: Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
State: Not Applicable
The Healthy Equity Guide is meant to assist practitioners with promoting health and preventing chronic disease in local communities. This information has been gathered from local, state and tribal organizations as lessons on what to look for when addressing health inequities. A major topic discussed is using green infrastructure and adopting bike/walking paths to address disproportionate rates of obesity and create access to healthy food resources. It also discusses creating safe and accessible streets for all users. In Section two, the d.. Read More

National Healthy Housing Standard
Date Added: Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Affordable Housing , Healthy Communities    
State: Not Applicable
Affordability, location, and quality of housing have all been independently linked to health. The National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) and the American Public Health Association (APHA) have created an evidenced based National Healthy Housing Standard as a tool to reconnect the housing and public sectors, and as an evidence based-standard of care for those in the position of improving housing conditions. The Standard developed by these two groups provides health-based provisions to fill gaps where no property maintenance policy exists and .. Read More

Building Healthy Places Tool Kit: Strategies for Enhancing Health in the Business Environment
Date Added: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Land Use Planning, Healthy Communities, Architectural Design Control    
State: Not Applicable
The Building Healthy Places Tool Kit focuses on community opportunities to promote health and prevent its members from chronic diseases. This toolkit is meant to serve as a resource for shapers of buildings and projects interested in making “specific evidence supported design” to create a healthier environment. The report lists twenty-one recommendations for promoting “gold star” health organized into three separate categories; “physical activity, healthy food and drinking water, and healthy environment and social well-being”. These strategies .. Read More

PEW Health Informed Decisions Toolkit
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Healthy Communities, Health Impact Assessments    
State: Not Applicable
PEW developed a toolkit of strategies that local governments are implementing to make better health-conscious decisions. You can search by type of strategy, geographically, research method, and more. The goal is by having a constantly updated health toolkit, local governments can see what other municipalities are doing to make better health choices when it comes to housing, education, and planning. .. Read More

Project Turnkey
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing    
An Oregon state-level program to acquire hotels and motels for conversion to non-congregate shelter during Covid-19 and eventually become permanent affordable housing. Oregon’s Legislature allocated $65 million¬–including CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Funds, FEMA, Emergency Solutions Grants–$30 million for eight counties and tribal communities impacted by wildfires, and $35 to the other 28 counties of Oregon. Additionally, $9.7 million was allotted for additional projects. Through a competitive grant process, $71.7 million has been approved for .. Read More

Vermont Housing & Conservation Board Coronavirus Relief Fund: Vermont’s Statewide Initiative
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing    
Partnering with non-profit housing developers and service providers, the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board (VHCB) developed a proposal to help shelter and create permeant housing for the homeless in response to Covid-19. Legislation in support of the proposal passed in June 2020, and $33 million of federal CARES Act Coronavirus RELIEF FUNDS (CRF) was allocated to VHCB to manage. As a result, 247 units destined to become permanent affordable housing were acquired and/or rehabilitated... Read More

Housing Choices (House Bill 2001)
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing , Zoning, Density    
This Bill was enacted in 2019 to create more affordable and diverse housing. In Oregon, more than 25% of households are single person, and housing options must grow to reflect that. HB 2001 requires all residential districts in medium-sized cities to allow for duplex housing and requires all large cities to allow for duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, cottage clusters, and townhouses to meet the housing needs of Oregon’s diverse population. Oregon sets minimum standards for each housing type in order to ensure that these needs are being met. The .. Read More

Multigenerational Planning: using smart growth and universal design to link the needs of children and the aging population
Date Added: Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Smart Growth, Equity    
State: Not Applicable
This article discusses how multigenerational planning is a “holistic approach” that assess the needs of many different age groups while planning policies that include zoning, local laws and building codes. The ultimate goal is creating a community that ensures “generational equality”. The article begins by discussing changes in population and demographics that impact how planners address certain issues. It articulates the needs, wants and concerns of each age group and what kind of communities they look to live in. Planners must provide a desig.. Read More

