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Search Results
City of San Antonio Aquifer Recharge Zone and Watershed Protection
Date Added: Wednesday, October 14, 2015Aquifer Protection, Watershed Protection
San Antonio establishes its Aquifer Recharge Zone and Watershed Protection law in order to meet its “goal of nondegradation which maintains or improves the quality of water entering the Edwards Aquifer.” Persons wishing to develop in the recharge zone must submit a lengthy application that details the features of the property, creates plans for sediment control, drainage, and maintenance, details the activities that will take place on the property, and sets up required monitoring and performance requirements as provided by the law...
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City of Columbia Land Preservation Act
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Stormwater Management, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation
The Columbia Code of Ordinance Land Preservation Act protects people and land by taking action to control stormwater runoff through regulating disturbances, preserving trees, and controlling stormwater drainage. ..
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The Jefferson County Farmland Protection Program
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016Farmland Protection & Preservation
West Virginia
This county farmland protection plan offers provisions for land acquisition and the purchase of conservation easements based on a system of prioritization to determine the allocation of funds...
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County of Kent Comprehensive Plan Update
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016Comprehensive Planning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation
Chapter 7 of Kent County’s Comprehensive Plan discusses various areas of importance and recommends general guidelines for protection of these areas. Included is discussions of the importance of the preservation of wetlands, beaches and shorelines, coastal areas, and stormwater managements, as well as information regarding more specific areas such as the Silver Lake Watershed. ..
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City of Las Vegas Landscaping Ordinance: Turf Limitation
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016Water Conservation
The City of Las Vegas Landscaping code includes a section limiting area that may be covered with turf in order to reduce irrigation requirements in the water limited desert of Nevada. Turf limitations range from 25% to 50% of landscapable land on a parcel that may be planted with turf based on the type of development. The remaining cover is to be water efficient landscaping. ..
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Village of Long Grove Conservancy Districts Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016Conservation Districts & Subdivisions
This ordinance is meant to act as a supplement to already existing zoning regulations to create conservation districts. Within these districts, additional protection will be afforded to protect against the degradation of the environment through such things as erosion, flooding, deforestation, and pollution...
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City of Mandeville Comprehensive Land Use Regulation Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016Comprehensive Planning, Land Use Planning, Zoning
Adopted in 1993 and last updated in June 2002, this very extensive comprehensive plan serves as the zoning ordinance for the city. ..
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City of Mapleton Critical Environmental Zone Clustering
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016Clustering & Cluster Development
The Mapleton City Critical Environmental Zone includes an allowance for cluster zoning when such zoning will improve ridgeline protection, decrease or not increase environmental hazards, and decrease the cost of infrastructure to the city. While the overall allowed density is not increased, dwellings that have been approved for clustering are allowed an increase in density from one dwelling per three acres to one dwelling per acre. Designed open space in approved cluster development may be owned by the city or an approved non-profit. ..
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Agricultural Residential Zone for Readington Township in Hunterdon County
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016Clustering & Cluster Development
New Jersey
Readington Township passed this Agricultural Residential Zone Ordinance to preserve open space and farmland. This ordinance requires that within the designated Agricultural Residential (AR) zone, any lots over 40 acres must be developed as 1.5 acre open space clusters. Land tracts that are 30 acres or greater adjacent to deed restricted farmland or open space within the AR zone must also be developed as 1.5 open space clusters. ..
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City of Santa Fe Terrain and Stormwater Management Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Stormwater Management
New Mexico
The Santa Fe Terrain and Stormwater Management Ordinance is designed to help capture stormwater and increase its infiltration in order to reduce substantial erosion hazards due to uncontrolled runoff, and to conserve and capture water resources. There are exemptions for development meeting such standards as less than 1000 SF of land disturbance and on slopes less than 10%. The ordinance provides for minimum grading standards, soil engineering reports if over 1,000 cubic yards of earth is moved, and the use of BMPs during construction. There are..
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Town of Somers Planned Hamlet (PH) District
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016Comprehensive Planning, Zoning
New York
The Town of Somers created the Planned Hamlet (PH) District pursuant to its Comprehensive Master Plan, to provide the opportunity and encouragement for the creation of a village-like development cluster containing a combination of housing, jobs and other nonresidential uses linked to, and supportive of, neighboring retail shopping areas. This ordinance sets forth the principal and accessory uses in the district, the approvals process, and the design guidelines applied in the district...
