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Search Results

City of New Britain: Principles For Transit-Oriented Development
Date Added: Friday, July 17, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
This station area planning study provides an in-depth explanation of Transit Oriented Development (TOD), its role in municipal land use policy and its general principles. The study was developed for the City of New Britain to assess the existing conditions of the city’s Cedar and East Street Stations and provide design and development recommendations. The report contains detailed maps and visual representations of typical development and proposed development that can be used to assist communities in their own development planning... Read More
Town of Orangetown Comprehensive Plan
Date Added: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Comprehensive Planning    
New York
The Comprehensive Plan outlines the current conditions in Orangetown, and describes what changes will take place under the new plan. Current land uses are discussed in relations to the roads that service them. Housing types and densities are given, and land use goals and objectives for different districts are described... Read More
Creating Great Neighborhoods: Density in Your Community
Date Added: Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Mixed/Multiple Use, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Parking, Density    
State: Not Applicable
U.S. Federal
Density is a key factor in in the success of smart growth and can often be opposed by communities because poorly designed density adds to public frustration. This report emphasizes the importance of a balanced perspective when considering how density should be created and what it should look like. To assist communities in achieving a balanced perspective, the report explains the benefits of density in a community, provides case studies of the success of well-designed density, and design principles that can be applied by local communities to suc.. Read More
City of Arnold Floodplain Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Floodplain Regulations    
Arnold has very specific and stringent regulations for all construction in the Meramec and Mississippi River floodplains below 420 feet above sea level which range from permit requirements to enforcement provisions. In addition, the lowest floor of all floodplain construction must be elevated to at least three feet above the base flood elevation and in the floodways encroachments shall not result in any increase in flood levels during occurrence of the base flood discharge. Although not part of the ordinances, Arnold has a very aggressive buyou.. Read More
Town of Brookhaven Right to Farm Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Right-to-Farm, Farmland Protection & Preservation    
New York
The Right to Farm ordinance is a legislative intent acknowledging the importance of agricultural production to the Town’s character, environment, and economy, and defines protected farm practices. Food production, horticultural products, livestock, maple syrup, honey, horses, tree farms, and aquaculture products, are permitted to happen at all times without exception. This ordinance promises that it will advise developers against projects that are located within 1,000 feet of a farm, within an agricultural district or are working around an a.. Read More
Town of Bedford Aquifer Protection Zone
Date Added: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Aquifer Protection    
New York
In order to protect groundwater quality, this ordinance gives specific allowances for the amount of sewage flow a specific type of dwelling can produce, and restricts certain activities in the aquifer zone, such as dry-cleaning, photo processing, auto service, and hazardous waste and septic sludge storage and disposal. Activities such as using road salt and deicing material require a special permit. .. Read More
City of Springfield Aquifer Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Aquifer Protection    
The provisions of this article are designed to regulate the drilling of wells so that the city may prevent potential hazards to the water quality, and to provide procedures whereby the city may take steps to protect the public health and welfare, including notification for abatement of hazardous situations, prescribing penalties for violation of this article, and prescribing procedures by which the provisions of this article may be executed. .. Read More
Town of Croton-on-Hudson Environmental Compliance Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Environmental Compliance    
New York
This ordinance creates the position of an environmental consultant empowered to monitor new development to ensure that it is being complete in full compliance with the Town’s environmental protection laws. .. Read More
Iowa City Sensitive Areas Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Comprehensive Planning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The Sensitive Areas Ordinance (14-6K-1) was created to implement the environmental policies of the city’s comprehensive plan. It defines the reasonable use of properties which contain environmentally sensitive features. Sensitive features include wetlands, fully hydric soils, prairies remnants one acre or larger, stream corridors, archeological sites, steep slopes (18-24%), critical slopes (25-39%), protected slopes (40%+), and woodlands greater than or equal to 2 acres... Read More
