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Parking Management Strategies
Date Added: Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Smart Growth, Parking    
Traditional parking policies, which generally focus on setting a minimum number of parking spaces for various land uses are based on standards developed by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The Lancaster County Planning Commission conducted a study, Analysis of Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing, which found that the amounts of parking required for various housing types does not match what is needed and developed this document to help match parking supply to parking demand. The document details techniques that can be used .. Read More
State of Pennsylvania Right-to-Farm Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
This statute sets forth Pennsylvania’s right-to-farm policy. The statute describes the issues that excessive development poses for agricultural areas and establishes goals to decrease the loss of farmland and prevent nuisance lawsuits against legitimate farming land uses... Read More
Western PA Rooftop Solar Challenge Final Solar Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Penn Future’s Western PA Rooftop Solar Challenge Final Solar Zoning Ordinance provides an example of solar energy systems defined based on type. The ordinance defines a “building-mounted system” as one “attached to any part or type of roof on a building or structure that has an occupancy permit… and that is either the principal structure or an accessory structure…” Additionally, the ordinance defines a “ground-mounted system” as one “mounted on a structure, pole or series of poles constructed specifically to support the photovoltaic system and .. Read More
Licking Township Sewage Sludge Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Sewage Management    
This ordinance from Licking Township, Clarion County, Pennsylvania requires that each ton of sewage sludge intended for land application be tested to prove that the levels of pollutants, pathogens, and vector attractants that are listed in the Pennsylvania Municipal Waste Regulations have not been exceeded. The township is concerned regarding potential harmful effects to its residents and local environment. A tipping fee is levied to pay for the collection and testing of truckload samples. This ordinance also requires that any type of sludge.. Read More
Philadelphia Food Trust
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Healthy Communities, Food Deserts    
In 2010, Philadelphia received $25 million from the Department of Health and Human Services to combat obesity and lower tobacco consumption through a variety of policy, systems, and environmental interventions. In response to studies which showed that Philadelphia’s population had significantly higher health risks than the rest of the country, as well as a low availability of healthy food options, money from this grant was directed into improved food programs. This funding included the creation of The Food Trust, a healthy corner store initiati.. Read More
Penn Future's Solar Installation Guidebook
Date Added: Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Penn Future’s Western PA Solar Installation Guidebook provides information on how to handle zoning and permitting solar energy in one’s municipality. Section B contains a model zoning ordinance. The ordinance defines a “building-mounted system” as one “attached to any part or type of roof on a building or structure that has an occupancy permit . . . and that is either the principal structure or an accessory structure . . . .” The ordinance defines a “ground-mounted system” as one “mounted on a structure, pole or series of poles constructed spec.. Read More
Philadelphia Bill No. 120532 Complete Streets
Date Added: Monday, June 25, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
This Ordinance amended Title 12 of The Philadelphia Code, the “Traffic Code,” providing for the manner in which bicyclists may operate bicycles in the streets, and by prohibiting motor vehicles from obstructing or creating hazards in bicycle lanes. This Ordinance also amends Title 11 of the Philadelphia Code, the “streets” section, providing for the establishment and implementation of a Complete Streets Policy. .. Read More
Philadelphia Complete Streets Design Handbook
Date Added: Monday, June 25, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
This Handbook will help inform the City, design professionals, developers, and community groups that are involved in the planning and design of streets and changes to the public right-of-way in Philadelphia. The Handbook identifies 7 conceptual complete streets components that make up the public right-of-way: Pedestrian, Building & Furnishing, Bicycle, Curbside Management, Vehicle/Cartway, Urban Design, and Intersections & Crossings. This Handbook will promote more efficient project implementation by serving as a comprehensive resource to guide.. Read More
Philadelphia, PA Executive Order NO. 5-09: Establishment of a Complete Streets Policy
Date Added: Monday, June 25, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
Executive Order NO. 5-09 establishes a Complete Streets Policy, and recognizes that increasing public transit use, walking, and bicycling can result in a healthier population, cleaner air, reduced traffic, livable neighborhoods, and less reliance on fossil fuels. It also provides that all City departments and agencies shall give full consideration to accommodation of the safety of all users of transportation systems (pedestrians, bicyclists, public transit users, vehicle drivers) regarding decisions made. The Complete Streets Policy is an integ.. Read More
Get Healthy Philly 2015 Annual Report
Date Added: Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Land Use Planning, Healthy Communities    
The Get Healthy Philly program was launched in 2010 as a public health initiative aimed to prevent disease, increase accessibility to healthy foods, promote increased physical activity through open space design and planning for walkability, and encourage smoke-free policies. This program, developed by the City’s Department of Public Health, is focused on six major strategies: media and communication campaigns regarding the benefits of exercise and tobacco-free environments; policies aimed at decreasing exposure to secondhand smoke and increasin.. Read More