Plan4Health Food Systems (APA)
Date Added: Monday, June 25, 2018
Healthy Communities, Urban Farming & Community Gardens    
State: Not Applicable
The Plan4Health American Planning Association Project released a report on Food systems. The Plan4Health coalition identifies the factors that impact a community’s access to healthy food, compiles Best Practices, and provides additional resources regarding these factors that impact food systems. The report provides information about and suggestions for community gardens, home gardens, healthy corner stores, mobile markets, food hubs, and food banks. The report also provides a list of communities with Plan4Health Cohorts. .. Read More
Plan4Health Food Systems (APA)
Date Added: Monday, June 25, 2018
Healthy Communities, Urban Farming & Community Gardens    
State: Not Applicable
The Plan4Health American Planning Association Project released a report on Food systems. The Plan4Health coalition identifies the factors that impact a community’s access to healthy food, compiles Best Practices, and provides additional resources regarding these factors that impact food systems. The report provides information about and suggestions for community gardens, home gardens, healthy corner stores, mobile markets, food hubs, and food banks. The report also provides a list of communities with Plan4Health Cohorts. .. Read More

Healthy Plan Making Integrating Health Into the Comprehensive Planning Process: An Analysis of Seven Case Studies and Recommendations for Change (APA)
Date Added: Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Healthy Communities    
State: Not Applicable
The purpose of this document is to identify specific tools and strategies used when incorporating public health policies and goals and the processes of implementing these goals. Based on a study in 2010 by the American Planning Association, the organization generated a list of strategies used in the planning process to integrate public health. This study provides an in depth, qualitative case study analysis of how public health became a part of the planning process” and background on what creates successful policies... Read More

PAS Essential Info Packet: Planning & Zoning for Health in the Built Environment
Date Added: Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Land Use Planning, Healthy Communities, Zoning    
State: Not Applicable
The Essential Info Packet provides planners with a collection of examples that demonstrate a connection between health and the built environment. These examples include zoning laws, policies, and how-to guidance on how communities across the country have addressed issues of public health. First it provides a list of sources which analyze the importance of creating a connection between health and the built environment. It also includes, collaborations with local governments and agencies, health impact assessments, comprehensive plans and toolkit.. Read More

Promoting Public Health Through Smart Growth: Building Healthier Communities Through Transportation and Land Use Policies and Practices
Date Added: Thursday, July 12, 2018
Smart Growth, Healthy Communities    
State: Not Applicable
This document emphasizes how living smart growth communities leads to greater overall public health. It discusses practices that can be used in a variety of locations and focuses on how planners should create compact development that allow people to walk to their homes, supermarkets, schools and retail. These strategies are also used to achieve economic, social and environmental objectives goals, such as reducing climate change, air pollution and traffic congestions, increasing convenience and accessibility for people of all ages and increasing.. Read More

Building Healthy Communities: Residents Live in Communities With Health-Promoting Land use, Transportation, and Community Development
Date Added: Thursday, July 12, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Healthy Communities, Complete Streets, Urban Farming & Community Gardens    
State: Not Applicable
The purpose of this guide is to provide strategies to help local planners improve health in their communities through land use design, transportation and community development. The document is broken down into twelve different categories of promising strategies used by local governments to improve overall public health. The it discusses how communities can measure progress after implementing these policies. This document focuses on centering the built environment around a walkable/bikeable community with complete streets policies, safe routes f.. Read More

Biking and Walking in the United States 2016
Date Added: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Pedestrian Oriented Design (POD), Healthy Communities, Bicycle Infrastructure    
State: Not Applicable
The Benchmarking Project has 3 primary objectives: 1) to promote data collection and availability, 2) to measure progress and evaluate results, and 3) to support efforts to increase bicycling and walking. The project is also motivated by making the connection between active transportation and healthy communities. The first half of this report contains a review of relevant research that supports biking and walking improvements, and the second half of the report provides state and city data. Part one explains the Benchmarking Project and the data.. Read More

Grocery Store Attraction Strategies
Date Added: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Healthy Communities, Food Deserts    
State: Not Applicable
Lower income communities can have difficulties accessing fresh food, which can affect the physical health of the community residents and the economic health of the neighborhood. This report discusses research that has been conducted which highlights the difficulties that communities face in attracting a grocery store and having the store be successful, and serves as a resource to help communities organize a strategy to attract grocery stores. It also discusses the resources of local governments and local community-based organizations which have.. Read More

