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County of Knox Stormwater Management Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Floodplain Regulations, Stormwater Management    
Knox County has a number of ordinances not commonly found in other communities. Development is regulated within the 500-year floodplain, and before a property owner hands over title to his or her land or structure, a State-certified engineer must certify the as-built elevations of all structures in the floodplain comply with the standards of the ordinance. Building requirements mandate 1 foot BFE above the 500-year floodplain and construction fill between one-half the linear distance between the floodway line and the 100-year floodplain line un.. Read More
County of Davidson Environmental Performance Standards
Date Added: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This ordinance is predicated on the concept that land use policy decisions and zoning decisions must be made in the context of the land’s characteristics and sound environmental science. The actual language states, “The choice of residential land uses should be based on site-specific characteristics which coincide with the many available varieties of housing. Commercial land use decision-making, conversely, is likely driven more by market forces, such as location or access, than by site characteristics. It is the intent of this article to offer.. Read More
County of Knox Stormwater Management Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Floodplain Regulations, Stormwater Management    
Knox County has a number of ordinances not commonly found in other communities. Development is regulated within the 500-year floodplain, and before a property owner hands over title to his or her land or structure, a State-certified engineer must certify the as-built elevations of all structures in the floodplain comply with the standards of the ordinance. Building requirements mandate 1 foot BFE above the 500-year floodplain and construction fill between one-half the linear distance between the floodway line and the 100-year floodplain line un.. Read More
City of Knoxville Open Space Preservation District
Date Added: Thursday, April 13, 2017
Open Space Preservation    
An Open Space Preservation District is established in the zoning code to provide areas in which the principal use of the land is devoted to open space and/or the preservation and protection of park and recreation lands, wilderness areas, beach and shoreline areas, scenic routes, wild and scenic rivers, historical and archaeological sites, watersheds and water supply areas, and wildlife and their habitats. Property classified under this district must meet the criteria set forth in the open space plan of the City of Knoxville and such property w.. Read More
City of Memphis Amenity Incentives Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, August 28, 2016
Incentive Zoning    
This ordinance provides for floor area bonuses in exchange for public pedestrian plazas/ arcades. To qualify for the floor area bonus, the plaza/ arcade must meet specific design criteria. A floor area bonus may also be awarded for the development of affordable housing. This ordinance is especially notable as development incentives are also established to encourage participation in the implementation of a comprehensive greenway network... Read More
City of Nashville Ordinance Approving Development of Low-Rent Scattered Site Housing
Date Added: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Affordable Housing    
This ordinance adopts a proposed “scattered site” affordable housing scheme. The ordinance recognizes the public benefit of creating “housing for persons of low-income in ‘scattered’ rather than ‘project’ settings.” .. Read More
City of Hendersonville Subdivision Regulations Article III Design Standards and Improvement Requirements, 3-102 Lot Requirements, 3-102.6 Driveways/Access to Lots, Section 3- 102.605 Design Standards for Residential Driveways
Date Added: Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Steep Slope Protection, Stormwater Management, Subdivision Regulations    
§ 3-102.605 of the City of Hendersonville’s Subdivision Regulations provides design standards for residential driveways in accordance with considerations appropriate to public health and safety and to limit possible traffic hazards. Specifically, where permitted, driveways fronting designated collector and arterial routes are to be designed so that vehicles are not required to back onto these highways. This section also regulates the slope of residential driveways: the slope of any driveway should not exceed 8% for the first 15 feet; driveways .. Read More
Complete Streets Policy
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Complete Streets    
Section 23-19 of Knoxville’s Zoning Code is dedicated to their complete streets policy. This section dictates that the city adopt a complete streets policy, and plan for, design, construct, maintain, and operate all streets to reflect complete streets principles to accommodate all users and modes. The section also allows for updates to be made as needed. The demand that the city maintain its streets to reflect complete streets policies will increase the likelihood of citizens utilizing alternative modes of transportation to vehicles. The red.. Read More