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Parking Code Guidance: Case Studies and Model Provisions
Date Added: Friday, July 17, 2015
The Parking Code Guidance: Case Studies and Model Provisions paper was written as a part of the San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC) Smart Growth Technical Assistance: Parking Reform Campaign. Its goal is to provide guidance on identifying key issues, reforming parking standards, and on how to regulate and manage parking in a way that supports development in urban infill areas, encourages balanced multimodal access, and reduces vehicle traffic. The guidance provided is based on best practices for access and parking regul.. Read More
The High Cost of Free Parking
Date Added: Wednesday, October 28, 2015
This paper identifies free parking as the fundamental problem planners face with parking, and explores the consequences associated with it. Actual monetary cost as well as raised housing costs, and reduced urban density are all evaluated in relation to minimum parking requirements. The paper also provides information on how charging for curbside parking, as an alternative to minimum parking requirements, is more beneficial... Read More
Parking Policy for Transit-Oriented Development: Lessons for Cities, Transit Agencies, and Developers
Date Added: Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Parking    
Parking policy is a key factor that can improve the performance of rail transit and Transit Oriented Development (TOD). This article evaluated information and insights of three studies on residential TODs, office TODs, and joint development of transit agency station parking in California. Results from the literature review showed that TOD parking supply and pricing policy are seldom structured to support transit ridership goals. The author has formulated policy recommendations for transit agencies, cities, and developers to improve parking poli.. Read More
City of San Diego Municipal Code - Alternative Dispute Resolution Provision
Date Added: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Alternative Dispute Resolution    
In the interest of gaining compliance with municipal statutes (including zoning/land use laws), the San Diego city council enacted a statute to allow for mediation of all disputes involving San Diego statutes as well as applicable California and federal statutes. The municipal code allows for both mediation and facilitation. .. Read More
County of Sonoma Vineyard Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Erosion & Sedimentation Control    
This procedural ordinance contains requirements for new vineyard development and replanting of existing vineyards in order to reduce soil erosion and resulting sedimentation into area streams. This ordinance contains detailed requirements for certified engineers, and disclosure and notification (to buyers and public). It contains requirements for slope location (i.e. perimeter), maximum slope percentages, and erosion control plans. It classifies vinyeyards into Level I, II, or III, with each level having variable requirements for review, inspec.. Read More
City of Carlsbad Inclusionary Housing Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Affordable Housing    
The City of Carlsbad, CA adopted an Inclusionary Housing Ordinance that requires fifteen percent of all residential plans be set aside as affordable housing. The city also established guidelines that allow developers to receive credit towards the requirement, thereby reducing the fifteen percent limit, if certain, more desirable affordable housing units are provided. If the fifteen percent requirement is not feasible on-site, the city may allow a developer to construct second dwelling units or rehabilitate an existing structure. .. Read More
City of Berkeley Planning and Development Procedures - Alternative Dispute Resolution Provision
Date Added: Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Alternative Dispute Resolution    
During the Zoning Board application process, the Board may direct the parties to mediate a dispute over the proposed land use. The Board or Zoning Officer will direct the mediator as to which issues are to be addressed, and the mediator will submit a report to the Board or Zoning Officer within 45 days of the mediation. This mediation is voluntary and non-binding. .. Read More
County of Riverside Construction, Reconstruction, Abandonment and Destruction of Wells
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Aquifer Protection    
Riverside County established an ordinance regulating the Construction, Reconstruction, Abandonment and Destruction of Wells in order to “(a) protect underground water resources, and (b) provide safe water to persons within Riverside County.” Applications for permits must include a variety of information on the physical characteristics property, the well specifications, and additional property features, which include other wells, underground storage tanks, and waste disposal sites. .. Read More
City and County of San Francisco Green Building, Environment Codes - Better Roof Requirements for Renewable Energy Facilities
Date Added: Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency, Solar Energy    
In order to combat climate change and its potential effects on the peninsula based city, San Francisco has become the first large American city to enact an ordinance mandating that all new structures, fewer than 10 stories tall, must be outfitted with solar panels. This ordinance will take effect in 2017. The San Francisco ordinance exceeds the requirements set by state law mandating that new buildings must reserve a “solar zone” of roof space for the installation of solar panels. Although the article states that the California law mandates a .. Read More
County of Placer Open Space Preservation of Natural Resources Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, September 19, 2016
Land Acquisition    
Placer Legacy is a county program that seeks to protect Placer County’s diverse open space and agricultural resources. This program was started as a way to implement the Open Space Element of the Placer County General Plan. In partnership with a diverse group of stakeholders, the county is implementing a comprehensive, science-based open space plan that preserves the diversity of plant and animal communities in the county as well as protects land for agricultural and recreational purposes. .. Read More
