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Search Results for Topic : Wind Energy

2017 Comprehensive Plan- Town of Reading, New York
Date Added: Monday, June 11, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Economic Development, Land Use Planning, Solar Energy, Stormwater Management, Water Resource Protection, Wind Energy, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Traffic Calming & Safety, Parks & Recreation    
New York
Reading, New York’s 2017 Comprehensive Plan promotes the use of solar energy throughout the community. It calls for Reading to provide information about the feasibility of solar energy to residents and to collaborate with state and other organizations in programs that encourage growth in solar energy systems. The plan also calls for Reading to reform its land use regulations to specifically allow certain types of solar energy systems and to establish procedures for review and approval of both small-scale accessory systems and large-scale instal.. Read More
The Land Use Stabilization Wedge Strategy: Shifting Ground to Mitigate Climate Change
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Emissions, Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Land Use Planning, Local Environmental Law, Local Governance, Solar Energy, Wind Energy    
State: Not Applicable
This article by John R. Nolon was published in William & Mary Environmental Law & Policy Review. The article describes how local governments, through the clever application of existing land use techniques, can mitigate climate change. This strategic path follows one developed by Princeton professor Robert Socolow, who identified and described fifteen categories for organizing society's climate change mitigation efforts. Five of Socolow's strategic categories fall within the reach of local land use authority: reduced use of vehicles, energy effi.. Read More
New York State Tax Exemption for Wind Energy Systems
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Wind Energy    
New York
This NY state law provides a tax exemption for person with wind energy systems on their property if they were built before 1988 or between 1991 and 2011. The law exempts the property owner to the extent that the property value increases because of the presence of a wind energy system for a period of 15 years. A municipality has the authority to remove the exemption for any wind energy system constructed after 1991. If a municipality has not removed exemption, it may require the owner of property to enter a PILOT agreement for a term of no more.. Read More
Town of Eden Wind Energy Conversion Systems Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Wind Energy    
New York
Chapter 217 of the Town Code for the Town of Eden is designed to promote the effective and efficient use of wind energy conversion systems (WECS) and to regulate the placement of wind energy conversion systems so that the public health, safety, natural resources, and aesthetics will not be jeopardized. .. Read More
Town of Wethersfield Wind Energy Conversion Device/Farm Licensing, Siting & Design Regulations & Requirements Law.
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Wind Energy    
New York
In 2006, the Town of Wethersfield adopted the "Town of Wethersfield Wind Energy Conversion Device/Farm Licensing, Siting and Design Regulations and Requirements Law.” The law establishes numerous requirements related to setbacks, safety, sound, shadow flicker, wildlife impacts, farming impacts, etc. Wethersfield requires applicants to obtain a license in order to operate the wind farm. This license can be renewed every five years, with fee relating to megawatt capacity... Read More
Town of Warren Wind Energy Facilities Law
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Wind Energy    
New York
The Town of Warren adopted a “Wind Energy Facilities” law in 2005. The law establishes procedural requirements as well as requirements for sound and setbacks. Additionally, the legislation requires applicants to fund an interest bearing account, the funds of which will be used to decommission the facility. Wind facilities must be de-commissioned after 25 years... Read More
Town of Malone Wind Energy Facilities Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Wind Energy    
New York
In 2006, the Town of Malone enacted a “Wind Energy Facilities” statute which prohibits commercial wind energy conversion systems (WECS) but permits small WECS and WECS used solely for agricultural operations. Town of Malone has exercised its right to opt out of NY Real Property Tax Law § 487... Read More
Town of Eagle Wind Energy Conversion Facilities Siting Law
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Wind Energy    
New York
The Town of Eagle enacted a Wind Energy Conversion Facilities Siting Law in 2005. The law requires that construction be preceded by review, approval, and licensing and must fully comply with State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). When determining whether to issue license, town board shall consider approved site plan, aesthetic impact, location impact, physical impact, economic impact, and sociopolitical impact, and general health and welfare of community... Read More
Town of Canadice Wind Energy Conversion System Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Wind Energy    
New York
The Town of Canadice enacted a law to regulate wind energy conversion systems (WECS) in 2006. This law establishes regulations for industrial, commercial, and residential WECS. The law establishes requirements related to issues including: setbacks, height, aesthetics, wildlife and noise. The law also has provisions related to deconstruction and removal of inactive wind turbines... Read More
Goodhue County Zoning Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, July 11, 2016
Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Zoning    
Goodhue County adopted solar energy system (SES) regulations in Article 19 of its zoning ordinance. These regulations define a ground-mounted SES as a solar collector located on the ground surface that is physically affixed or attached to the ground, including pole-mounted systems. The regulations define a roof-mounted SES as a solar collector located on the roof of a building or structure that may be physically affixed or attached to the roof. For both ground-mounted and roof-mounted SESs, the regulations include sub-definitions for residentia.. Read More