City of Overland Park Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Erosion & Sedimentation Control    
This Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance is designed to provide minimum requirements for the control of erosion and sediment resulting from development. It applies to all land disturbances that require a permit. The principles behind the ordinance include minimizing soil exposure, retaining sediments onsite, and using performance measures and outcomes. Requirements include: a time requirement that limits soil exposure to no more than 21 consecutive days if there is site inactivity; Erosion and Sediment Control Plan written by a Kansas State .. Read More
Town of Poughkeepsie Greenway Connections
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Comprehensive Planning    
New York
The New York State Hudson River Valley Greenway Act of 1991provides economic and technical assistance to communities within the Greenway area, the 13 counties that border the Hudson River and the 242 municipalities within them, who voluntarily adopt a regional planning compact. The Greenway Act also gives incentives to municipalities that join county Greenway compacts. The option to participate in a county compact preserves local decision-making authority. The Dutchess County Department of Planning and Development, in 2000, created “Greenwa.. Read More
County of New Castle Environment First Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Erosion & Sedimentation Control    
The Environment First amendments to the Unified Development Code (UDC), were introduced May 13, 2003. They tighten up the already strict and thorough regulations of the UDC, which includes Article 23: Landscaping, Trees, and Erosion. The Environment First amendments strengthen the riparian buffer requirements in order to dissipate the velocity of runoff and control erosion, requires stormwater management and grading efforts to use green technology best management practices and to maintain non-erosive velocities of runoff and allows herbaceous v.. Read More
Township of Readington Open Space Trust Fund
Date Added: Monday, October 17, 2016
Land Acquisition, Open Space Preservation    
New Jersey
This ordinance authorizes the creation of an open space fund into which the dedication of $.02 per $100 of assessed valuation of annual taxes. The funds are to be used for the acquisition of open space. The fund also permits the acceptance of donations and testamentary bequests to this fund. .. Read More
New York State Town Law: § 271. Town Planning Board, Creation & Appointment
Date Added: Thursday, March 2, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
New York
This law describes the creation and appointment procedures for Planning Boards in Towns located in New York State. The law specifies such things as: what persons are eligible for positions on the Planning Boards, what the term of service should be for these positions, the size of the Boards, and the voting procedures. .. Read More
Village of Port Chester Waterfront Consistency Review Law
Date Added: Thursday, April 13, 2017
Local Environmental Law, Waterfront Revitalization    
New York
The purpose of Port Chester’s Waterfront Consistency Review Law is to provide consistent review procedures in the coastal area. It creates a waterfront commission, the duties of which include reviewing Coastal Assessment Forms (CAF) to determine whether proposed actions are consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) by incorporating environmental factors and consideration of coastal resources into the village planning and decision-making processes... Read More
City of Greensboro Repairing Buildings for Human Inhabitation Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, April 15, 2017
Vacant & Distressed Properties    
North Carolina
The North Carolina Legislature enacted a statute for the City of Greensboro allowing the local legislature to assign a public officer authority to serve complaints upon the owner/party in interest of homes that do not meet the minimum standards of their housing code. Before issuing a complaint, the public officer must be notified by at least five residents of the breach of the housing code. The complaint shall notify that owner/party in interest that they have 10-30 days to schedule a public meeting, and that they have the right to file an an.. Read More
City of Peoria Desert Lands Conservation Overlay
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Overlay District, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The Desert Lands Conservation Overlay (DLCO) of the City of Peoria is designed to protect desert hillsides in the City from development. It seeks to protect the sensitive habitats of the Sonoran Desert found in Peoria by providing controls for the development of desert conservation features such as ridges and peaks, major rock outcrops, critical wildlife habitat corridors, washes and riparian habitats... Read More
Town of Brookhaven Moratorium on Development of Substandard Parcels
Date Added: Friday, April 28, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Moratoria    
New York
Chapter 17C of the Town Code for the Town of Brookhaven creates a moratorium halting construction on substandard parcels (lot width of less than 60 feet or a lot area of less than 6,000 square feet) until the Board completes planning studies to enact comprehensive zoning changes. Though, there are exceptions for work in progress and hardship as described below. The moratorium is based on a desire for comprehensive planning and smart growth for the present and the future. .. Read More