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County of Kane Stormwater Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 13, 2016Floodplain Regulations, Stormwater Management
Kane County implements a number of interesting floodplain regulations including regulating depressional storage, which is often beyond the regulatory floodplain. Furthermore, the County requires compensatory storage for activities within the floodplain and the BFE requirements are for 2 and 3 feet in most areas. The ordinance can be found at:
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Town of Hailey Outdoor Lighting Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, January 19, 2017Lighting
New York
In June of 2002, the town of Hailey adopted a local ordinance requiring the reduction of nighttime lighting, to “protect and reclaim the ability to view the night sky.” The law regulates light pollution by requiring outdoor lighting to shine downward only, and by regulating the illuminance or brightness level. Energy conservation and the ability to view the night sky are the primary environmental benefits. All residents and businesses must comply with the regulation within 1-3 years of its adoption. There has been little controversy, if any..
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Village of Port Chester New York Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals Training
Date Added: Wednesday, March 15, 2017Local Boards, Local Governance
New York
This law requires that the members of the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals, for the Village of Port Chester, meet mandatory training and attendance requirements, in order to ensure that these members understand the authority given to them, and have the request knowledge of land use law in order to apply their power appropriately. ..
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Town of East Haddam Temporary Subdivision Moratorium
Date Added: Wednesday, April 12, 2017Moratoria, Subdivision Approvals
This ordinance temporarily stops subdivision development so the town Zoning and Planning Commission can review and revise subdivision regulations to ensure that development and land-use patterns in the town are compatible with environmental protection goals- specifically the prevention of further fragmentation of forests and preservation of habitats...
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Licking Township Sewage Sludge Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017Sewage Management
This ordinance from Licking Township, Clarion County, Pennsylvania requires that each ton of sewage sludge intended for land application be tested to prove that the levels of pollutants, pathogens, and vector attractants that are listed in the Pennsylvania Municipal Waste Regulations have not been exceeded. The township is concerned regarding potential harmful effects to its residents and local environment. A tipping fee is levied to pay for the collection and testing of truckload samples. This ordinance also requires that any type of sludge..
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Promoting Enhanced Bicycle Infrastructure
Date Added: Wednesday, June 20, 2018Economic Development, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Healthy Communities
Grand Rapids, Michigan has created legislation to improve existing bike paths and install new bike paths that accommodate recreational trips as well as trips to work, shopping and school. The goal of this legislation is to meet the City’s plan to make 10% of all regional travel made on bicycle. Limiting dependency on cars has manifold benefits: serves those without the capacity to drive (senior and minors); reduces congestion and time spent commuting; reduced land consumption through roadways and parking; tax re-allocation from roadways; improv..
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Town of North Castle Tree Preservation Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, April 13, 2017Open Space Preservation, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation
New York
The Town of North Castle finds and declares that the preservation of trees as defined below is necessary to protect the quality of life in the Town of North Castle because trees provide shade, impede soil erosion, aid water absorption and retention, inhibit excess runoff and flooding, and enhance the community in various other ways. ..
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Town of Duck Rebuilding & Reconstruction; Damaging Storms Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017Coastal Protection, Sea Level Rise Adaptation
North Carolina
The Town of Duck, on North Carolina’s Outer Banks, is a coastal community that has adapted local regulations implementing the State’s Coastal Areas Management Act of 1974. The Act encourages cooperative land use planning between the state and local governments and is the State’s policy that “adequate plans for post-disaster reconstruction should be prepared by and coordinated between all levels of government prior to the advent of a disaster.” The town of Duck created a short-term building moratorium to allow the community time to assess dama..
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City of Malibu Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan – Shoreline & Bluff Development
Date Added: Saturday, April 15, 2017Development Standards, Sea Level Rise Adaptation
The City of Malibu requires the design and siting of all new shoreline development and shoreline protective devices to consider anticipated accelerated sea level rise. The City requires that new development be sufficiently set back and elevated to minimize to the maximum extent feasible hazards associated with anticipated sea level rise over the expected one-hundred year economic life of the structure. All applications for new beach or bluff-top development must include an engineering analysis of coastal hazards, including future projections ..
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City of Sanibel Natural Resources Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, April 16, 2017Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation
Sanibel officials and local conservationists are concerned about the introduction of invasive exotic vegetation to the island’s fragile ecosystem. Exotic species out-compete native vegetation, creating undesirable monocultures and altering the ecological character of the island. In order to curb the introduction of exotic species, this ordinance prohibits planting specific plant species known to be invasive...
