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A New Transit-Oriented Development District Zoning Regulation for Meriden
Date Added: Friday, July 17, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Zoning    
Meriden, Connecticut prepared a presentation for a public information meeting outlining the new Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Regulation. The presentation detailed the goals and implementation strategies, laid out TOD sub-districts, use regulations, parking standards, development standards, density goals, and detailed the TOD Master-Plan. In addition to laying out the details of the regulations, the presentation had many maps and mock-ups showing how the development would look in different districts on different streets, including aerial v.. Read More
City of New Britain: Principles For Transit-Oriented Development
Date Added: Friday, July 17, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
This station area planning study provides an in-depth explanation of Transit Oriented Development (TOD), its role in municipal land use policy and its general principles. The study was developed for the City of New Britain to assess the existing conditions of the city’s Cedar and East Street Stations and provide design and development recommendations. The report contains detailed maps and visual representations of typical development and proposed development that can be used to assist communities in their own development planning... Read More
Standards of the Connecticut Gateway Commission
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Timber Harvesting, Conservation Districts & Subdivisions    
This ordinance establishes standards for building within a designated “conservation zone.” Activities regulated include design of buildings, height, setback distance, and as well as land coverage... Read More
Town of Ellington Earth Excavation Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Site Design Standards    
The Town of Ellington, Connecticut’s Earth Excavation Code sets out the criteria for excavation activities including erosion control, wind erosion control, dust control, working slopes, minimum setbacks, topsoil preservations, buffering, and landscaping. The Earth Excavation Code also limits sound pressure levels, truck access, and hours of operation when working at an excavation site adjacent to a residentially zoned district... Read More
Town of Guilford Land Acquisition Commission
Date Added: Monday, September 19, 2016
Land Acquisition    
This ordinance establishes a Land Acquisition Commission to enact the goals of the Town of Guilford Plan for Open Space and Municipal Land Needs, as adopted into the Plan of Conservation and Development for the town. The commission evaluates land as it becomes available and may work towards acquiring the land for the community... Read More
Town of Guilford Plan for Open Space and Municipal Land Needs
Date Added: Monday, October 17, 2016
Land Acquisition, Open Space Preservation    
This ordinance provides a comprehensive approach to land acquisition. The community looks at the needs of the town in terms of open space protection, passive recreation, active recreation, and municipal facilities to help plan for the future... Read More
Town of East Haddam Temporary Subdivision Moratorium
Date Added: Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Moratoria, Subdivision Approvals    
This ordinance temporarily stops subdivision development so the town Zoning and Planning Commission can review and revise subdivision regulations to ensure that development and land-use patterns in the town are compatible with environmental protection goals- specifically the prevention of further fragmentation of forests and preservation of habitats... Read More
Town of New Milford Subdivision Regulations
Date Added: Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Subdivision Approvals, Subdivision Regulations    
This ordinance provides for subdivision of lands subject to approval. Characteristics evaluated to determine approval include steep slopes, hazardous conditions, and subject to flooding... Read More
Town of Ellington Crystal Lake Sewerage System Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Sewage Management    
This ordinance sets out the methodology by which the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA) assesses residential and commercial property owners in the Crystal Lake area most benefited by the sewer system constructed to eliminate public health hazards of under-sized, on-lot disposal systems and raw wastewater discharges in this high density area. Vacant land shall not be assessed by the WPCA until it is built upon and derives direct benefit from the system. Assessments may be spread out over up to 30 years, as determined by the WPCA, but remai.. Read More
Borough of Naugatuck, Connecticut Code of Ordinances §4.16 – Street trees
Date Added: Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Solar Energy    
Naugatuck, Connecticut’s subdivision regulations include street tree provisions that require a minimum amount of street trees in subdivisions but these provisions require street tree locations that avoid shading solar collectors and other passive solar access systems. .. Read More
Hartford, CT Anti-Blight
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Vacant & Distressed Properties, Healthy Communities    
Vacant and distressed properties are a financial burden on the community and have a negative effect on public health. Hartford, Connecticut has an “Anti-Blight Program” in its Municipal Code. The code contains provisions mandating the registration of vacant buildings, requiring a quarterly city report indexing blighted properties, and offering a property tax assessment deferral for owners who repair and rehabilitate blighted properties. .. Read More
Energize CT Solar PV Model Zoning Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Energize CT developed a model solar PV zoning ordinance to aid municipalities in developing their own solar PV zoning ordinance. The model provides example height restrictions for various types of solar collector units. It states that ground-mounted solar PV systems are permitted as an accessory use in all zoning districts upon issuance of the proper permit and that they must not exceed thirty-five inches in height. Roof-mounted solar PV systems (permitted as an accessory use in all zoning districts upon issuance of the proper permit) shall be .. Read More