Article XVII Adaptive Reuse, §27-199.1 Affordable Housing and Multifamily Housing
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing    
Allows adaptive reuse in the zoning code for multiple family units and affordable housing. Whitehall allows adaptive reuse for affordable housing to be permitted as of right in all residential zoning districts. It is limited to buildings over 5,000 square feet with the existing structure having existed for 50 years before this code was passed. It must have been vacant, partially vacant, or underutilized for a minimum of 3 consecutive years. Affordable units must be 60% AMI or below and rents must remain affordable for 15 years. The code also p.. Read More
City of Philadelphia Property Maintenance Code
Date Added: Saturday, April 15, 2017
Vacant & Distressed Properties    
The Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Legislature enacted an ordinance called the Property Maintenance Code. The ordinance requires that all vacant premises be kept in a sanitary, safe, and secure manner. All entranceways, such as windows and doors, must be maintained in good repair and secured, not boarded. Failure to keep building entranceways secure will result in an unsafe building designation. Upon an unsafe designation by the Building Department, notice shall be served upon the registered owner ordering compliance with the ordinance. Owner.. Read More
State of Pennsylvania Agricultural Security Areas Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Agriculture, Farmland Protection & Preservation    
This statute provides the authority for cities and counties to establish agricultural preserves to protect agricultural land uses. The statute sets a general minimum acreage requirement of 250 acres but allows such districts to be composed of “any number of noncontiguous tax parcels or accounts.” The statute also describes fees, notice requirements, and duties of the reviewing board... Read More
Town of Kennett Open Space Design Options Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Open Space Preservation, Ridgeline Protection    
This law is a lengthy and detailed open space ordinance that contains a component emphasizing protection of steep slopes and ridgelines... Read More
Township of Caln Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
The Township of Caln in Pennsylvania has integrated two sections in its zoning code on solar energy production facilities, Section 155-98, and solar photovoltaic systems, Section 155-126. In Section 155-98, solar energy production facilities are permitted by conditional use in the Institutional Zoning District and include design standards and specifications such as a minimum net lot area, a maximum height, and the overall facility design. Section 155-126 aims to promote the safe, effective, and efficient use of solar energy systems. The section.. Read More
Borough of Doylestown Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
In its Zoning Chapter, Doylestown, Pennsylvania created a section specifically for solar energy equipment, Section 615. Defined in the Specific Definition section of the chapter, solar energy equipment is “any device, structure or electronics that converts solar energy into electrical energy, heats water or produces hot air or similar function through the use of solar panels.” In it, Doylestown authorizes solar energy equipment in any zoning district as an accessory structure. The section goes on to list a few regulations including that the equ.. Read More
Township of London Grove Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Thursday, September 7, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
London Grove’s extensive Zoning Code incorporates a separate and informative section on solar energy systems, § 27-1839. According to § 27-1839, solar energy systems are permitted in all zoning districts as an accessory use, except that in two districts, “a special exception is required for the installation of any ground mounted solar energy system on any property less than 8,000 square feet.” The section goes on to list a number of development and design standards that are to be applied to the construction and installation of any solar energy .. Read More
Borough of Kenhorst Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Within its Zoning Chapter, the Borough of Kenhorst has incorporated a section specifically on Solar Energy Systems, § 540. According to § 540, “the use of solar energy systems, including solar collectors, storage facilities, distribution components, heating and cooling facilities, is a permitted use in all zoning districts.” The Township requires that all developments and structures be oriented in a way to maximize the use of passive and active solar energy. The section lists a few regulations for solar energy systems including required yard se.. Read More
Borough of Kutztown Subdivision and Land Development Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Subdivision Regulations, Zoning    
In its Subdivision and Land Development Chapter, the Borough of Kutztown in Pennsylvania included a small section on considerations for solar access. The section permits the Borough Council to allow variation to side lot line requirements if the goal is to maximize use of solar energy. Additionally, considerations will also be given to reserving solar easements within lots for protection of solar access. .. Read More
Philadelphia, PA Voluntary Affordable Housing
Date Added: Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Affordable Housing , Incentive Zoning    
Philadelphia includes in its housing code a provision for voluntary affordable housing. Moderate income units will be priced at levels affordable for 60% AMI, while low income units will be priced for 50% AMI. Where at least 50% of gross floor area will be designated for residential development, floor area, height, or dwelling density bonuses may apply. The bonuses are calculated depending on the zone and income designation. These affordable units must constitute at least 10% of all units, be affordable for 50 years, and be of comparable qualit.. Read More