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Search Results for Topic : Official Map

New York State Town Law – Official Maps, Changes Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Official Map, State Land Use Law, Zoning    
New York
This law grants town boards the authority to make changes to their town’s official map. .. Read More
New York State Town Law – Official Map, Establishment Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Official Map, State Land Use Law, Zoning    
New York
This ordinance authorizes Town Boards in New York State to create official maps, which are to include streets, highways, parks, and drainage systems, by towns located in New York State. .. Read More
State of New York Official Map Changes Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Development Standards, Official Map, Site Plan Approval, Zoning, Street & Sidewalk Development    
New York
This law authorizes city legislatures to change or add to the official map of the city in order to lay out new streets, highways parks and even drainage systems. Changes are made subject to adequate notice to those persons noted on last real property tax notice which is to be included in such proposed layout, and are subject to report by planning board who may forfeit right to suspend further action if no response is rendered within thirty days of such reference. Adopted changes become part of city’s official map and are deemed final... Read More
Town of Mendon Environmental Protection Overlay Districts Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Flood Prevention, Historic Preservation, Official Map, Overlay District, Scenic Resources, Sewage Management, Steep Slope Protection, Timber Harvesting, Zoning, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
This law creates environmental protection overlay districts for the Town of Mendon, NY. The districts include: Wetland Protection Overlay District, Steep Slope Protection Overlay District, Watercourse Protection Overlay District, Scenic Vista Protection Overlay District, Historic Preservation Overlay District, Waste Disposal Overlay District, Woodlot and Timber Harvesting Protection Overlay District, Flood Damage Prevention Overlay District, and Soils Susceptible to Ponding Overlay District. .. Read More