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Town of Brighton Stormwater Management Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017Stormwater Management, Watershed Protection
New York
This ordinance is intended to allow for the redesign of the drainage system in order to protect the residents from the dangers of stormwater runoff. There are requirements for where the drain patterns may lie and a hydraulic design will be used for the watershed. There are also provisions on how to improve the previous damages from stormwater runoff. ..
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Town of Brighton Subdivision Regulations Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017Environmental Compliance, Stormwater Management, Subdivision Regulations, Watershed Protection
New York
The town of Brighton, New York, requires developers to create and submit a separate drainage report in the preliminary plat when applying for subdivision approval. The drainage report includes calculations for runoff and pipe and channel sizing, will clearly indicate the disposal and flood hazard preventions and how all runoff will be handled during grading and development operations, and erosion and sedimentation prevention measures. Further, the stormwater mitigation facilities shall be as specified in the Town of Brighton Minimum Specificati..
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County of Douglas Environmental Overlay District Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017Overlay District
The ordinance establishes environmental overlay districts in order to protect the groundwater and wetlands of the community. Activities having the potential to impact the groundwater or wetlands are regulated, including the lot size for new homes which will require a septic tank or septic field, chemical or petroleum storage tanks, and any development within 100 feet of a wetlands area. The districts are marked on the town’s Zoning maps. ..
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City of Clayton Overlay Zoning Districts Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017Overlay District
The overlay zoning districts enable Clayton to make zoning districts that are identified by geographical characteristics. Overlay zoning district boundary maps define the limits to overlay districts, and the CBD is intended to promote pedestrian friendly commercial centers...
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Town of Mamaroneck Tree Cutting Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, April 17, 2017Tree Preservation & Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation
New York
Chapter 207 of the Town Code for the Town of Mamaroneck seeks to correct barren and unsightly conditions caused by the destruction or damage to shade, ornamental and evergreen trees and plants and the indiscriminate and excessive cutting of these trees in subdivisions and on private property. This Chapter sets out regulations on the removal of trees...
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City of Apple Valley Natural Resources Management Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, April 17, 2017Natural Resource Protection & Conservation
This broad natural resource management ordinance attempts to “protect, preserve, and enhance the natural resources and environment.” It forces the collection of data on the parcel in question and mandates low impact and best practices which preserve water quality, wetlands, trees, an reduce soil erosion among other issues...
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City of Nampa Corridor Beautification Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, January 19, 2017Landscaping
New York
In response to an increasing number of businesses that directly abutted thoroughfares in Nampa without any landscaping to buffer their appearance, Nampa initiated the idea of a corridor beautification ordinance. The ordinance requires land between the front of properties and a road to be fully landscaped from a select list of trees and shrubs. It is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain the landscaping. One of the main goals of the ordinance is to present an appealing image to people traveling in the city, and to reduce heat, no..
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Town of Old Saybrook Participation in the Connecticut River Estuary Planning Agency
Date Added: Monday, September 19, 2016Intermunicipal Agreements
This ordinance joins the town to the Connecticut River Estuary regional planning organization, which under the CT River Gate Way Commission sets minimum environmental standards to reduce the impacts of development within the Connecticut River Estuary for nine member towns...
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Tahoe Region Bonus Unit Incentive Program
Date Added: Saturday, April 22, 2017Incentive Zoning
State: Not Applicable
Regional Planning Entity
The Tahoe Regional Planning Authority Bonus Unit Incentive Program encourages the provision of environmental services to the Tahoe region, which may include land conservation and protection, regional smart growth infrastructure, habitat restoration, public recreation opportunities, and reduced land cover, in return for additional units for a residential or tourist accommodation project. The program grants additional residential units or tourist accommodation units based on a point system rewarded for mitigation measures to the region above and ..
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City of Wilmington Mixed Use District Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, August 28, 2016Incentive Zoning, Mixed/Multiple Use
North Carolina
This ordinance provides for the granting of density bonuses for various environmental improvements, transportation enhancements, affordable housing, preservation of historic resources and improvement of pedestrian facilities. The more significant the community benefit, the greater the bonus awarded. ..
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City of Fayetteville Redevelopment Standards & Incentives Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, August 28, 2016Incentive Zoning
The Redevelopment District regulation provides incentives for redeveloping an already developed site, rather than on pristine land. It provides density bonuses and waivers of impact fees in order to encourage redevelopment of blighted areas and compatible development...
