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Search Results for Topic : Traffic Calming & Safety

2017 Comprehensive Plan- Town of Reading, New York
Date Added: Monday, June 11, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Economic Development, Land Use Planning, Solar Energy, Stormwater Management, Water Resource Protection, Wind Energy, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Traffic Calming & Safety, Parks & Recreation    
New York
Reading, New York’s 2017 Comprehensive Plan promotes the use of solar energy throughout the community. It calls for Reading to provide information about the feasibility of solar energy to residents and to collaborate with state and other organizations in programs that encourage growth in solar energy systems. The plan also calls for Reading to reform its land use regulations to specifically allow certain types of solar energy systems and to establish procedures for review and approval of both small-scale accessory systems and large-scale instal.. Read More
Building Height Limits
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Traffic Calming & Safety    
New York
Washington’s zoning code provides height limitations for structures placed at or near street intersections. The code states that no new structure can be over thirty inches in height above the grade of the street. The restrictions create intersections that are more convenient and safe for the town residents, free from potentially dangerous obstructions in order to minimize traffic accidents and fatalities... Read More
Traffic Safety Policy
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Traffic Calming & Safety    
The goal of San Diego, California’s “Mobility Element” plan is to develop a multi-modal transportation network that gets citizens where they want to go while minimizing environmental and neighborhood impacts. Among the goals of this policy, San Diego aimed to increase general traffic safety of pedestrians. The city collaborated with community groups and interested private and public parties to design and implement safe pedestrian routes to schools, transit centers, and other highly frequented destinations. After locating these priority areas.. Read More
Transportation and Street Design
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Traffic Calming & Safety    
Section 35-506(t) of San Antonio’s Unified Development Code states that the City has identified long, wide streets encourage speeding. The code requires that the length of blocks comply with section 35-15(b)(3); however, blocks can be lengthened if traffic calming features are implemented. Approved traffic calming features include roundabouts, median islands, and “T” intersections. The shorter block and increase in traffic calming features will cause residents to feel safer using alternative methods of transportation such as biking or wa.. Read More
City-Wide Design Guidelines and Standards
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Traffic Calming & Safety    
New York
Section 120-157(E) of Rochester’s Zoning Code encourages structures and public spaces to be pedestrian-oriented and promote safe pedestrian movement, access and circulation. Additionally, if a service alley is available, garages and loading areas should only be accessed via the alley. This ordinance increases pedestrian safety and encourages people to walk as a primary form of transportation which will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. .. Read More
Traffic Signals and Narrower Lanes to Improve Safety
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Traffic Calming & Safety    
New York
Ossining, New York’s Comprehensive Plan includes traffic-calming measures to be implemented throughout the village, though particularly on Route 9. Route 9 is the primary north-south arterial reaching through Ossining and onto major highways in New York. Route 9’s increasingly congested condition has resulted in residential road use throughout the village. These residential roads are narrow, steep, and winding, and often dangerous during inclement weather. Ossining’s goal is to improve pedestrian safety and comfort, and to change the behavior o.. Read More