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Delaware Regional Planning Commission Municipal Implementation Tool #6: Parking Management Strategies
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Regional Planning Entity
The Parking Management Strategies brochure was developed by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission as part of a series of implementation tools based on the recommendations in the region’s long-term plan and specifically addresses strategies to balance the supply and demand for parking. The brochure details two types of parking strategies that are important for managing parking demand, the type that can be used to accommodate existing and future parking demand more efficiently and the type that can be used to reduce parking demand whic.. Read More
County of Kent Comprehensive Plan Update
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Comprehensive Planning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
Chapter 7 of Kent County’s Comprehensive Plan discusses various areas of importance and recommends general guidelines for protection of these areas. Included is discussions of the importance of the preservation of wetlands, beaches and shorelines, coastal areas, and stormwater managements, as well as information regarding more specific areas such as the Silver Lake Watershed. .. Read More
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission Renewable Energy Ordinance Framework Solar PV
Date Added: Monday, July 11, 2016
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Regional Planning Entity
The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s Alternative Energy Ordinance Working Group developed the DVRPC Renewable Energy Ordinance Frameworks to help municipalities adopt regulations for small-scale renewable energy systems. The ordinance frameworks “provide a menu of sample ordinance language options, both permissive and restrictive, to allow municipalities to build a customized ordinance that addresses their local issues.” The frameworks offer a range of development standards for municipalities to choose from, including requirements.. Read More
County of New Castle Environment First Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Erosion & Sedimentation Control    
The Environment First amendments to the Unified Development Code (UDC), were introduced May 13, 2003. They tighten up the already strict and thorough regulations of the UDC, which includes Article 23: Landscaping, Trees, and Erosion. The Environment First amendments strengthen the riparian buffer requirements in order to dissipate the velocity of runoff and control erosion, requires stormwater management and grading efforts to use green technology best management practices and to maintain non-erosive velocities of runoff and allows herbaceous v.. Read More
County of New Castle Local Natural Resource Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, April 16, 2017
Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This ordinance provides regulatory protection of ecologically significant lands listed on Delaware’s natural areas inventory. It aims to accomplish this through establishment of protection standards, as well as specific guidelines for areas of importance including open space, flood plains, steep slopes, and forests... Read More
County of Kent Draft Growth Zone Overlay District
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Overlay District    
Proposed amendment to the Kent County growth zone overlay district seeks to more clearly spell out the requirements and guidelines pertaining to the growth zones. The goal is to direct future development to more desirable areas, as well as to ensure that there is an adequate infrastructure where future growth is planned... Read More
County of Frederick Forest Banking Program
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Forest Management, Tree Preservation & Protection    
The County of Frederick Forest Banking program allows a person to create new forest areas or designate certain existing forest areas to be held in reserve, in order to be used to meet future forestation requirements imposed on regulated activities by this Ordinance... Read More
County of North Castle Planned, Hamlet or Village Bonus for Affordable Housing Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Affordable Housing , Incentive Zoning    
This law states that a developer can propose a ten percent density increase if the development meets certain requirements. Requirements include at least fifty percent of additional units be reserved as affordable housing. The ordinance provides a detailed example that carefully outlines the calculations of a mock proposal. Sec. 40.07.310 lists general standards required of all affordable housing projects. .. Read More
Town of Fenwick Island Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Under its Renewable Energy System section within its Zoning Chapter, the Town of Fenwick Island in Delaware permits solar energy systems its zoning districts. According to Section 160-9(A), a “solar energy system is a renewable energy system designed and used to obtain energy from the sun in order to supply energy to a principal use of a structure.” These systems include but are not limited to solar hot water, air heating and cooling, and photovoltaic systems. The solar energy system sub-section goes on to list a few conditions that an applican.. Read More
Town of Henlopen Acres Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
The Town of Henlopen Acres in Delaware only permits roof-mounted solar panels/collectors to be installed and used on any principal structure. These panels are subject to any applicable building code, “including but not limited to the International Residential Code, Section M2301 and approved by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC).” The Town sets forth certain regulations for solar panels such as prohibiting the panels from being installed on the roof surface facing the street and requiring they be parallel to and not higher than six inches.. Read More
City of Lewes Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Despite its lengthy Zoning Chapter, the City of Lewes in Delaware only mentions solar panels once throughout the entire chapter. The Chapter states that the Lewes Historic Preservation Commission may not deny the addition of solar panels in the city’s Historic District except to designate reasonable alternative design and/or placement. .. Read More