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Search Results for Topic : Infill

Residential Infill Pilot Program 2.0
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing , Density, Infill    
Created the Residential Infill Pilot Program 2.0 to encourage residential infill development within the city. This program aims to promote multi-family development within traditionally single-family neighborhoods to add affordable units, increase housing choice, increase density, maintain scale and character of neighborhoods, and more. This plan will apply to single-family districts and outlines the permitted number and style of units depending on zone and lot size... Read More
Chapter 20.28 Infill Housing
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing , Density, Infill    
City code includes Infill Development chapter used to implement comprehensive plan goals related to infill development. This development is permitted in all zones except single-family, aside from single-family zones that permit cluster subdivisions. It sets site size, setback, parking, and open space requirements for each type of multi-family development... Read More
Unified Development Regulations
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing , Mixed/Multiple Use, Density, Infill    
The zoning code was amended to create a mixed-use residential district to promote infill while also maintaining community character. This technique would allow for much of the zoning code, and therefore community, to remain the same while certain aspects are changed to promote Missing Middle development. The city targets affordable housing as a major factor in this development... Read More