San Francisco Green Building Code
Date Added: Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Development Standards, Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
To ensure that all buildings are healthy, sustainable places to live, work and learn, the San Francisco Green Building Code requirements reduce energy and water use, divert waste from landfills, encourage alternate modes of transportation, and support the health and comfort of building occupants in San Francisco. The 2008 green building requirements apply to newly constructed residential and commercial buildings and for major renovations to existing buildings. New construction in San Francisco must meet all applicable California codes, provide .. Read More
West Hollywood Green Building Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Development Standards, Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
West Hollywood adopted one of the nation’s first mandatory green building ordinances, and it became effective in 2007. The ordinance ensures that new buildings will be healthier for residents, and use energy and resources more efficiently. Flexibility, responsiveness to local conditions, and cost-effectiveness are key features of the ordinance. The City has created a green building manual to guide users through the process. The green building requirements and incentives and private development ordinance focus on establishing new development sta.. Read More
City of San Jose Amendments to Zoning Code to Reduce Parking Requirements
Date Added: Monday, November 14, 2016
Transportation & Land Use Planning, Parking    
This ordinance amends Chapter 20.90 of the City of San Jose Zoning Code to reduce parking requirements for specific ground floor uses on properties designated with the Neighborhood Business District General Plan overlay, and to reduce parking requirements for ministorage uses citywide... Read More
City of San Francisco Solar Energy Revenue Bond Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Solar Energy    
This is a voter approved ordinance which allows the city to issue 100 million dollars’ worth of revenue bonds to pay for solar panels, wind turbines and energy efficiency measures for public buildings. The measure is designed to pay for itself through energy savings and at no cost to taxpayers. The money that would have gone to buy electricity from power plants instead goes to pay down the bond. .. Read More
Yolo County, California Code § 8-2.1104, .1105
Date Added: Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Yolo County’s solar energy regulations allow approval of small solar energy systems for onsite uses through the issuance of a building permit and a zoning clearance, provided the application meets setback and other standards set forth in the solar energy regulation. . If the County’s chief building official believes a small solar energy system could have a specific, adverse impact upon the public health and safety, the official may require the applicant to apply for a use permit. Medium-sized solar energy systems for onsite and/or offsite uses .. Read More
City of Lancaster, California Code § 17.08.305- Implementation of solar energy systems
Date Added: Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Solar Energy, Zoning    
The City of Lancaster, California’s solar energy system implementation regulation requires all new single-family homes to have a solar energy system in order to receive a building permit. The mandate includes subdivisions, requiring the subdivider to meet the aggregate energy generation requirement within the subdivision (as calculated by the per-unit energy generation requirement multiplied by the number of homes in the subdivision). Alternatively, a homebuilder may choose to meet the solar energy generation requirement by purchasing solar en.. Read More
Healthy Community Implementation Toolbox
Date Added: Thursday, July 12, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Healthy Communities, Zoning    
Los Angeles wants to decrease health inequalities, chronic disease and obesity amongst the community. As a result, the ULI Los Angeles’ Healthy Community Implementation Toolbox was created for local governments and officials in public works, planning, and private developers. The goal of this toolbox is to create a healthy environment with creative active living design plans, incorporating fast food regulations and healthy retail incentives, along with farmers’ markets and community gardens. The toolbox outlines twelve tools for developing healt.. Read More
Berkeley votes for historic housing change: an end to single-family zoning
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing , Zoning, Density    
Berkeley’s zoning code was amended to eliminate all single-family zones and replace them with multi-family zones, allowing for development of duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes to alleviate the city’s housing strain. This is estimated to add an additional 9,000 housing units in the next several years. Berkeley was nationally known for being the “birthplace of exclusionary zoning,” and the town decided it was time to address the issue. The new units will match existing neighborhood style while also maintaining historic character... Read More
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing    
California’s Statewide Hotels-to-Housing Initiative: Homekey is a California statewide program that allocated $846 million of federal CARES Act CRF funds, state funds, and philanthropic money to support acquiring hotels, motels, and other properties to be converted into housing for the homeless during Covid-19 with the goal that the majority of units will become permanent housing. Through an application process open to local public entities– including cities, counties, housing authorities, and federally recognized tribal governments–6,066 units.. Read More
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing    
