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Search Results for Topic : Brownfields

Soil Contamination Strategies
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
New York
Syracuse, New York created a Comprehensive Plan with a singular focus on sustainability. One of the objectives within their efforts to increase sustainability is the remediation of brownfields. The remediation of brownfields can improve environmental conditions, public health, and the local economy. Syracuse has partnered with several government agencies, including the New York DEC and the U.S. E.P.A, to design brownfield remediation plans. These plans work to evaluate, inventory, and plan for the redevelopment of brownfield areas. Syracus.. Read More
Increasing Available Housing through Infill Development
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Affordable Housing , Brownfields    
Sacramento’s 2035 General Plan sets a goal of ensuring that the production of housing will meet future needs. To meet this goal the General Plan establishes policies that require the promotion of quality infill development specifically focused on the creation of affordable units. The City plans to offset the costs of developing affordable housing through deferred fees and financial incentives including water development fee waivers and sewer credits. Not only will this help to eliminate brown zones in the city, but the increase in affordable.. Read More
Programs for Brownfield Remediation
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
New York
The City of Newburgh, New York hosts a range of brownfield sites due to its industrial legacy. Newburgh currently has identified eight municipally owned brownfields, and there is potential for others existing on both private and public lands throughout the city. The perceived or actual risks of remediation can have far-reaching and negative side effects; brownfields have been shown to deter future growth, increase urban sprawl, lower the economic value of surrounding communities, and pose a threat to the health of local communities. Fortunately.. Read More
King County Redevelopment Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, April 13, 2017
Urban Renewal, Brownfields    
Contaminated Industrial Lands in the Duwamish Corridor of King County, Washington present regional and local threats to environmental health and economic development. This ordinance calls for the environmental risks resulting from specific site contamination to be evaluated, as well as developing an initiative program for small landowners to create voluntary temporary partnerships to achieve clean up of the area. .. Read More
Massachusetts Brownfields Revitalization Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Brownfield redevelopment in Massachusetts is regulated and overseen by the state under chapter twenty-one E, the “Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material Release Prevention Act.” Section (b)(3) of this chapter requires the state to provide technical assistance to municipalities, redevelopment authorities, redevelopment agencies, community development corporations, economic development and industrial corporations, and other persons interested in redeveloping brownfields. State brownfields program incentives are available to buyers, and sometim.. Read More