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Search Results for Topic : Environmental Compliance

City of Newburgh Environmental Constraints Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Environmental Compliance, Local Environmental Law, Steep Slope Protection, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
This law limits the areas within the City of Newburgh, NY in which construction can take place, as a means of protecting environmentally sensitive areas. Particularly, this law places restrictions on construction in wetland and watercourse areas, as well as steep slope areas. .. Read More
Town of Brighton Subdivision Regulations
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Environmental Compliance, Stormwater Management, Subdivision Regulations, Watershed Protection, Conservation Districts & Subdivisions    
New York
This ordinance requires developers to create a drainage report, and describes all that must be included therein. The report must be in accordance with the Town of Brighton Minimum Specifications for Dedication and the Irondequoit Watershed Collaborative. .. Read More
City of Peekskill Watershed Protection & Enforcement Officer
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Environmental Compliance, Local Boards, Local Governance, Watershed Protection, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
This ordinance establishes the position of a Watershed Protection and Enforcement Officer and sets out the membership requirements and the duties entrusted to the position, with the goal of ensuring that the Environmental Conservation Law and the Penal Law of the State of New York are adhered... Read More
Township of Howell Riparian Buffers – Standards of Performance Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Buffer Zones, Development Standards, Environmental Compliance, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New Jersey
This ordinance sets forth the practices and procedures to be followed by developers and others in order to maintain the integrity of riparian habitat. This law creates a buffer zone in which private activity, such as tree cutting, disturbing soil, use of fertilizer, and use of pesticides are severely regulated. The town board holds discretion in allowing a buffer zone to be disturbed. If a buffer zone is disturbed, the developer is required to rehabilitate the buffer zone in accordance with the accepted practices set forth in this law. .. Read More
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Excavation, Filling & Topsoil Removal Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Environmental Compliance, Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Landscaping, Scenic Resources    
New York
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Croton-on-Hudson has declared it policy that the natural topography of the land of the Village should be preserved and safeguarded, prohibiting changes to the land except those that are absolutely necessary in order to permit the proper and appropriate use of the land and the water. The topsoil, trees, and other materials which constitute the land, such as plant and wild life are of vital concern to the people of the Village. Therefore, the Village will regulate or prohibit excavation, the removal of tree.. Read More
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Environmental Compliance Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Development Standards, Clustering & Cluster Development, Environmental Compliance, Site Design Standards, Site Plan Approval, Conservation Districts & Subdivisions    
New York
This law authorizes the village Planning Board, and other advisory boards within the Village of Croton-on-Hudson, to retain the services of an Environmental Consultant to review and consult the board(s) concerning development taking place within the village’s environmentally sensitive areas, and to assure that environmental compliance measures are followed. The law also describes the role and duties of the Environmental Consultant. .. Read More
Town of Brighton Subdivision Regulations Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Environmental Compliance, Stormwater Management, Subdivision Regulations, Watershed Protection    
New York
The town of Brighton, New York, requires developers to create and submit a separate drainage report in the preliminary plat when applying for subdivision approval. The drainage report includes calculations for runoff and pipe and channel sizing, will clearly indicate the disposal and flood hazard preventions and how all runoff will be handled during grading and development operations, and erosion and sedimentation prevention measures. Further, the stormwater mitigation facilities shall be as specified in the Town of Brighton Minimum Specificati.. Read More
Village of Briarcliff Manor Tree Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, April 17, 2017
Environmental Compliance, Landscaping, Tree Preservation & Protection, Timber Harvesting    
New York
The Code of Briarcliff Manor Tree Ordinance sets out a well-defined tree-based protection plan consistent with the unique character of the Village which derives great benefit from the maintenance of the tree population. Tree removal is regulated based on the needs and desires of the community in both the public and private sector and local planning boards are developed as approving authorities in order to ensure compliance with the overall plan. .. Read More
Town of Blooming Grove Golf & Country Club Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, March 23, 2017
Accessory Uses , Environmental Compliance, Pesticide Management, Transportation & Land Use Planning, Zoning, Drinking Water Protection & Conservation    
New York
In 235-25 of the Town Code for the Town of Blooming Grove, the town creates the Golf and Country Club ordinance which sets forth supplementary requirements pertaining to bulk controls, site requirements, parking requirements, buffers, existing buildings, nuisance, clearance of woodlands, turf management and water quality assurances. The ordinance also requires approval by the Town Board for special events and permitted accessory uses... Read More
Town of Croton-on-Hudson Environmental Compliance Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Environmental Compliance    
New York
This ordinance creates the position of an environmental consultant empowered to monitor new development to ensure that it is being complete in full compliance with the Town’s environmental protection laws. .. Read More
Town of Clifton Park Pesticides - Aerial Spraying Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Environmental Compliance    
New York
This law creates an application procedure for residents and commercial entities who wish to engage in the use of pesticides, bans the use of pesticides in certain areas, and describes penalties for violating the law. The Town derives its power to enact this law pursuant to its municipal home rule authority... Read More