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Search Results for Topic : Complete Streets

Phoenix's Transit Oriented Development Strategic Policy Framework
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Transportation & Land Use Planning, Complete Streets, Equity    
This document describes the opportunity for transit-oriented development (TOD) for Phoenix. Specifically, it calls for a by-right zoning codes to create shorter and more predictable construction timelines. Form-based standards are promoted. Specifically, the document suggests increasing the permitted height of buildings within a quarter-mile radius of light rail stations and creating a minimum of 30 percent of housing units dedicated to long-term affordability in TOD zones. The update to this document also includes a portion on equity... Read More
Building Healthy Communities: Residents Live in Communities With Health-Promoting Land use, Transportation, and Community Development
Date Added: Thursday, July 12, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Healthy Communities, Complete Streets, Urban Farming & Community Gardens    
State: Not Applicable
The purpose of this guide is to provide strategies to help local planners improve health in their communities through land use design, transportation and community development. The document is broken down into twelve different categories of promising strategies used by local governments to improve overall public health. The it discusses how communities can measure progress after implementing these policies. This document focuses on centering the built environment around a walkable/bikeable community with complete streets policies, safe routes f.. Read More
Plan4Health Active Living (APA)
Date Added: Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Pedestrian Oriented Design (POD), Transportation & Land Use Planning, Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
State: Not Applicable
The Plan4Health American Planning Association Project released a report on Active Living. The Plan4Health coalition considers how the build environment supports or hinders active living (incorporating physical activity into everyday activities). The toolkit provides several resources to help communities incorporate active living principles into their community planning. This report also provides examples of communities who have best practices regarding bike-friendly businesses, smart trips (framework encouraging people to reduce solo trips and .. Read More
Philadelphia, PA Executive Order NO. 5-09: Establishment of a Complete Streets Policy
Date Added: Monday, June 25, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
Executive Order NO. 5-09 establishes a Complete Streets Policy, and recognizes that increasing public transit use, walking, and bicycling can result in a healthier population, cleaner air, reduced traffic, livable neighborhoods, and less reliance on fossil fuels. It also provides that all City departments and agencies shall give full consideration to accommodation of the safety of all users of transportation systems (pedestrians, bicyclists, public transit users, vehicle drivers) regarding decisions made. The Complete Streets Policy is an integ.. Read More
Philadelphia Complete Streets Design Handbook
Date Added: Monday, June 25, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
This Handbook will help inform the City, design professionals, developers, and community groups that are involved in the planning and design of streets and changes to the public right-of-way in Philadelphia. The Handbook identifies 7 conceptual complete streets components that make up the public right-of-way: Pedestrian, Building & Furnishing, Bicycle, Curbside Management, Vehicle/Cartway, Urban Design, and Intersections & Crossings. This Handbook will promote more efficient project implementation by serving as a comprehensive resource to guide.. Read More
Philadelphia Bill No. 120532 Complete Streets
Date Added: Monday, June 25, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
This Ordinance amended Title 12 of The Philadelphia Code, the “Traffic Code,” providing for the manner in which bicyclists may operate bicycles in the streets, and by prohibiting motor vehicles from obstructing or creating hazards in bicycle lanes. This Ordinance also amends Title 11 of the Philadelphia Code, the “streets” section, providing for the establishment and implementation of a Complete Streets Policy. .. Read More
City of Kingston Complete Streets Policy Framework
Date Added: Thursday, June 21, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
New York
The City of Kingston Complete Streets Policy Frameworks, adopted 11/9/2010, details Kingston’s Complete Streets policies. This policy reflects that the City of Kingston encourages walking, bicycling, and public transit for transportation, health, fitness, and recreation. This document also identifies that the City has a goal to develop a Complete Streets program, initiated by a Complete Streets Advisory Council, which is established by this document. The intent of this policy is to recognize pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and people w.. Read More
City of Buffalo, NY Chapter 413 Streets and Sidewalks, Article XIV: Complete Streets
Date Added: Thursday, June 21, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
New York
