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County of Calcasieu Parish Coastal Zone Management Regulations
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Coastal Protection    
Officially adopted in 1986, this ordinance allows the parish to take over more control and monitoring of the natural resources of the gulf coast. Although the ordinance is based on a state program, the program is optional and the ordinance gives the parish flexibility in the specifics. According to Pam Sturrock of the Calcasieu Parish Office of Planning and Development, the ordinance has been effective and relatively simple to enforce (Personal communication, April 9, 2003). .. Read More
City of Mandeville Comprehensive Land Use Regulation Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Comprehensive Planning, Land Use Planning, Zoning    
Adopted in 1993 and last updated in June 2002, this very extensive comprehensive plan serves as the zoning ordinance for the city. .. Read More
State of Louisiana Training Requirements for Local Boards Act
Date Added: Thursday, January 26, 2017
Local Boards, Local Governance    
This bill requires land use training for local boards in Louisiana... Read More
State of Louisiana Green Space Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Land Use Planning, Local Environmental Law, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
This model law provides a template for Louisiana parishes wishing to implement a green space ordinance to preserve water resources. The model law creates a servitude on the property between the property owner and the parish government and is a mandatory prerequisite for the issuance of any and all building permits. The servitude provides for a certain percentage of land on a property that shall remain in a natural, undisturbed or revegetated state, and allows the parish to enter the land for random inspections or following a complaint; the pa.. Read More
Town of Addis Zoning Ordinance; Passive Solar Energy
Date Added: Thursday, September 7, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
In its zoning ordinance, the Town of Addis lists and defines its different zoning districts. It makes only a small mention of solar energy systems, specifically passive ones, in Section 6. There, the ordinance describes that all structures in the Town of Addis shall maximize passive solar energy systems and shall not require a variance if the system infringes upon required yard areas. However, the ordinance does not specify design or placement standards for these passive solar energy systems, presenting a barrier to its implementation. .. Read More