Hartford CT Fresh Food Requirement for Stores
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Healthy Communities, Food Deserts, Low Nutrition Uses, Equity    
In Hartford, Connecticut, the zoning code requires twenty percent of the net floor area of any convenience store to sell fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, whole grain cereal, dairy products (excluding ice cream), and canned or dried goods without unhealthy additives. Requiring convenience stores and food trucks to provide more healthy food options helps combat food swamps and deserts. .. Read More
Town of Woodstock Preliminary Discussion Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, April 13, 2017
Pre-Application & Consensus Building    
Prior to submitting a formal application for a zoning permit or special permit, applicants in the Town of Woodstock are encouraged to prepare a rough conceptual plan of the proposed project or use, and to discuss the proposal with the Zoning Enforcement Officer and/or the Planning & Zoning Commission. These discussions are informal and non-binding. In addition, to better facilitate the overall subdivision application and design process in Woodstock, it is strongly recommended that a pre-application meeting be held between the Applicant, the si.. Read More
Town of Ellington Age-Restricted Cluster Housing Zone
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Affordable Housing , Clustering & Cluster Development, Overlay District, Senior Housing, Zoning    
The Age-Restricted Cluster Housing Zone (ARCHZ) is a floating zone designed to increase availability of market rate privately developed, common interest communities for empty nesters and seniors, while maintaining the rural character of the town, preserving open space and protecting natural resources. ARCHZ zoned property shall only be used for single-family, attached or detached residential housing. Each unit must contain at least one individual 55 or over (or the survivor of such a person); and no more than one child, who must be at least 18 .. Read More
Town of Ellington Earth Excavation Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Landscaping    
This law requires that excavation and removal or importation of more than 1,000 cubic yards of earth within any zoning district over one year, from any single parcel of land, requires a special permit. A detailed erosion control plan and a final landscaping plan must be submitted before the permit can be issued. A sufficient amount of topsoil must be set aside and not removed from the premises. Excavators must keep sound levels within prescribed limits, restrict hours of operation, buffer the work site, and control truck access to minimize dang.. Read More
Town of Ellington Hockanum River Watershed Sewerage System Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Sewage Management, Watershed Protection    
This law details the Water Pollution Control Authority’s ability to assess commercial and residential pieces of property abutting sewer lines and connected to sewer lines. Definitions for use within this law include deferred assessment, capacity charge, commercial property, industrial property, sewer lateral line, residential unit assessment, and storage space. The law details how assessment of benefits occurs with residential property, commercial and industrial property, developer-constructed sewer extensions, and farmland. While all properti.. Read More
Town of Old Saybrook Participation in the Connecticut River Estuary Planning Agency
Date Added: Monday, September 19, 2016
Intermunicipal Agreements    
This ordinance joins the town to the Connecticut River Estuary regional planning organization, which under the CT River Gate Way Commission sets minimum environmental standards to reduce the impacts of development within the Connecticut River Estuary for nine member towns... Read More
Town of Woodstock Agricultural Land Preservation and Land Acquisition Fund
Date Added: Monday, October 17, 2016
Land Acquisition, Agriculture    
This ordinance authorizes and sets up funds for the preservation and acquisition of agricultural land as open space in the town. A commission was established to promote this goal made up of both citizens as well as community board members... Read More
Town of Granby Agricultural Commission Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
The Town of Granby established an agricultural commission to support, promote, and encourage agriculture and agricultural pursuits. The commission’s responsibilities include looking for opportunities for young farmers and new farmers, supporting them and vocational agricultural education programs, and assisting in the resolution of any conflicts between agricultural interests and town governments... Read More
Town of Goshen Establishment of an Agricultural Land Preservation Fund
Date Added: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
The town of Goshen established a fund for the purpose of preserving land for agricultural preservation. The fund will be used to purchase agricultural lands and to preserve those lands... Read More
Town of Bolton Heritage Farm Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
The Town of Bolton established a Bolton Heritage Fund to be used for the preservation, restoration, development, and maintenance of the Bolton Heritage Farm. .. Read More
Town of Woodstock Ordinance Concerning the Right-to-Farm
Date Added: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Agriculture, Right-to-Farm    
The town of Woodstock established this right to farm ordinance protecting agricultural or farming operations. The ordinance prohibits certain ramifications of farming from being considered nuisances, either public or private... Read More
Town of Bolton Open Space Preservation, Acquisition, and Conservation Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Open Space Preservation, Agriculture    
The open space preservation conservation development regulations call for the location of any development to occur on the least fertile agricultural soils... Read More
Town of New Milford Proposed Ordinance Concerning the Right-to-Farm
Date Added: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Agriculture, Right-to-Farm    
The town of New Milford established this right to farm ordinance limiting circumstances under which any such operation may be considered a nuisance. The ordinance specifies that any dispute over farming practices will be handled through mediation through the mayor’s office... Read More
