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Search Results for Topic : Architectural Design Control

Building Healthy Places Tool Kit: Strategies for Enhancing Health in the Business Environment
Date Added: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Land Use Planning, Healthy Communities, Architectural Design Control    
State: Not Applicable
The Building Healthy Places Tool Kit focuses on community opportunities to promote health and prevent its members from chronic diseases. This toolkit is meant to serve as a resource for shapers of buildings and projects interested in making “specific evidence supported design” to create a healthier environment. The report lists twenty-one recommendations for promoting “gold star” health organized into three separate categories; “physical activity, healthy food and drinking water, and healthy environment and social well-being”. These strategies .. Read More
State of North Carolina Design Control Ordinances
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Local Boards, State Land Use Law, Architectural Design Control    
North Carolina
Part 7 of Article 19 in Chapter 160A details the authority to cities and counties to create community appearance commissions. Section 160A-451 permits a city or county to create an official appearance commission. This commission is required to study the “visual problems” within the local government’s jurisdiction and make plans to carry out programs that will “enhance and improve” the city or county’s “visual quality and aesthetic characteristics.” § 160A-452. In addition to other its powers and duties, the commission may advise the planning ag.. Read More