California’s Statewide Hotels-to-Housing Initiative: Homekey is a California statewide program that allocated $846 million of federal CARES Act CRF funds, state funds, and philanthropic money to support acquiring hotels, motels, and other properties to be converted into housing for the homeless during Covid-19 with the goal that the majority of units will become permanent housing. Through an application process open to local public entities– including cities, counties, housing authorities, and federally recognized tribal governments–6,066 units.. Read More
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing    
California’s Statewide Hotels-to-Housing Initiative: Homekey is a California statewide program that allocated $846 million of federal CARES Act CRF funds, state funds, and philanthropic money to support acquiring hotels, motels, and other properties to be converted into housing for the homeless during Covid-19 with the goal that the majority of units will become permanent housing. Through an application process open to local public entities– including cities, counties, housing authorities, and federally recognized tribal governments–6,066 units.. Read More
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing    
California’s Statewide Hotels-to-Housing Initiative: Homekey is a California statewide program that allocated $846 million of federal CARES Act CRF funds, state funds, and philanthropic money to support acquiring hotels, motels, and other properties to be converted into housing for the homeless during Covid-19 with the goal that the majority of units will become permanent housing. Through an application process open to local public entities– including cities, counties, housing authorities, and federally recognized tribal governments–6,066 units.. Read More
Untapped Potential: Strategies for Revitalization and Reuse
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing    
Los Angeles created a guideline for future adaptive reuse legislation. Its top strategies to promote reuse are: leverage data and mapping tools to understand reuse opportunities; eliminate, reduce, or recalibrate parking requirements; update zoning codes to meet the needs of the 21st century; retain and strengthen existing incentive programs for reuse; remove key barriers that prevent change of use in vacant or underutilized buildings; develop a solutions database to track and promote ways to overcome building code challenges; develop new sourc.. Read More
Date Added: Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Affordable Housing , Zoning    
Santa Ana Municipal Code §41-1650 through 1657 allows for the adaptive reuse of nonresidential buildings into dwelling units, guest rooms or joint living and work quarters within 4 designated “project incentive zones” if the building either “was constructed in accordance with building and zoning codes in effect prior to July 1, 1974” or “has been determined to be a historically significant building.” The code also establishes development standards; allows for residential use in the project incentive zones regardless of underlying zoning;.. Read More
Accessory Dwelling Unit Handbook
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Accessory Uses , Affordable Housing    
California’s new legislature reduces impediments on ADUs. Local legislatures may no longer use minimum lot sizes to limit ADU development, eliminates all owner occupancy requirements, prohibits local governments from setting maximum sizes under 850 square feet, renders CC&Rs void where unduly restrictive on ADU development, and requires local governments to create affordable units for various income levels. .. Read More
City of Oakland Construction & Demolition Debris Recycling Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, April 13, 2017
As part of Oakland’s Sustainable Development Initiative, the city adopted the Construction and Demolition Debris ordinance that requires all new development and sizeable remodeling projects to reuse or recycle 50% or more of their waste and debris. Not only does this prevent construction materials from going to the landfill, but it also reduces the demand for new construction materials. .. Read More
City of Malibu Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan – Shoreline & Bluff Development
Date Added: Saturday, April 15, 2017
Development Standards, Sea Level Rise Adaptation    
The City of Malibu requires the design and siting of all new shoreline development and shoreline protective devices to consider anticipated accelerated sea level rise. The City requires that new development be sufficiently set back and elevated to minimize to the maximum extent feasible hazards associated with anticipated sea level rise over the expected one-hundred year economic life of the structure. All applications for new beach or bluff-top development must include an engineering analysis of coastal hazards, including future projections .. Read More
San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission
Date Added: Saturday, April 15, 2017
Sea Level Rise Adaptation    
The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission’s 2008 Bay Plan incorporates policy considerations that are responsive to sea level rise. Because the Commission found that water levels in the Bay are likely to increase due in part to rising global sea levels, the Bay Plan establishes policies that structures on fill or near the shoreline have adequate flood protection and that all proposed development projects be “sufficiently high above the highest estimated tide level” for the expected life of the project. Furthermore, the Pla.. Read More
City of San Diego Abatement of Vacant Structures Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, April 15, 2017
Vacant & Distressed Properties    
The City of San Diego, California, enacted an ordinance requiring that vacant and boarded buildings immediately be rehabilitated because they pose several risks to the community including: facilitating illegal activity, creation of fire hazards, and threatening general public health and safety. The Director of the Neighborhood Code Compliance Department or any other Director authorized by the City Manager may enforce the ordinance. Violations of the ordinance result in misdemeanors, injunctive relief, or civil damages. Upon the Director’.. Read More
City of Santa Barbara Energy Efficiency Standards
Date Added: Saturday, August 27, 2016
Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
