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Transit oriented Development Design Guidelines
Date Added: Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
The Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Design Guidelines developed by the Florida Department of Transportation to provide a framework for TOD development in Urban Core, Urban General, Suburban, and Rural transects. The document contains a chart detailing the type of transportation methods that are feasible in the different transects as well as a chart for each transect that contains design guidelines for gross density indicators, intensity/density of use, parking, mixed use and diversity, and street network to be used by communities in developi.. Read More
County of Leon Aquifer and Wellhead Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Aquifer Protection    
The ordinance protects and maintains the quality and quantity of groundwater in the county through the regulation of specific uses and wells. Requirements for the registration of businesses and agencies that use regulated substances and remediation activities should hazardous discharges occur are included. This regulation includes public education requirements, a provision for program funding through a fee system, and a mechanism for inspections... Read More
County of Bay County Density and Intensity Bonus Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Affordable Housing , Density    
The Density and Intensity Bonus Ordinance encourages high quality affordable housing development and redevelopment in Bay County, Florida. This statute sets forth provisions for the calculation of density and intensity bonuses and establishes criteria for affordable housing and details about the application process for affordable housing... Read More
Miami-Dade County Ordinance Sustainable Buildings Program
Date Added: Monday, June 27, 2016
Development Standards, Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
Ordinance 07-65 was approved on May 8, 2007. This ordinance amended the Code of Miami-Dade County to establish a Sustainable Buildings Program for Miami-Dade County facilities. In this legislation, the County established a program to promote the green design, construction and operation of buildings that are developed, constructed and managed by the County. .. Read More
Miami-Dade County Resolution Declaring Sustainable Development Measures
Date Added: Monday, June 27, 2016
Development Standards, Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
The Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution #R-1200-05 in 2005. This resolution establishes the incorporation of sustainable development building measures into the design, construction, renovation and maintenance of County-owned, County-finances and County-operated buildings. .. Read More
City of Hollywood Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, January 26, 2017
Affordable Housing , Local Boards, Local Governance    
This Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Ordinance authorizes the creation of the Hollywood Affordable Housing Advisory Committee for the purpose of recommending initiatives to encourage and facilitate affordable housing options. This section establishes guidelines for the composition of the committee and minimum recommendations such as: density levels, reduction of parking and setback requirements, expedited processing permits, modification of impact fees, reservation of infrastructure capacity, allowance of zero-lot-line configurations, and.. Read More
Future Development promoting increased Air Quality
Date Added: Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Transportation & Land Use Planning, Healthy Communities, Vulnerable Populations    
To help avoid urban sprawl and reduce automobile use, Nassau created and adopted the East Nassau Community Planning Area (ENCPA) for future land use. The county has certain goals for development within the ENCPA, including: facilitating multi-modal transportation and creating communities that discourage urban sprawl. The goals of development within the ENCPA directly promote public health through encouraging walking and biking, making sure they are safe by planning for them to exist in the future, and decreasing the amount of pollution created .. Read More
Hillsborough County, FL Extensive HIA Process
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Healthy Communities, Health Impact Assessments    
Regional - Multiple Municipalities
There is an extensive required Health Impact Assessment (HIA) process in Hillsborough County, Florida for any public projects that are proposed to the planning board. Hillsborough County has a six step HIA program, similar to an Environmental Impact Statement, which consists of a screening phase, scoping phase, assessment phase, recommendations phase, reporting phase, and monitoring phase. For all public projects being developed in the county, an HIA must first be completed before construction begins in order to mitigate the public health effec.. Read More
County of Collier Coastal Zone Management Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Coastal Protection, Environmental Impact Review Requirements, Sea Level Rise Adaptation    
In order to protect, conserve, and appropriately use its coastal areas, the Collier County Coastal Zone Management ordinance requires planning consistence, site development prioritization, and impact planning that considers potential impacts of sea level rise. The law requires that all new and existing development in the coastal zone furthers the goals, objectives and policies of the Growth Management Plan’s Conservation and Coastal Management Element, preserving native vegetation and limiting development densities for sites within undeveloped.. Read More