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City of Orlando Density and Intensity Bonuses
Date Added: Sunday, August 28, 2016Incentive Zoning
Density and intensity bonuses are available for development in office, mixed-use corridor, and activity center districts in order to provide incentives for infill and redevelopment and to reduce travel distance and promote energy conservation by limiting urban sprawl. Such development must provide connections to public transit and enhance bicycle and pedestrian accessibility. The ordinance also incorporates a transportation linkage incentive that allows reduction of the minimum required intensity in exchange for contributions to a city transpo..
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Proposed Hatfield Zoning Amendment - Water Supply Protection District
Date Added: Wednesday, July 22, 2015Aquifer Protection, Water Conservation
This zoning amendment delineates the boundaries of the Water Supply Protection District and specifies what uses are prohibited or restricted inside of the district, such as the prohibition of a certain percentage of impervious surface. The requirements for obtaining special permits, which may only be granted provided that no adverse effect on water quality or quantity occurs, are also described...
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City of Nashville Ordinance Approving Development of Low-Rent Scattered Site Housing
Date Added: Wednesday, October 14, 2015Affordable Housing
This ordinance adopts a proposed “scattered site” affordable housing scheme. The ordinance recognizes the public benefit of creating “housing for persons of low-income in ‘scattered’ rather than ‘project’ settings.” ..
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Town of Woodstock Agricultural Land Preservation and Land Acquisition Fund
Date Added: Monday, October 17, 2016Land Acquisition, Agriculture
This ordinance authorizes and sets up funds for the preservation and acquisition of agricultural land as open space in the town. A commission was established to promote this goal made up of both citizens as well as community board members...
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Town of Yorktown Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, March 30, 2016Erosion & Sedimentation Control
New York
The purpose of this chapter is to safeguard persons, protect property, prevent damage to the environment and promote the public welfare by guiding, regulating and controlling the design, construction, use and maintenance of any development or other activity which disturbs or breaks the surface of soil or results in the movement of earth on land situated in the Town. ..
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Town of Westport Protection of Water from Tree Spraying Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016Aquifer Protection
This ordinance protects the ponds and the lakes within the town from biochemical pollutants used in tree spraying, through the inspection of vehicles and equipment, as well as through the regulation of water use. The ordinance works establishing a permitting procedure through which certain types of equipment can be used. In addition, there are specified hours of operation as well as designated areas for collection of the water...
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City of Tumwater Wellhead Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016Aquifer Protection
Tumwater, Washington, has three related aquifer protection ordinances. Tumwater’s Wellhead Protection is designed “to develop and implement a wellhead protection program to identify risks of contamination potentially impacting city wells, and to reduce or eliminate those risks.” The ordinance identifies four wellhead capture zones at six months, one year, five years, and ten years. Various activities are prohibited within these zones, with the six month zone being more prohibitive than the ten year zone...
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City of Tumwater Local Natural Resource Protection Ordinance (Comprehensive)
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016Aquifer Protection, Right-to-Farm, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection
This comprehensive environmental ordinance, portions of which have been added over the past twenty years, addresses a breadth of environmental concerns. These include protection standards for; trees and vegetation, aquifers, wetlands, fish and wildlife, as well as provisions for the right-to-farm, right-to-mine, and commute trip reduction. This ordinance is particularly unique in that it does not appear to be in response to a state level statute, as are many other local ordinances in Washington State. ..
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Town of Brookhaven Wetlands & Waterways Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017Development Standards, Site Design Standards, Site Plan Approval, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection
New York
The purpose of Chapter 81 of the Town Code, for the Town of Brookhaven is to protect surface waters, lands underwater and wetlands since they are important natural resources to the town. This statute applies to all lands defined as wetlands or waterways, to any activity in an adjacent area of a wetland or waterway, or to any activity that has the potential to adversely impact wetlands or waterways. No person shall conduct any regulated activity within such lands without obtaining permission from the town. Regulated activity includes dredging..
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Town of Chili Agricultural Conservation District Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017Accessory Uses , Open Space Preservation, Agriculture, Farmland Protection & Preservation
New York
This law was created by the Town Board of Chili, NY, in an effort to protect agricultural lands within the town by creating the Agricultural Conservation District. The law describes: the accessory and conditional uses that are allowed, the dimension requirements for the district, incentive zoning requirements and other miscellaneous requirements needed to set up the district. ..