Town of North Stonington Right-to-Farm Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Agriculture, Right-to-Farm    
The town of North Stonington established this right-to-farm ordinance designed to “foster farming as a way of life by declaring this municipality’s support of the farmer’s right to farm.”.. Read More
Town of Westport Protection of Water from Tree Spraying Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Aquifer Protection    
This ordinance protects the ponds and the lakes within the town from biochemical pollutants used in tree spraying, through the inspection of vehicles and equipment, as well as through the regulation of water use. The ordinance works establishing a permitting procedure through which certain types of equipment can be used. In addition, there are specified hours of operation as well as designated areas for collection of the water... Read More
Town of Westbrook Community Forest Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Tree Preservation & Protection    
This Tree preservation provision establishes a 55 acre community forest to be managed by the town under the forest commission. The purpose of the ordinance is to protect forest resources and water quality, as well as serve recreational and educational functions. .. Read More
Town of Newtown Zoning Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Agriculture, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Farmland Protection & Preservation    
The town of Newtown created a conservation and agriculture zone, which, in part, is focused on the retention of agriculture as a beneficial industry within the town. No land or structure within the zone may be altered except for the purposes of natural resource conservation or farming... Read More
Town of Avon Ridgeline Protection Overlay Zone
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Overlay District, Ridgeline Protection    
This overlay district was adopted to protect ridgelines for the conservation of environmental attributes including ground water quality, ground water recharge and wildlife habitat, and in order to prevent erosion. It provides for a setback area from the ridgeline as specified by a qualified professional. The setback area is designated on a map prepared by the Commission... Read More
Town of Farmington Ridgeline Protection Zone
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Ridgeline Protection, Scenic Resources    
This law provides a very detailed set of regulations with the primary purpose of protecting the viewshed and natural beauty of the town. It uses specific geologic features that form the mountains to determine the boundaries of the protection zone... Read More
City of Meriden Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Thursday, September 7, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Within its Zoning Chapter, the City of Meriden in Connecticut has incorporated a separate section outlining the few regulations for wind energy conservation systems and solar devices. According to the section, screening on a roof to enclose mechanical equipment may be modified to allow access to solar heating devices. The section also goes on to require that solar heating devices do not occupy more than 10% of the yard area and that any new construction be mindful of solar devices on adjoining properties so that the maximum effort to retain sol.. Read More
Town of Haddam Subdivision Regulations; Passive Solar Energy Regulations
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Subdivision Regulations, Zoning    
Haddam, Connecticut has enacted a section, § 302-36, within its chapter on subdivision regulations specifically for passive solar energy techniques. Section 302-36 defines passive solar energy techniques as “site design techniques which maximize solar heat gain, minimize heat loss and provide thermal storage within a building during the heating season and minimize heat gain, and provide for natural ventilation during the cooling season.” According to the section, a subdivision applicant must demonstrate to the Commission that she has considered.. Read More
Town of Farmington, C.T., Code § 111-26 Historic District-Solar Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Saturday, January 6, 2018
Solar Energy, Zoning    
The Town of Farmington, Connecticut’s historic district regulations state that its Historic District and Properties Commission will not deny a certificate of appropriateness for an exterior architectural feature, such as a solar energy system designed for the utilization of renewable resources, unless the Commission finds that the feature cannot be installed without substantially impairing the historic character and appearance of the district. The certificate of appropriateness for a solar energy system may require design modifications and loca.. Read More
Connecticut ADU Bill
Date Added: Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Accessory Uses    
Recently passed a bill that promotes development of ADUs. HB 6107 legalizes all ADUs in the state and removes off-street parking requirements. This bill allows ADUs as of right on all properties that contain at least one single-family home. It also lists several restrictions which municipalities are now prohibited from placing on ADU development, including minimum age and occupant relationship requirements... Read More
Norwalk, CT ADU Requirement
Date Added: Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Accessory Uses    
Norwalk sets multiple requirements for ADUs. The primary residence must have been in existence for at least three years and must meet minimum lot area requirements. Additionally, the owner of the property must reside on the premises. The ADU must only have one bedroom, which may be occupied by up to two adults and one child... Read More
West Hartford, CT Removes ADU Barriers
Date Added: Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Accessory Uses    
West Hartford previously permitted ADUs, but the lot must have been double the size of what was required for a particular zone. Additionally, only domestic employees or guests of the primary residence owner were permitted to reside in the ADU. A new ADU ordinance was passed, setting size, material, and parking requirements. The restrictive occupancy requirements were removed... Read More