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Vermont Employment Growth Incentive
Date Added: Monday, September 26, 2016
Development Standards    
The Vermont Employment Growth Incentive (VEGI) was created to encourage job creation in Vermont by a Vermont company, a Vermont division of a company that plans to grow and expand in Vermont, a company considering locating a new business or division in state, or Vermont start-up business activity. The VEGI program provides incentives from the State of Vermont to businesses to encourage prospective economic activity in Vermont that is beyond an applicant’s “organic” or background growth and that would not occur except for the incentive provided... Read More
Vermont Housing & Conservation Board Coronavirus Relief Fund: Vermont’s Statewide Initiative
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing    
Partnering with non-profit housing developers and service providers, the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board (VHCB) developed a proposal to help shelter and create permeant housing for the homeless in response to Covid-19. Legislation in support of the proposal passed in June 2020, and $33 million of federal CARES Act Coronavirus RELIEF FUNDS (CRF) was allocated to VHCB to manage. As a result, 247 units destined to become permanent affordable housing were acquired and/or rehabilitated... Read More
Unified Development Regulations
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing , Mixed/Multiple Use, Density, Infill    
The zoning code was amended to create a mixed-use residential district to promote infill while also maintaining community character. This technique would allow for much of the zoning code, and therefore community, to remain the same while certain aspects are changed to promote Missing Middle development. The city targets affordable housing as a major factor in this development... Read More
Evaluation of the City of Burlington's Inclusive Zoning Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Affordable Housing    
Passed ordinance that applies to any development of 5 or more dwelling units. The ordinance targets 65% AMI for rentals and 75% AMI for sales. Compliance with the ordinance provides developers with density and lot coverage bonus between 15% and 25% in addition to up to 50% parking waiver. Where the average price of units is 0-139% AMU, 15% of units must be affordable. Where the average price is 140-179% AMI, 20% of units must be affordable. Finally, where the average price of units is 180% or more AMI, or is located in the waterfront district, .. Read More
Town of Braintree Affordable Housing Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, April 6, 2017
Affordable Housing , Incentive Zoning, Density    
Chapter 5.18 of the Braintree, Vermont, Zoning Ordinance establishes that housing is affordable when households spend no more than one-third of their incomes on housing costs. The chapter allows density zoning incentives... Read More
Town of Mendon Ridgeline Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Ridgeline Protection, Scenic Resources, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This is a very brief law that regulates developments to only ski area uses and requires aesthetic compatibility... Read More
Town of Williston Ridgeline/Wooded Hillside Protection Overlay Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Overlay District, Ridgeline Protection    
The purpose of the Williston Ridgeline/Wooded Hillside Protection Overlay District is to protect the scenic beauty of the town, as well as to protect the sensitive natural communities of slopes and to prevent erosion. The ordinance sets out restrictions for the type of building that can be done in the zone and the amount of ground cover that must be kept around building lots. .. Read More
City of Burlington (VT) Zoning Regulations and Development Review Standards; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Within its Development Review Standards Article in its Zoning Code, Burlington, Vermont includes provisions to encourage solar energy system installations. A major goal in Burlington is to support the use of renewable energy resources, including maximizing solar access within an applicant’s site plan. Maximizing solar access is not limited to only residential or actual building projects, but also where public space is provided as an amenity to the site plan; the open space shall be sited on the parcel to maximize solar exposure. Additionally, s.. Read More