Town of Brookhaven Moratorium on Telecommunications Facilities
Date Added: Friday, April 28, 2017
Communications, Comprehensive Planning, Moratoria, Smart Growth    
New York
Chapter 17 of the Town Code for the Town of Brookhaven places a moratorium on telecommunications facilities (cell phone, mobile phone or wireless phone antenna towers) until a comprehensive plan is developed. The town’s purpose is to insure the installation of the towers and facilities in a manner that is expeditious, maximizes services, and benefits the community, while simultaneously minimizing adverse visual impacts and reducing the potential for adverse physical damage to adjacent properties... Read More
Town of Brookhaven Neighborhood Preservation Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Quality of Life, Urban Renewal    
New York
Chapter 82 if the Town Code for the Town of Brookhaven is aimed at preserving aesthetic integrity of residential neighborhoods, preventing neighborhood blight, protecting residential property values, encouraging residential property maintenance and enhancing the quality of life in residential neighborhoods. .. Read More
City of Fargo Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative
Date Added: Sunday, August 28, 2016
Incentive Zoning    
North Dakota
The Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRI) is an effort in Fargo to encourage growth in the city center. The program offers economic incentives for residents to move into older single-family homes in the downtown area instead of developing on the City’s fringe. The incentives to develop an older home include low interest loans, child care assistance and gap financing (Stein 2003)... Read More
City of Boise Foothills Planned Development Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, August 28, 2016
Incentive Zoning    
The Foothills Planned Unit Development (PUD) ordinance is a subsection of the PUD ordinance, the purpose of which is to implement the residential subdivision density aspects of the city’s Foothills Policy Plan. It defines the type of subdivision and zoning allowed in the Foothills Planning Area by enabling a “density bonus” technique that allows the trade of density for open space, as long as the trading land is less than 25% slope and greater than 1 acre. The density trade element also provides for sensitive areas such as wildlife corridors,.. Read More
City of San Diego Land Development Manual: Storm Water Standards
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Floodplain Regulations, Stormwater Management    
This ordinance is designed as a manual for selection, design, and incorporation of storm water Best Management Practices (BMPs) into the project’s design plan. It requires identification of pollutants of concern from land use activities and pollutants and conditions of concern in receiving waters. The manual additionally requires pollution prevention throughout. One example is pollution prevention through pest control in the design of a site to avoid pesticide application... Read More
City of Arnold Floodplain Management Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Floodplain Regulations    
Arnold has very specific and stringent regulations for all construction in the Meramec and Mississippi River floodplains below 420 feet above sea level which range from permit requirements to enforcement provisions. In addition, the lowest floor of all floodplain construction must be elevated to at least three feet above the base flood elevation and in the floodways encroachments shall not result in any increase in flood levels during occurrence of the base flood discharge. Although not part of the ordinances, Arnold has a very aggressive buyou.. Read More
City of Tampa Upland Habitat Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Overlay District, Wildlife & Fish Habitat    
The Upland Habitat Protection Ordinance was designed to protect the xeric and mesic plant communities and wildlife habitat in Tampa. The ordinance achieves this by establishing an overlay district and requiring plan approval before the commencement of development within the district... Read More
State of New York Coordination with Agricultural Districts Program
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Agriculture, Farmland Protection & Preservation    
New York
This law states that local governments shall not pass rules or regulations that unreasonably restrict farm structures or practices unless they bear a direct relationship to public health and safety. Any application for development in an agricultural zone, or within five hundred feet of one, must include an agricultural data statement that the developer must send to the town board, planning board, or zoning board of appeals, as well as to the owner of the agricultural property. .. Read More
Town of Brookhaven Agricultural Advisory Board Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Local Boards, Agriculture, Farmland Protection & Preservation    
New York
Brookhaven’s Agricultural Advisory Board ordinance allows for the creation of an 11-member advisory board. The board, comprised of local residents from the agricultural community and community-based organizations interested in land preservation and agriculture, makes recommendations to the town board about the implementation of an Agricultural Use Agreement Program and the use of agricultural easements as land use planning and preservation tools. .. Read More