The City of Santa Barbara, California, modified its energy efficiency standards to correspond with the first level of the Architecture 2030 Challenge and to reduce its fossil fuel usage in its buildings by 50% below the regional average. Also, the City has set a goal to reduce energy consumption to achieve “carbon neutrality” by 2030 in new buildings and retrofits. In order to meet these goals, the City has set forth increased minimum energy efficiency standards for all new construction (residential and commercial) of any size, additions to.. Read More
City of Ronhert Park Local Energy Efficiency Standards & Green Buildings Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, August 27, 2016
Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
The City of Rohnert Park’s “Energy Efficiency Standards” set minimum energy efficiency requirements for all new low-rise residential construction of any size, all low-rise residential additions equal to or greater than one thousand square feet of conditioned floor area, and all residential and nonresidential swimming pools and water features. The standards operate by setting required levels of efficiency that exceed the state-level energy requirements by a certain percentage. The percentages are imposed on a sliding scale, such that increasing.. Read More
City of Pasadena Green Building Practices
Date Added: Saturday, August 27, 2016
Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
The city of Pasadena, California has adopted into its municipal code Green Building Practices in order to promote sustainable development and environmentally-friendly construction. Pasadena is located in Los Angeles County, surrounded by the Raymond Fault Line, San Rafael Hills, and San Gabriel Mountains. Home to approximately 148,000 residents, the city is perhaps most famous for hosting the annual Rose Bowl college football game. In 2007, Pasadena became involved with other cities in the state (including Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Fr.. Read More
City of Hayward Green Buildings Requirements for Municipal and Private Developments
Date Added: Saturday, August 27, 2016
Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
The City of Hayward is the sixth largest city in the San Francisco Bay Area. As of 2007, Hayward’s estimated population was 155,312 residents. The City has a total area of 63 square miles, of which 29.68% is water. The City is located on the Hayward Fault, an earthquake fault, which is still the center of town. Hayward has transit stations for the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), a heavy-rail system that connects San Francisco with various East Bay cities. Hayward is located in the environmentally active California San Francisco Bay, and the C.. Read More
City of San Diego Land Development Manual: Storm Water Standards
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Floodplain Regulations, Stormwater Management    
This ordinance is designed as a manual for selection, design, and incorporation of storm water Best Management Practices (BMPs) into the project’s design plan. It requires identification of pollutants of concern from land use activities and pollutants and conditions of concern in receiving waters. The manual additionally requires pollution prevention throughout. One example is pollution prevention through pest control in the design of a site to avoid pesticide application... Read More
City of Arroyo Provision of housing, in-lieu fee, or dedication of land
Date Added: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Affordable Housing    
The Provision of housing, in-lieu fee, or dedications of land ordinance establishes that if a developer does not met affordable housing requirements outlined in the town code, he or she must pay a fee in lieu of providing such housing. This fee is then deposited in the affordable housing trust fund and may be used solely for the creation of affordable housing units.. Read More
California Land Conservation Act
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Agriculture, Farmland Protection & Preservation    
The California Land Conservation Act provides the authority for cities and counties to establish agricultural preserves to protect agricultural land uses. The Act permits cities and counties to enter into renewable contracts with landowners to designate land uses for a given parcel... Read More
City of Carlsbad Second Dwelling Units Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Affordable Housing , Development Standards, Fair Housing, Zoning    
The Second Dwelling Units Ordinance allows the construction of second dwelling units by permits, subject to certain requirements, in order to achieve affordable housing goals... Read More
City of Modesto Density Bonus Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Affordable Housing , Incentive Zoning, Density    
Under the Density Bonus Ordinance, Modesto’s density bonuses are awarded in relation to the percentage of affordable units provided. If a developer shows economic necessity, an additional incentive may be provided by the city (reduction in site development standards, modification of zoning requirements, financial incentives, and donation of land). A 25% density bonus may be awarded for condominium conversions if 33% of the total units are for moderate income, or 15% are reserved for low-income. A ten-year restriction is placed on the deed if.. Read More
City of Calimesa Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Calimesa, California has created a subsection under its zoning chapter on Residential Zone District specifically for listing solar energy design standards. Calimesa requires that future structures should be oriented to maximize solar access opportunities and that “streets, lot sizes and lot configurations should be designed to maximize the number of structures oriented so that the south wall and roof area face within 45 degrees of due north.” Other standards include that roof-mounted solar collectors be placed in the most obscure location and .. Read More
