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Search Results for Topic : Impact Fees

S.M.A.R.T Housing™ Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Affordable Housing , Impact Fees, Displacement    
Austin, Texas’s S.M.A.R.T Housing™ is housing that is safe, mixed-income, accessible, reasonably priced, transit oriented, and compliant with the city’s building code. The City’s S.M.A.R.T Housing™ program encourages the development of S.M.A.R.T housing™ by waving certain development fees and exempting the development fees from impact fees. In the City, a department cannot change an ordinance, rule, or process that impacts affordability of housing unless the City’s Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Department prepares an affordabil.. Read More
Neighborhood Jobs Trust
Date Added: Thursday, June 2, 2022
Impact Fees, Displacement    
Boston, MA requires that commercial developers for projects greater than 100,000 square feet receive a zoning variance, on the condition that the developer of the building pay a linkage fee, based on square footage, to the Neighborhood Jobs Trust. The Trust provides continued and future employment opportunities for Boston’s low or moderate income residents. The Trust supports such services as job training and retraining, employment counseling and job placement services, adult literacy and alternative education programs, and related support.. Read More
Township of Warren Transportation Improvement District (T.I.D.)
Date Added: Monday, November 14, 2016
Impact Fees, Transportation & Land Use Planning    
New Jersey
This ordinance was created to ensure that necessary infrastructure could be maintained and additional infrastructure could be created to accommodate new development. Under the Transportation Improvement District (TID) Impact Fees system, if there is any new development that takes place within the Transportation Improvement Districts, developers must pay a fee calculated by determining the impact that the proposed development will have on traffic multiplied by district improvement costs needed. .. Read More
City of Fayetteville Imposition of Development Impact Fees Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, August 27, 2016
Impact Fees    
New York
Fayetteville has an impact fee statute which requires a developer to pay for engaging in development. This payment of this fee is designed to rebuild infrastructure or otherwise protect the environment in proportion to the developments impact on the community in relation to the impact the activity has on the environment. The ordinance has multiple exceptions for development which does not increase the housing units on a parcel... Read More