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Town of Irondequoit Historic Preservation Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017Historic Preservation, Local Boards, Landmarks & Historical Districts
New York
Chapter 236 of the Town Code for the Town of Irondequoit recognizes the rich, varied history of Irondequoit. It was enacted to protect and enhance the landmarks and historic districts which represent distinctive elements of Irondequoit's historic, architectural, and cultural heritage; to foster civic pride in the accomplishments of the past; to protect and enhance Irondequoit's appeal to visitors and the support and stimulus to the economy thereby provided; and to insure the harmonious, orderly, and efficient growth and development of the Town..
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Town of Brighton Subdivision Regulations
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017Environmental Compliance, Stormwater Management, Subdivision Regulations, Watershed Protection, Conservation Districts & Subdivisions
New York
This ordinance requires developers to create a drainage report, and describes all that must be included therein. The report must be in accordance with the Town of Brighton Minimum Specifications for Dedication and the Irondequoit Watershed Collaborative. ..
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Village of Larchmont Coastal Zone Management Commission Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017Coastal Protection, Intermunicipal Agreements, Local Boards
New York
The purpose of this statute is to further the common interests of the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont. That interest is to protect the local coastal zone and establish the Coastal Zone Management Commission to monitor and coordinate the implementation of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program of the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont. This statute requires the Commission to consist of 11 members (five residents of Larchmont appointed by the Village of Larchmont, five residents of the unincorporated area of Mama..
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State of New York Waterfront Revitalization of Coastal Areas & Waterways Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017Coastal Protection, Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Economic Development, Waterfront Revitalization
New York
The Waterfront Revitalization of Coastal Areas and Waterways Law (Article 42) recognizes that the social and economic well being and general welfare of the people are dependent on the preservation, enhancement, protection, development and use of the natural and man-made resources of the state’s coastal area and inland waterways, including lakes, rivers, canals, as well as islands, wetlands, beaches, dunes, barrier islands, cliffs, bluffs and erosion prone area. The secretary will have the power and duties to oversee that coordinated and compre..
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City of Gloucester Interim Planning Overlay District
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017Intermunicipal Agreements, Overlay District, Sewage Management, Smart Growth
This ordinance is primarily concerned with the potential for overburdening of city sewer lines upon the completion of an intermunicipal agreement between The City of Gloucester and the Town of Essex. In order to prevent such an occurrence, they have created overlay zones to ensure orderly growth, provide the city time to study the effects, preserve community attributes, and to implement recommendations of the comprehensive plan...
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Township of Chesterfield Transfer of Development Rights Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017Smart Growth, Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)
New Jersey
Chesterfield enabled a TDR program to create a town center in preparation for well-planned future growth. Chesterfield’s 1997 Master Plan envisioned a “neo traditional town center in the receiving area with a variety of housing types (including affordable housing), neighborhood shops and services, a school and other civic uses and recreational open space. Preserved farmland would surround the “planned village” and Chesterfield’s three historic hamlets. ” The TDR ordinance enabling that plan was passed in 1998 alongside a change to the zoning in..
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Town of Avon Ridgeline Protection Overlay Zone
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017Overlay District, Ridgeline Protection
This overlay district was adopted to protect ridgelines for the conservation of environmental attributes including ground water quality, ground water recharge and wildlife habitat, and in order to prevent erosion. It provides for a setback area from the ridgeline as specified by a qualified professional. The setback area is designated on a map prepared by the Commission...
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Resource Protection and Open Space
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018Healthy Communities, Low Impact Development & Green Infrastructure
New York
Marlborough is increasingly concerned about the quality of their water (most of the drinking water is supplied by private wells). To combat this, their comprehensive plan suggests maintaining and increasing the amount of vegetation adjacent to streams, revising regulations when necessary to allow the planning board to require information regarding water quality of proposed on-site wells, and better locating septic tanks to avoid as much concentration of nitrate in the drinking water as possible.
These policies will help to maintain the quali..
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Promoting Enhanced Bicycle Infrastructure
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018Healthy Communities, Bicycle Infrastructure
Grand Rapids, Michigan has created legislation to improve existing bike paths and install new bike paths that accommodate recreational trips as well as trips to work, shopping and school. The goal of this legislation is to meet the City’s plan to make 10% of all regional travel made on bicycle. Limiting dependency on cars has manifold benefits: serves those without the capacity to drive (senior and minors); reduces congestion and time spent commuting; reduced land consumption through roadways and parking; tax re-allocation from roadways; improv..
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