City of Del Mar Solar Energy Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Del Mar, California has integrated an entire chapter in its zoning code on solar energy. The chapter “is intended to implement adopted federal, state, and local policies by decreasing the City’s dependence upon non-renewable energy systems for sources through the encouragement of solar energy systems for the hearing of buildings and water.” Chapter 23.20 goes on to define important terms used within the chapter and lists specific regulations for space heating and cooling of new structures, remodels of existing structures, and use of solar syste.. Read More
Increasing Available Housing through Infill Development
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Affordable Housing , Brownfields    
Sacramento’s 2035 General Plan sets a goal of ensuring that the production of housing will meet future needs. To meet this goal the General Plan establishes policies that require the promotion of quality infill development specifically focused on the creation of affordable units. The City plans to offset the costs of developing affordable housing through deferred fees and financial incentives including water development fee waivers and sewer credits. Not only will this help to eliminate brown zones in the city, but the increase in affordable.. Read More
Traffic Safety Policy
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Traffic Calming & Safety    
The goal of San Diego, California’s “Mobility Element” plan is to develop a multi-modal transportation network that gets citizens where they want to go while minimizing environmental and neighborhood impacts. Among the goals of this policy, San Diego aimed to increase general traffic safety of pedestrians. The city collaborated with community groups and interested private and public parties to design and implement safe pedestrian routes to schools, transit centers, and other highly frequented destinations. After locating these priority areas.. Read More
Enhanced Public Rights of Way and Pedestrian-Oriented Features
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
The Mobility Element section of San Diego’s Comprehensive Plan makes facilitating walking and biking as viable forms of transportation a priority for the city. The plan calls for the creation of mixed-use neighborhoods connected by public transportation; building residences closer to parks, schools, shopping, employment and transit; and a safe and accessible walking environment created by designing streets to increase pedestrian safety. To accomplish this, San Diego plans to—among other things—enhance public rights of way, design site plans .. Read More
City of Chula Vista Municipal Code §§ 15.24.065, 15.28.015 - PV Pre­Wiring & Solar H2O Heater Pre­Plumbing Reqs; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Saturday, January 6, 2018
Solar Energy, Zoning    
The City of Chula Vista’s electrical code includes photovoltaic (PV) pre-wiring requirements that mandate all new residential units to include an electrical conduit specifically designed to allow the later installation of a PV system that utilizes solar energy as a means to provide electricity. Similarly, Chula Vista’s plumbing code requires all new residential units to include plumbing specifically designed to allow the later installation of a solar water heater that utilizes solar energy as the primary means of heating domestic potable water... Read More
Energy Efficient Technology and Renewable Energy
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Smart Growth, Climate Change Planning    
San Jose, California has made it a priority to combat climate change through energy efficient technology and renewable energy use. In their General Plan, Envision 2040, they enumerate a series of actions and goals to achieve this end. They plan to measure and report annually the shares of the City’s total Carbon Footprint resulting from energy use in the built environment, transportation, and waste management. By partnering with public, private, and non-profit agencies, they plan to develop policies that require existing residents and bu.. Read More
City of Villages
Date Added: Monday, June 4, 2018
Transportation Efficient Development, Healthy Communities, Climate Change Planning    
San Diego’s Land Use and Community Planning Element includes a series of goals which effectuate the amelioration of climate change through the mitigation of greenhouse emissions. One of these efforts is creating a “City of Villages,” which is the goal to develop mixed-use activity centers within villages. This concentration of activity offers better access to pedestrian-friendly travel options, including walking, biking, and public transit. This will enable large numbers of people to make fewer and shorter auto trips, a large component of San D.. Read More
Code Compliance Relocation Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, June 2, 2022
Oakland, CA Code Compliance Relocation Ordinance provides for owner paid relocation payments and assistance to tenants who are displaced due to compliance with building, housing, and, fire codes. Relocation benefits and assistance are necessary to ensure that displaced tenants secure safe, sanitary and decent replacement housing. If the owner refuses to make the payment, Oakland can choose to pay the displaced tenant and then place a lien on the property to recover the costs. .. Read More
Community Opportunity to Purchase Act
Date Added: Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Affordable Housing , Displacement    
San Francisco, California’s Community Opportunity to Purchase Act (COPA) requires sellers of buildings with three or more residential units, or vacant land that could be developed into three or more residential units, to give qualified non-profit organizations priority to purchase. COPA was created to prevent displacement and encourage the creation and preservation of affordable housing. .. Read More
Affordable Housing Preference Program
Date Added: Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Affordable Housing , Displacement    
San Francisco, California’s Affordable Housing Preference Program establishes a preference for occupying units or receiving assistance from the city’s affordable housing programs. The program notes that a preference in qualifying for affordable housing for residents who have been, or are about to be, displaced is necessary. The city also assists in preserving access to schools, after school programs, stores, community centers, places of worship, and health care providers... Read More