County of Westchester Model Conservation Easement
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Open Space Preservation    
New York
This conservation easement is a model that demonstrates the necessary elements of a conservation easement. There is an introductory commentary written by the Westchester Land Trust that explains some of the key provisions that are necessary in the terms of the agreement. There are also explanations of key elements and requirements particular to New York. This sample is discussed in the commentary Conservation Easements & Land Trusts: Overview, Examples and their Role in the Development Process, written by Sam Brown... Read More
Town of Mamaroneck Coastal Zone Management Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Coastal Protection, Intermunicipal Agreements    
New York
The purpose of this statute is to establish the Coastal Zone Management Commission to monitor and coordinate the implementation of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program of the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont. According to this statute, the Commission must consist of 11 members (five residents of Larchmont appointed by the Village of Larchmont, five residents of the unincorporated area of Mamaroneck appointed by the Town of Mamaroneck, and 1 chair appointed by both municipalities). Members must serve without compensation... Read More
Town of Mamaroneck Erosion & Sediment Control Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Flood Prevention, Quality of Life, Stormwater Management, Watershed Protection    
New York
The intent of the enactment of the below regulations is to control and regulate land-disturbing activities to assure that best management practices are used which minimize water pollution, retain valuable topsoil and vegetation and prevent flooding, erosion and sedimentation. The Town therefore declares that the purpose of this chapter is to safeguard persons, protect property, prevent damage to the environment and promote the public welfare by guiding, regulating and controlling the design, construction, use and maintenance of any development .. Read More
Town of Brookhaven Wetland Overlay District Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Coastal Protection, Development Standards, Overlay District, Site Design Standards, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
Increasing demand for development on property containing wetlands and surface waters may adversely impact and impair such natural resources. This statute creates an overlay district to protect property containing such resources. This statute uses Chapter 81 of the Town Code, Articles 24 and 25 of the New York Environmental Conservation Law, and maps drawn by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to determine what areas should be considered wetlands, buffer zones, etc. and protected in the overlay district. This statute .. Read More
Town of Cortlandt Steep Slopes Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Steep Slope Protection, Zoning, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
This law recognizes the importance that the future development of land has on the Town of Cortlandt, and focuses on steep slopes in particular as they demand a higher degree of environmental sensitivity. Chapter 259 of the Town Code of Cortlandt establishes regulations which prevent improper disturbance or alteration of steep slopes. The purpose legislature was not to restrict general development in the town but to protect natural resources and preserve the visual and environmental character of the land. .. Read More
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Telecommunications Towers Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Communications, Site Design Standards    
New York
The Village of Croton-on-Hudson seeks to establish predictable and balanced regulations for the sitting and screening of various personnel wireless service antennas, towers, and accessory structures in order to accommodate the growth of such systems within the Village, while protecting the public against any adverse impacts on resources, avoiding the potential damage to adjacent properties for tower failure through structural standards and setback requirements, and reducing the number of towers needed to serve the community by maximizing the us.. Read More
State of New York Environmental Quality Review Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Environmental Impact Review Requirements, Local Boards, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
This law mandates that agencies within the state to require that an environmental impact statement be filed with them, before any person or business undertakes a project which may have potentially adverse environmental consequences. The law also describes the procedures for filing the impact statements and reviewing them. .. Read More
Town of Greenburgh Protection of Steep Slopes Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Steep Slope Protection, Watershed Protection, Drinking Water Protection & Conservation    
New York
The purpose of Chapter 245 of Greenburgh’s Town Code is to prevent erosion and sedimentation, including loss of topsoil, and protection of the water quality. Through this chapter, the Town also seeks to minimize the development of hilltops and ridgelines wherever possible. .. Read More
