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Search Results for Topic : Economic Development

Economic Development and Redevelopment: A Toolkit on Land Use and Health
Date Added: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Economic Development, Healthy Communities    
State: Not Applicable
The Economic Development and Redevelopment Toolkit was designed to improve low-income community access to food by providing a fundamental understanding of economic development and redevelopment and how these tools can provide opportunities to increase food retailing in the community. These economic development strategies breakdown the type of economic revitalization based on business attractions, physical redevelopment and the community members. The toolkit discusses the advantages and challenges of specific food systems, including, supermarke.. Read More
Promoting Enhanced Bicycle Infrastructure
Date Added: Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Economic Development, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Healthy Communities    
Grand Rapids, Michigan has created legislation to improve existing bike paths and install new bike paths that accommodate recreational trips as well as trips to work, shopping and school. The goal of this legislation is to meet the City’s plan to make 10% of all regional travel made on bicycle. Limiting dependency on cars has manifold benefits: serves those without the capacity to drive (senior and minors); reduces congestion and time spent commuting; reduced land consumption through roadways and parking; tax re-allocation from roadways; improv.. Read More
East New York Neighborhood Plan
Date Added: Monday, June 11, 2018
Affordable Housing , Economic Development, Solar Energy    
New York
New York City’s East New York Neighborhood Plan was first released in 2016 and updated in 2017. The Plan’s 2017 update calls for a subset of the East New York community to be enrolled in the SolarizeNYC Program. This Program brings together local businesses and residents and connects them with the tools needed to install solar energy systems, including financial assistance, permitting guidance, and more. Per the 2017 update to the Plan, leaders in the neighborhood are to take the initiative on enrolling members of the community... Read More
Updated Town and Village of Middleburgh Comprehensive Plan
Date Added: Monday, June 11, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Economic Development, Flood Prevention, Historic Preservation, Land Use Planning, Open Space Preservation, Solar Energy, Farmland Protection & Preservation    
New York
The Town and Village of Middleburgh, New York’s 2015 Comprehensive Plan calls for commercial-scale solar farms to be allowed through a Special Use Permit and that standards be applied to this use that ensures consistency with the scenic, environmental, and agricultural needs of the community. According to the plan, modifications to the community’s zoning ordinance should be made to ensure that these farms do not create negative aesthetic impacts and or direct glare onto roads or neighboring properties. The Plan also calls for the Town’s zoning .. Read More
2017 Comprehensive Plan- Town of Reading, New York
Date Added: Monday, June 11, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Economic Development, Land Use Planning, Solar Energy, Stormwater Management, Water Resource Protection, Wind Energy, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Traffic Calming & Safety, Parks & Recreation    
New York
Reading, New York’s 2017 Comprehensive Plan promotes the use of solar energy throughout the community. It calls for Reading to provide information about the feasibility of solar energy to residents and to collaborate with state and other organizations in programs that encourage growth in solar energy systems. The plan also calls for Reading to reform its land use regulations to specifically allow certain types of solar energy systems and to establish procedures for review and approval of both small-scale accessory systems and large-scale instal.. Read More
State of New York Waterfront Revitalization of Coastal Areas & Waterways Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Coastal Protection, Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Economic Development, Waterfront Revitalization    
New York
The Waterfront Revitalization of Coastal Areas and Waterways Law (Article 42) recognizes that the social and economic well being and general welfare of the people are dependent on the preservation, enhancement, protection, development and use of the natural and man-made resources of the state’s coastal area and inland waterways, including lakes, rivers, canals, as well as islands, wetlands, beaches, dunes, barrier islands, cliffs, bluffs and erosion prone area. The secretary will have the power and duties to oversee that coordinated and compre.. Read More
Town of Irondequoit River Harbor District Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Economic Development, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The River Harbor District, as laid out in Article XXIV of the Town Code, is designed to provide a suitable character and stable environment for the establishment and maintenance of water-dependent and/or water-enhanced uses and activities along the east bank of the Genesee River near the Port of Rochester. The district is also designed to promote appropriate residential and economic development and to improve public access to the riverfront. Other goals of the district include protection of the unique and sensitive environmental features that e.. Read More
Land Use Law Center Economic Development Policy Statement
Date Added: Saturday, April 22, 2017
Economic Development    
New York
This draft document is to assist the cities and villages participating in the Mayors’ Redevelopment Roundtable regarding the initiation of a strategic sustainable economic development planning effort. This resolution identifies the objectives of the economic development policies to be considered by Roundtable communities and outlines the process to be followed at the local level. Its purposes are to set the stage for each community to create and adopt an economic development policy as a supplement to its comprehensive plan and, by acting in co.. Read More
Land Use Law Center Diagnostic Checklist of Redevelopment Readiness Techniques
Date Added: Saturday, April 22, 2017
Economic Development, Land Use Planning    
New York
The Land Use Law Center created this checklist to assess a municipality’s readiness for redevelopment. The checklist contains questions intended to determine what redevelopment strategies a municipality has in place or will be able to implement. The diagnostic checklist assesses readiness in nine areas, including financial incentives and community support. The information obtained using this diagnostic checklist can be used to tailor redevelopment strategies to a municipality’s needs. *This document was prepared with funds provided by the.. Read More
Land Use Law Center Model Comprehensive Economic Development Policy
Date Added: Saturday, April 22, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Economic Development    
New York
This model economic development policy is designed to supplement the comprehensive plans of communities participating in the Mayors’ Redevelopment Roundtable (MRR). It contains strategies that will increase the tax base, add jobs, reduce per capita municipal costs, and create new land uses that are needed to transform the local economy so that other critical comprehensive plan objectives can be addressed. It can be adopted as a whole or used as a menu of options to guide municipal actions regarding economic development according to local needs... Read More
Land Use Law Center Strategies for Sustainable, Economic Development Checklist
Date Added: Saturday, April 22, 2017
Economic Development, Land Use Planning    
New York
The Land Use Law Center created this checklist to assist municipalities in planning for sustainable, economic development. The goal is encourage use of strategies that encourage development that is environmentally conscious and economically prosperous. The checklist contains guidance on improvements in eighteen different areas, such as developing code for transit-oriented development districts and encouraging neighborhood-organized improvements. *This document was prepared with funds provided by the New York State Department of State und.. Read More