County of Miami-Dade Science & Technology Committee Climate Change Advisory Task Force Statement
Date Added: Saturday, April 15, 2017
Coastal Protection, Sea Level Rise Adaptation    
In July 2006, the Miami-Dade County Board of Commissioners passed an ordinance creating the Miami Dade Climate Change Advisory Task Force to provide technical assistance and advice to the Board of County Commissioners concerning mitigation and adaptation measures in response to the impacts of global climate change. The Task Force consists of twenty-five appointed members representing various sectors of the Miami-Dade community including government agencies and educational institutions. The Science and Technology Committee is one of six commit.. Read More
County of Miami-Dade Coastal Management Planning Element
Date Added: Saturday, April 15, 2017
Coastal Protection, Sea Level Rise Adaptation    
The Board of County Commissioners for Miami-Dade County, Florida, adopted the Planning Commission’s Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP) in order to promote general welfare, maintain conditions under which people and nature can coexist in “productive harmony” and fulfill social, economic, and other requirements for present and future generations. Section 2-113.1 of the Codex specifically incorporates the CDMP’s Planning Elements. The Coastal Management Planning Element requires that sea level rise projected by the federal government b.. Read More
City of Sanibel Natural Resources Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, April 16, 2017
Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
Sanibel officials and local conservationists are concerned about the introduction of invasive exotic vegetation to the island’s fragile ecosystem. Exotic species out-compete native vegetation, creating undesirable monocultures and altering the ecological character of the island. In order to curb the introduction of exotic species, this ordinance prohibits planting specific plant species known to be invasive... Read More
City of Orlando Density and Intensity Bonuses
Date Added: Sunday, August 28, 2016
Incentive Zoning    
Density and intensity bonuses are available for development in office, mixed-use corridor, and activity center districts in order to provide incentives for infill and redevelopment and to reduce travel distance and promote energy conservation by limiting urban sprawl. Such development must provide connections to public transit and enhance bicycle and pedestrian accessibility. The ordinance also incorporates a transportation linkage incentive that allows reduction of the minimum required intensity in exchange for contributions to a city transpo.. Read More
County of Lake Green Building & Development Code
Date Added: Saturday, August 27, 2016
Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
Lake County, Florida is located in central Florida and is named after the numerous lakes in the area. There are approximately 1,400 named and identified lakes in the County. Lake County has a population of 307,243 people and has a total area of 1,156 square miles. A total of 203 square miles (17%) of the County’s area is water. The County has experienced several devastating storms, tornados and hurricanes in the past four years. The County has an innovative green building incentive created to establish major environmental goals. The State o.. Read More
City of Tampa Upland Habitat Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Overlay District, Wildlife & Fish Habitat    
The Upland Habitat Protection Ordinance was designed to protect the xeric and mesic plant communities and wildlife habitat in Tampa. The ordinance achieves this by establishing an overlay district and requiring plan approval before the commencement of development within the district... Read More
City of Palm Bay Community Development Division: Housing Assistance Program
Date Added: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Affordable Housing    
The Community Development Division: Housing Assistance Program ordinance created the Local Housing Assistance Program to hold and distribute state money with all funds being distributed to moderate, low, and very low-income housing. The Program distributes loans with “affordable” monthly payments, as defined by FL Statute 420.9071(3)... Read More
State of Florida State & Regional Planning – Findings & Intent Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Smart Growth, Transportation & Land Use Planning    
This Florida statute details the state’s legislative intent in promulgating planning and development statutes. Guidance is given to the constituent regions and municipalities to use in developing their own plans... Read More
State of Florida State Comprehensive Plan
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Incentive Zoning, Smart Growth, Transportation & Land Use Planning    
Below is the State of Florida’s Comprehensive Plan. The plan provides an example of a state legislature’s attempt to guide its constituent regions and municipalities in their respective efforts towards planning and development. Elements of the Priority Growth District concept are present in this plan... Read More
City of Kissimmee City Manager to Administer Provisions Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Fair Housing, Local Governance    