Article XIV within Chapter 413 of the City of Buffalo, NY Code outlines the Complete Streets code provisions for the city. This Section provides that the Commissioner of Public Works, Parks, and Streets shall include pedestrian and bicycle facilities in all new street construction, reconstruction, maintenance, public works, and projects undertaken by the City. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board reviews all new construction/projects and provides consultation regarding the implementation of complete streets. The inclusion of bicycle and pe.. Read More
Sustainable Westchester
Date Added: Thursday, June 7, 2018
Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Intermunicipal Agreements, Recycling, Solar Energy, Water Resource Protection, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Complete Streets    
New York
Regional - Multiple Municipalities
Sustainable Westchester is a consortium of Westchester County local governments that facilitates effective sustainability initiatives; engages community stakeholders; and shares tools, resources, and incentives to create healthier and more vibrant and attractive communities. Sustainable Westchester is a merger of the successful and popular Northern Westchester Energy Action Consortium (NWEAC) and Southern Westchester Energy Action Consortium (SWEAC)... Read More
Infrastructure Upgrades and Multi-Modal Transportation
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Transportation Demand Management, Complete Streets    
New York
A particular element of Buffalo, New York’s Comprehensive Plan 2030 is to redesign and repurpose their transportation network. Their goal is to promote transportation policies and projects that will help create an economically and environmentally healthy region, reverse current negative economic, land use, social and demographic trends, foster growth in areas with existing infrastructure, and promote equitable services for all residents. In the first four years of the program, there are over 40 projects aimed at upgrading existing infrastru.. Read More
Recreation Marketing
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets, Bicycle Infrastructure    
The city of Baltimore has implemented a Bicycle Master Plan. The plan sets out the vision of making significant improvements in providing access to safe and user-friendly bicycling facilities over the course of 15 years. From 2005-2015, with dedicated funding, more than 100 miles of bicycle facilities have been installed in the city already. There is a full-time Bike Planner on staff at Baltimore’s Department of Transportation; but improvements are still necessary. The Bicycle Master Plan proposes to increase bicycle infrastructure and bette.. Read More
Enhanced Public Rights of Way and Pedestrian-Oriented Features
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
The Mobility Element section of San Diego’s Comprehensive Plan makes facilitating walking and biking as viable forms of transportation a priority for the city. The plan calls for the creation of mixed-use neighborhoods connected by public transportation; building residences closer to parks, schools, shopping, employment and transit; and a safe and accessible walking environment created by designing streets to increase pedestrian safety. To accomplish this, San Diego plans to—among other things—enhance public rights of way, design site plans .. Read More
Double Curbs for Complete Streets
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Complete Streets    
New York
Included in Nassau’s 2010 Master Plan is an initiative to improve the aesthetic and environmental performance of their downtown area through the repurposing of medians. Landscaping medians along arterial roadways and in use as parking lot buffers can improve the physical appearance and the environmental performance of a city. Trees in parking areas can provide shade and reduce heat generated by large areas of asphalt. This is a simple measure to combat the larger issues of heat island effect and climate change mitigation. Planting areas also.. Read More
Complete Streets Policy
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
Section 23-19 of Knoxville’s Zoning Code is dedicated to their complete streets policy. This section dictates that the city adopt a complete streets policy, and plan for, design, construct, maintain, and operate all streets to reflect complete streets principles to accommodate all users and modes. The section also allows for updates to be made as needed. The demand that the city maintain its streets to reflect complete streets policies will increase the likelihood of citizens utilizing alternative modes of transportation to vehicles. The red.. Read More
Planning for Active Transportation - Bicycles and Pedestrians
Date Added: Thursday, April 12, 2018
Healthy Communities, Transportation Demand Management, Complete Streets    
New York
A particular element of Buffalo, New York’s Comprehensive Plan 2030 is to redesign and repurpose their transportation network. Their goal is to promote transportation policies and projects that will help create an economically and environmentally healthy region, reverse current negative economic, land use, social and demographic trends, foster growth in areas with existing infrastructure, and promote equitable services for all residents. In the first four years of the program, there are over 40 projects aimed at upgrading existing infrastru.. Read More