Town of Greenburgh Wetlands & Watercourses Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Nonconforming Uses, Sewage Management, Drinking Water Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
Chapter 28 of the Town Code for the Town of Greenburgh addresses legislative findings that indicate the importance of protection, preservation, proper maintenance and proper use of the community’s ponds, lakes, reservoirs, water bodies, rivers, streams, watercourses, wetlands, natural drainage systems and adjacent land areas from encroachment, spoiling, pollution or elimination. The law also states the town’s policy of preventing the despoliation and destruction of wetlands and watercourse while taking into account varying ecological, water q.. Read More
Town of Big Flats Aquifer Protection Overlay District Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Aquifer Protection, Overlay District, Zoning, Drinking Water Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
This ordinance is designed to protect the local drinking water in the interest of public health and safety. The town is creating an Aquifer Protection Overlay District (APOD) to create districts in which certain uses of water are permitted. There are also various uses of water that are and are not permitted which vary by the districts that are set forth in the ordinance... Read More
Town of Newtown Zoning Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Agriculture, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Farmland Protection & Preservation    
The town of Newtown created a conservation and agriculture zone, which, in part, is focused on the retention of agriculture as a beneficial industry within the town. No land or structure within the zone may be altered except for the purposes of natural resource conservation or farming... Read More
New York State Town Law – Board of Appeals Procedure Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Local Boards, Zoning    
New York
This statute establishes the procedure that the Zoning Board of Appeals is required to follow. The procedure includes holding meetings that are open to the public and requiring the minutes of the meetings to become public record. The statute also establishes the appellate jurisdiction of the Zoning Board of Appeals and creates the procedure and time requirements for appeals to be filed... Read More
Town of Erwin Viewshed Protection Overlay District
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Overlay District, Ridgeline Protection, Scenic Resources    
New York
This law provides a very detailed set of regulations with the primary purpose of protecting the viewshed and natural beauty of the town... Read More
City of Lindsborg Design Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Thursday, September 7, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
In Lindsborg’s Code of Ordinances, the City has created certain design requirements for all zoning districts to adhere to. Within these design requirements, Lindsborg aims to encourage, where appropriate, the “conservation of energy through the use of both passive and active solar systems.” In order to accommodate solar design, the City requires that streets in residential subdivisions have an east-west alignment when possible. Lindsborg also permits a subdivider to grant or establish a solar skyspace easement to protect solar energy systems fr.. Read More
Planning for Active Transportation - Bicycles and Pedestrians
Date Added: Thursday, April 12, 2018
Healthy Communities, Transportation Demand Management, Complete Streets    
New York
A particular element of Buffalo, New York’s Comprehensive Plan 2030 is to redesign and repurpose their transportation network. Their goal is to promote transportation policies and projects that will help create an economically and environmentally healthy region, reverse current negative economic, land use, social and demographic trends, foster growth in areas with existing infrastructure, and promote equitable services for all residents. In the first four years of the program, there are over 40 projects aimed at upgrading existing infrastru.. Read More
Infrastructure Upgrades and Multi-Modal Transportation
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Transportation Demand Management, Complete Streets    
New York
A particular element of Buffalo, New York’s Comprehensive Plan 2030 is to redesign and repurpose their transportation network. Their goal is to promote transportation policies and projects that will help create an economically and environmentally healthy region, reverse current negative economic, land use, social and demographic trends, foster growth in areas with existing infrastructure, and promote equitable services for all residents. In the first four years of the program, there are over 40 projects aimed at upgrading existing infrastru.. Read More
Promoting Public Transportation
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Smart Growth    
New York
As part of their plan to overhaul their transportation network, Buffalo plans to use mixed-use corridor development and other land use policies that complement and promote the use of public transit options, reducing dependency on individual automobiles and parking. This plan works well with their established public transit options which they can build and improve upon to complement the mixed-use development in a symbiotic fashion. One of their biggest projects in their 2030 plans is implementation of high quality public transit between downtown.. Read More