From Fitness Zones to the Medical Mile: How Urban Park Systems Can Best Promote Health and Wellness
Date Added: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Healthy Communities, Parks & Recreation    
State: Not Applicable
The Trust for Public Land conducted a study and determined that in order for a park system to poster mental and physical well-being, it must be used by the public. The professionals in the fields of public and mental health, parks and recreation, landscape architecture, and urban planning discussed and analyzed park elements such as trails, sports fields, playgrounds, drinking fountains, restrooms, and other facilities, and how they are provided, promoted, and signed. The professionals also considered important variables external to the parks s.. Read More

Comprehensive Planning for Public Health: Results of Planning and Community Health Research Survey
Date Added: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Healthy Communities, Equity    
State: Not Applicable
The American Planning Association devised a guide to reduce health inequities amongst communities. The guide states that careful designing, implementation strategies and individual or community resources can be used to reduce these health inequities. The guide is organized into four major points; “incorporating health equity into foundational skills for public health, maximizing tobacco-free living strategies to advance health equity, maximizing healthy food and beverage strategies and maximizing active living strategies to advance health equit.. Read More

Economic Development and Redevelopment: A Toolkit on Land Use and Health
Date Added: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Economic Development, Healthy Communities    
State: Not Applicable
The Economic Development and Redevelopment Toolkit was designed to improve low-income community access to food by providing a fundamental understanding of economic development and redevelopment and how these tools can provide opportunities to increase food retailing in the community. These economic development strategies breakdown the type of economic revitalization based on business attractions, physical redevelopment and the community members. The toolkit discusses the advantages and challenges of specific food systems, including, supermarke.. Read More

Health & Green Infrastructure
Date Added: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Healthy Communities, Low Impact Development & Green Infrastructure    
State: Not Applicable
The three pillars of sustainability (economy, environment, and equity) provide a useful framework for understanding the health benefits of green infrastructure. This report provides examples of how green infrastructure promotes health through all three pillars, and provides explanations, examples, and best practices for each pillar. .. Read More

Health and Planning Roundtable
Date Added: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Healthy Communities    
This article discusses how the Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association is has focused on improving policies to advance community public health on the state-level and local-level. The Oregon American Planning Association is working with health-related organizations, such as the Centers for Disease Control and the American Public Health Association, to improve health through planning practices. In Oregon currently, at the state-level, there is limited mention of the built environment’s impact on health. At the local-level, in places l.. Read More
Health and Planning Roundtable
Date Added: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Healthy Communities    
This article discusses how the Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association is has focused on improving policies to advance community public health on the state-level and local-level. The Oregon American Planning Association is working with health-related organizations, such as the Centers for Disease Control and the American Public Health Association, to improve health through planning practices. In Oregon currently, at the state-level, there is limited mention of the built environment’s impact on health. At the local-level, in places l.. Read More

Health in the Development Review Process
Date Added: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Healthy Communities    
State: Not Applicable
This article discusses how design strategies of roads, buildings and public can be used to incorporate health. The document is split into four sections which discuss the detailed direction on how communities can consider their individuals must take into account the specific needs of the environment and what direction planners must take to generate a healthy community. The first section discusses how a community can use their comprehensive plan to envision and ensure healthy lifestyles by incorporating the importance of health into the planning .. Read More

Healthy Plan Making (APA)
Date Added: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Healthy Communities    
State: Not Applicable
This document lays out a chart discussing important methods of integrating public health practices into comprehensive plans. Based on a study in 2010 by the American Planning Association, the organization generated a list of strategies used in the planning process to integrate public health. The major components of the list include community engagement, active living, emergency preparedness, environmental health, food and nutrition, public services and social cohesion and mental health. The document also provides examples of places where these .. Read More

