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Search Results for Topic : Smart Growth

Promoting Public Health Through Smart Growth: Building Healthier Communities Through Transportation and Land Use Policies and Practices
Date Added: Thursday, July 12, 2018
Smart Growth, Healthy Communities    
State: Not Applicable
This document emphasizes how living smart growth communities leads to greater overall public health. It discusses practices that can be used in a variety of locations and focuses on how planners should create compact development that allow people to walk to their homes, supermarkets, schools and retail. These strategies are also used to achieve economic, social and environmental objectives goals, such as reducing climate change, air pollution and traffic congestions, increasing convenience and accessibility for people of all ages and increasing.. Read More
Multigenerational Planning: using smart growth and universal design to link the needs of children and the aging population
Date Added: Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Smart Growth, Equity    
State: Not Applicable
This article discusses how multigenerational planning is a “holistic approach” that assess the needs of many different age groups while planning policies that include zoning, local laws and building codes. The ultimate goal is creating a community that ensures “generational equality”. The article begins by discussing changes in population and demographics that impact how planners address certain issues. It articulates the needs, wants and concerns of each age group and what kind of communities they look to live in. Planners must provide a desig.. Read More
Energy Efficient Technology and Renewable Energy
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Smart Growth, Climate Change Planning    
San Jose, California has made it a priority to combat climate change through energy efficient technology and renewable energy use. In their General Plan, Envision 2040, they enumerate a series of actions and goals to achieve this end. They plan to measure and report annually the shares of the City’s total Carbon Footprint resulting from energy use in the built environment, transportation, and waste management. By partnering with public, private, and non-profit agencies, they plan to develop policies that require existing residents and bu.. Read More
Promoting Public Transportation
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Smart Growth    
New York
As part of their plan to overhaul their transportation network, Buffalo plans to use mixed-use corridor development and other land use policies that complement and promote the use of public transit options, reducing dependency on individual automobiles and parking. This plan works well with their established public transit options which they can build and improve upon to complement the mixed-use development in a symbiotic fashion. One of their biggest projects in their 2030 plans is implementation of high quality public transit between downtown.. Read More
Township of Chesterfield Transfer of Development Rights Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Smart Growth, Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)    
New Jersey
Chesterfield enabled a TDR program to create a town center in preparation for well-planned future growth. Chesterfield’s 1997 Master Plan envisioned a “neo traditional town center in the receiving area with a variety of housing types (including affordable housing), neighborhood shops and services, a school and other civic uses and recreational open space. Preserved farmland would surround the “planned village” and Chesterfield’s three historic hamlets. ” The TDR ordinance enabling that plan was passed in 1998 alongside a change to the zoning in.. Read More
Town of Amherst Development Methods Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Clustering & Cluster Development, Open Space Preservation, Planned Unit Development, Smart Growth    
This ordinance provides for a variety of Smart Growth activities within the town including cluster development, planned unit development, and open space community development according to general standards... Read More
City of Gloucester Interim Planning Overlay District
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Intermunicipal Agreements, Overlay District, Sewage Management, Smart Growth    
This ordinance is primarily concerned with the potential for overburdening of city sewer lines upon the completion of an intermunicipal agreement between The City of Gloucester and the Town of Essex. In order to prevent such an occurrence, they have created overlay zones to ensure orderly growth, provide the city time to study the effects, preserve community attributes, and to implement recommendations of the comprehensive plan... Read More
Town of New Paltz Wallkill River Recreation Overlay District
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Floodplain Regulations, Open Space Preservation, Overlay District, Recreational Uses, Smart Growth, Wildlife & Fish Habitat    
New York
This law creates the Wallkill River Recreation District, which is to be an area that serves the combined purposes of recreation, open space preservation, floodplain management, wildlife protection and scenic resource preservation. The law outlines the procedures for obtaining land to be used in the project and creates restrictions to be placed on these lands once they become part of the project. The 2011 amendment adds “The public hearing upon the application for renewal of such special permits shall be noticed in accordance with Article XVI, .. Read More
City of Hannibal Planned Density Residential District Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Planned Development Districts, Smart Growth, Zoning, Density    
The Planned Density Residential District is established to ensure adequate infrastructure support and allow for flexibility of use of the land by developers. It requires increasing open space as a percentage of land as the number of residential units being built increases. The Rural District is to provide space for agricultural uses and the orderly transfer of land to urban uses, while the Agricultural District is solely for the former... Read More
City of Clayton Planned Unit Development District Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Planned Unit Development, Smart Growth    