Section 4-2-9 of Title IV, Community Relations and Recreational Facilities, imposes on the City Manager, the duty of rectifying grievances using methods of persuasion, conciliation and mediation. .. Read More
City of Boynton Beach Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Boynton Beach, Florida has incorporated Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Arrays regulations within its Zoning Code in a separate subsection. In that subsection, Boynton Beach lists height, location, and rooftop requirements. The PV Arrays sub-section also describes regulations for wall mounted or flush to a building or structure solar energy systems. These regulations include a required yard setback by more than three feet, a minimum dimension of nine feet, and a wall mounted PV array design that is compatible with the structure and surface to which it .. Read More
County of Broward Solar Zoning Regulations
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Broward County, Florida enacted Ordinance No. 2012-22 to amend its Code of Ordinances, specifically within its Zoning Article, to create a new section, 39-109, entitled “Rooftop Photovoltaic Solar Systems.” Section 39-109 permits photovoltaic solar systems as accessory equipment in all zoning categories and provides for severability with an effective date. The section lists height and maintenance regulations as well as the requirements for a permit an owner must obtain before installation. .. Read More
Alachua County’s Access to Healthful, Affordable, and Nutritious Food Initiatives
Date Added: Thursday, April 12, 2018
Healthy Communities, Urban Farming & Community Gardens    
Alachua’s Comprehensive Plan promotes equal access to healthful, affordable, and nutritious food through a community garden and agriculture programs offered by the USDA Farm to School Programs. Programs promoting gardening, healthy food access, and nutrition improvement are targeted at low-income households and populations at high-risk for health disparity. The County is simultaneously discouraging sale of less healthy foods in government facilities. Additionally, the County plans to partner with local organizations and develop standards to .. Read More
Avoiding Accumulation of Standing Water and Mosquitoes
Date Added: Thursday, April 12, 2018
Healthy Communities, Infectious Disease Control    
To avoid accumulation of standing water, Brevard County is planning for public facilities to be located outside of floodplains or wetlands. One of the goals of this policy is to avoid water damage of those facilities due to flooding, but the policy was also implemented to control the mosquito population in public facilities. Avoiding the accumulation of both standing water and mosquitoes in public facilities will help to reduce the spread of infectious diseases within the County... Read More
Multi-modal Transportation Support
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Transportation Demand Management    
Nassau County’s Comprehensive Plan calls for all development proposals to be reviewed for compliance with goal to promote multi-modal transportation that is safe and efficient, meeting minimum acceptable levels of service for all roadway segments. Chief among reviewing criteria is the project’s contribution to public health. The County will be using the most recent version of the FDOT Quality/Level of Service Handbook definitions to determine levels of service for roadways. Additionally, to promote walking and biking, the County will incorporat.. Read More
Miami, FL Tree Requirements
Date Added: Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Climate Change Planning    
The City of Miami requires a tree permit “prior to the removal, relocation, root pruning or trimming more than 25% of any tree” and “prior to the removal, relocation, root pruning or trimming of any tree, plant or shrub located in any portion of the City of Miami’s right-of- way.” Chapter 17 of the city’s code was enacted to protect, preserve and restore the tree canopy. It is notable in that this applies to private property owners too... Read More
Pinellas County, FL Incentivizes Affordable Housing
Date Added: Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Affordable Housing , Incentive Zoning    
Regional - Multiple Municipalities
Pinellas County provides numerous incentives for affordable housing development: expedited permit processing, review fee relief, reduced parking requirements, housing in commercial zones, donation of publicly owned land, identifying qualified renters or buyers, density bonuses, accessory structures, reduced setback requirements, street design modifications, and zero lot lines. Where 20% of the units are affordable to households at 60% AMI or below, these incentives may apply... Read More
Miami, FL Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning
Date Added: Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Affordable Housing , Incentive Zoning    
Passed a mandatory inclusionary zoning ordinance in 2018 that requires affordable units in a certain 30-block district. Because the city ranked lowest in the country for affordable rental units and climate change is forcing residents inland, Miami chose to pass this ordinance. Now, rental developments within the zone must have a minimum 7% affordable or 14% workforce housing. Both of these are designated for households earning 80% less AMI. Developers will be permitted to increase project square footage if they fulfill this requirement. In Miam.. Read More