Plan4Health Active Living (APA)
Date Added: Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Pedestrian Oriented Design (POD), Transportation & Land Use Planning, Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
State: Not Applicable
The Plan4Health American Planning Association Project released a report on Active Living. The Plan4Health coalition considers how the build environment supports or hinders active living (incorporating physical activity into everyday activities). The toolkit provides several resources to help communities incorporate active living principles into their community planning. This report also provides examples of communities who have best practices regarding bike-friendly businesses, smart trips (framework encouraging people to reduce solo trips and .. Read More

Safe Routes to Parks (APA)
Date Added: Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Parks & Recreation    
State: Not Applicable
Access to green space and open space is important for personal health and well-being. This fact sheet provides city and regional planners resources to help foster an environment that establishes safe routes to parks. The APA provides outlines of plans, policies, and strategies that planners can pursue and provides examples of communities with safe routes to parks. .. Read More

Establishing Land Use Protections for Community Gardens
Date Added: Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Urban Farming & Community Gardens    
State: Not Applicable
Local governments are promoting healthy eating and active living by supporting community gardens, which are spaces where community residents can gather to cultivate different crops. Planning for Healthy Places, which is a Public Health Law & Policy, has created a set of complementary model land use policy to help communities, specifically in California, create and preserve community gardens. This resource provides examples of communities that have existing laws and policies promoting community gardens and other resources that provide helpful in.. Read More
Establishing Land Use Protections for Community Gardens
Date Added: Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Urban Farming & Community Gardens    
State: Not Applicable
Local governments are promoting healthy eating and active living by supporting community gardens, which are spaces where community residents can gather to cultivate different crops. Planning for Healthy Places, which is a Public Health Law & Policy, has created a set of complementary model land use policy to help communities, specifically in California, create and preserve community gardens. This resource provides examples of communities that have existing laws and policies promoting community gardens and other resources that provide helpful in.. Read More

General Plans and Zoning: A toolkit for building healthy, vibrant communities
Date Added: Thursday, July 19, 2018
Land Use Planning, Healthy Communities, Zoning    
State: Not Applicable
This resource is helpful for communities to look to see how zoning and public health relate. There is an overlap between public health and zoning. On page 135, the City of Berkley provides an example of zoning for food access. It discusses how local zoning and land use law influenced the city to cater to the needs of the town and push for a grocery store offering affordable fresh foods. When motivating community residents to speak for the needs of their fellow neighbors and quality of food access, projects get completed. This document also dis.. Read More

Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing    
California’s Statewide Hotels-to-Housing Initiative: Homekey is a California statewide program that allocated $846 million of federal CARES Act CRF funds, state funds, and philanthropic money to support acquiring hotels, motels, and other properties to be converted into housing for the homeless during Covid-19 with the goal that the majority of units will become permanent housing. Through an application process open to local public entities– including cities, counties, housing authorities, and federally recognized tribal governments–6,066 units.. Read More
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing    
California’s Statewide Hotels-to-Housing Initiative: Homekey is a California statewide program that allocated $846 million of federal CARES Act CRF funds, state funds, and philanthropic money to support acquiring hotels, motels, and other properties to be converted into housing for the homeless during Covid-19 with the goal that the majority of units will become permanent housing. Through an application process open to local public entities– including cities, counties, housing authorities, and federally recognized tribal governments–6,066 units.. Read More
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing    
California’s Statewide Hotels-to-Housing Initiative: Homekey is a California statewide program that allocated $846 million of federal CARES Act CRF funds, state funds, and philanthropic money to support acquiring hotels, motels, and other properties to be converted into housing for the homeless during Covid-19 with the goal that the majority of units will become permanent housing. Through an application process open to local public entities– including cities, counties, housing authorities, and federally recognized tribal governments–6,066 units.. Read More
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing    
California’s Statewide Hotels-to-Housing Initiative: Homekey is a California statewide program that allocated $846 million of federal CARES Act CRF funds, state funds, and philanthropic money to support acquiring hotels, motels, and other properties to be converted into housing for the homeless during Covid-19 with the goal that the majority of units will become permanent housing. Through an application process open to local public entities– including cities, counties, housing authorities, and federally recognized tribal governments–6,066 units.. Read More