This ordinance establishes planned unit developments which support flexibility and innovative medium- and large-scale development in residential and commercial areas. It is intended to preserve natural features and functions (erosion control) and promote an aesthetically pleasing environment for residents and workers... Read More
State of Massachusetts Municipal Growth & Development Policy Committees Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Development Standards, Intermunicipal Agreements, Local Boards, Local Governance, Smart Growth    
A growth and development policy committee consisting of two or more municipalities may be established under this statute and “engage in all acts and conduct for the purpose of intergovernmental planning of balanced growth and development issues.” Paragraph one broadly defines “balanced growth and development issues.” Subject to the committee’s comment and review are issues which may have a “significant impact upon the health, safety or welfare of the member municipalities’ citizens, including issues pertaining to growth management and land us.. Read More
State of Illinois Smart Growth – Local Land Resource Management Planning Act
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Smart Growth, State Land Use Law, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The Local Land Resource Management Planning Act, 50 ILL. COMP. STAT. 805 et seq. (2004), authorizes and outlines the general principle that counties, municipalities, and townships may engage in land resource management programs. Beyond concerns associated with traditional zoning and comprehensive planning, the Act acknowledges local government interests in protecting the “land, air, water, natural resources, and environment of the State,” and encourages “socially and economically desirable” land use and planning via “Local Land Resource Managem.. Read More
State of Florida State Comprehensive Plan
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Incentive Zoning, Smart Growth, Transportation & Land Use Planning    
Below is the State of Florida’s Comprehensive Plan. The plan provides an example of a state legislature’s attempt to guide its constituent regions and municipalities in their respective efforts towards planning and development. Elements of the Priority Growth District concept are present in this plan... Read More
State of Florida State & Regional Planning – Findings & Intent Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Smart Growth, Transportation & Land Use Planning    
This Florida statute details the state’s legislative intent in promulgating planning and development statutes. Guidance is given to the constituent regions and municipalities to use in developing their own plans... Read More
Town of Brookhaven Moratorium on Telecommunications Facilities
Date Added: Friday, April 28, 2017
Communications, Comprehensive Planning, Moratoria, Smart Growth    
New York
Chapter 17 of the Town Code for the Town of Brookhaven places a moratorium on telecommunications facilities (cell phone, mobile phone or wireless phone antenna towers) until a comprehensive plan is developed. The town’s purpose is to insure the installation of the towers and facilities in a manner that is expeditious, maximizes services, and benefits the community, while simultaneously minimizing adverse visual impacts and reducing the potential for adverse physical damage to adjacent properties... Read More
Driving Urban Environments: Growth Parking Best Practices
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Smart Growth, Parking    
Parking is one of the biggest challenges to smart growth because it consumes large amounts of land that could be developed. Parking requirements now drive many site designs and play a crucial role in financing for new developments. Maryland conducted a study which identifies and addresses best practices for three areas of parking challenges faced by developers, which are parking management, which identifies strategies to control the supply and demand for parking, parking design, which proposes strategies that reduce the aesthetic and environmen.. Read More
Parking Management Strategies
Date Added: Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Smart Growth, Parking    
Traditional parking policies, which generally focus on setting a minimum number of parking spaces for various land uses are based on standards developed by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The Lancaster County Planning Commission conducted a study, Analysis of Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing, which found that the amounts of parking required for various housing types does not match what is needed and developed this document to help match parking supply to parking demand. The document details techniques that can be used .. Read More
Parking Spaces / Community Places, Finding the Balance through Smart Growth Solutions
Date Added: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Smart Growth, Parking    
State: Not Applicable
U.S. Federal
This guidebook by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency illustrates parking issues faced by municipalities and explains suggested alternatives to parking. Viewed through the lens of the impact of parking on the environment, the importance of mixed-use, walkable areas that balance parking with other environmental concerns are illustrated through case studies of cities throughout the United States that municipalities can look to for assistance with Smart Growth. .. Read More
Planning: Build-Out and Capacity Analysis
Date Added: Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Smart Growth, Build-Out Analysis, Capacity Analysis    
New Jersey
The Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions put together a Smart Growth Survival Kit that includes documents on the Environmental Resource Inventory, Affordable Housing, the Master Plan, and using Ordinances to protect local natural resources. Planning: Build-Out and Capacity Analysis is a part of the Survival Kit which details what Build-Out and Carrying Capacity are as well as the steps that must be taken in order to complete the analyses. A Build-Out Analysis helps determine what a municipality will look like if all the vacan.. Read More