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Transit Oriented Development Plan Linden Station Area Draft
Date Added: Friday, July 17, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
New Jersey
The Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Plan for Linden Station Area contains the City’s vision for TOD, the strategies for how to achieve it, provides a framework to enhance the compact walkable community that is centered around the Station, and designates four districts to accomplish this, the Core District, the Wood Avenue District, the Elizabeth Avenue District and an Office Residential Character/Live-work District. This plan builds upon the South Wood Avenue Redevelopment Plan, Theater Redevelopment and development approvals to locate mid-r.. Read More
Transit-Oriented Development Opportunities in Somerset County, New Jersey
Date Added: Monday, July 20, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
New Jersey
The Somerset County Planning Board conducted the study on Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Opportunities as a part of the County’s Smart Growth planning initiatives to enhance and encourage transit use and pedestrian and bicycle activity. This study was created to assist local municipalities in effectively implementing TOD. Through a planning process that involved public and stakeholder participation, transit system analysis, physical site analysis, and an understanding of market conditions, five potential sites for TOD were chosen. Three sit.. Read More
Planning: Build-Out and Capacity Analysis
Date Added: Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Smart Growth, Build-Out Analysis, Capacity Analysis    
New Jersey
The Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions put together a Smart Growth Survival Kit that includes documents on the Environmental Resource Inventory, Affordable Housing, the Master Plan, and using Ordinances to protect local natural resources. Planning: Build-Out and Capacity Analysis is a part of the Survival Kit which details what Build-Out and Carrying Capacity are as well as the steps that must be taken in order to complete the analyses. A Build-Out Analysis helps determine what a municipality will look like if all the vacan.. Read More
Town of Dover Transit Oriented Development Plan
Date Added: Thursday, November 5, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Zoning    
New Jersey
The Transit Oriented Development Plan (TOD) of the Town of Dover, New Jersey augments the existing land use patterns with new mixed-use residential and commercial development that are based on strong architectural form. It recommends form-based zoning changes, which will run concurrently to the Town’s Master Plan Process, that utilize historic planning and design practice while integrating recent market studies of the Town’s resources. The plan also focuses on pedestrian amenities through creating a strong streetscape program which creates a st.. Read More
Manual of Best Practices for Transit-Oriented Development
Date Added: Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Site Design Standards, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Transportation & Land Use Planning, Parking    
New Jersey
The Manual of Best Practices for Transit-Oriented Development is a guide that was developed to help New Jersey municipalities plan for high-quality transit-oriented development. The manual contains information on site design guidelines, architectural design guidelines, and parking guidelines. The standards contained in the manual are not mandatory and provide transit-supportive and pedestrian-friendly zoning text and guideline language that should be used to help municipalities structure plans and ordinances that fit their needs. .. Read More
Montclair Township Unified Land Use + Circulation Element Draft
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Land Use Planning, Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
New Jersey
The Montclair Township has experienced several shifts identified through a demographic, transportation, and economic analysis that will impact future municipal policy, such as decreasing household sizes, stagnant wages, increased housing prices, more people using transit to travel to work or working from home, an increased amount of elderly residents, and a lack of availability of a diverse range of housing types. The plan uses Unified Land Use and Circulation approach which is largely unprecedented in traditional Master Planning. Through inter.. Read More
Form-Based Codes: Lessons Learned from a Mount Holly, NJ Case Study
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Zoning    
New Jersey
Form-based code merge design specifications for land development with transportation elements in order to attain the desired built environment and encourages a mix of uses and building types while emphasizing form and function. It governs building massing, streetscapes, and parking locations to promote development or redevelopment. Form-based codes were implemented in municipalities, including Mount Holly Township, throughout New Jersey as a part of the Mobility and Community Form Initiative, which is sponsored by the New Jersey Department of T.. Read More
Planning for Transit-Friendly Land Use: A Handbook for New Jersey Communities
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Pedestrian Oriented Design (POD), Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Transportation Efficient Development, Parking    
New Jersey
New Jersey Transit created this handbook to assist in planning more pedestrian- and transit-friendly communities. It emphasizes four strategies that can accomplish this goal: organizing land uses to support transit, emphasizing pedestrians (and other non-motorized modes of access), “taming” the automobile, and creating a sense of place and a sense of stewardship. Users are provided with a flow chart to best utilize the tools provided in the handbook, such as model ordinances, to fit the needs and accomplish the goals of individual communities i.. Read More
Building a Transit-Friendly Community
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Parking    
New Jersey
This report is based on key findings and conclusions from NJ Transit’s “Transit-Friendly Communities for New Jersey” pilot community program. The report takes those lessons and translates them into helpful information to guide and assist other communities’ efforts for transit-friendly development, on topics such as access, development, and parking. The process used is broken down into steps to assist other communities in getting the process started... Read More
Build-Out Analysis Pittsgrove Township, Salem County
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Land Use Planning, Build-Out Analysis    
New Jersey
Pittsgrove Township completed its build-out analysis in August 2009 for the purpose of determining the capacity for new septic systems (and the homes they service) to be located within the township. To achieve this purpose, Pittsgrove not only examined the amount of development authorized by its zoning code like Fairfield Township, it also considered whether septic system yields affected the amount of development that was likely to occur in the community. Importantly, Pittsgrove looked at the fiscal implications that would result from full buil.. Read More
Eliminating Barriers to Transit-Oriented Development
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Parking    
New Jersey
In New Jersey, two of the main barriers to implementing Transit Oriented Development (TOD) are community concern about new development potentially causing parking problems and increased traffic and negative fiscal impacts due to increased school enrollment. In order to determine if those concerns were warranted, this report studied differences between households located within a half mile radius of ten selected rail stations in New Jersey and those located in the nearby region. This report compared auto use, auto ownership, parking use, and sch.. Read More
Kearny Transit-Oriented Development Vision Plan
Date Added: Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
New Jersey
The Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Vision Plan of the Town of Kearny was developed by Regional Plan Association (RPA) to conduct a planning study of the area and a public visioning process for the Kearny Station area, near Bergen Avenue and the Harrison-Kingsland Branch Line, that was to be built as a part of New Jersey’s Access to the Region’s Core project. This report detailed the process of stakeholder meetings, a public community design workshop, and other public participation efforts RPA used to develop two consensus plans. The first o.. Read More
Township of Fairfield 2010 Build-Out Analysis
Date Added: Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Build-Out Analysis    
New Jersey
The 2010 Build-Out Analysis by Fairfield Township in Cumberland County, New Jersey examined the amount of development authorized by its zoning code. The final document was endorsed by the Fairfield Township Environmental Commission, and adopted by the Fairfield Township Land Use Board as an Amendment to the Master Plan. The methodology used by the Township in the Build-Out Analysis is set forth as well as the zoning standards and acreage for each district type. The document utilizes lists, charts, and maps to illustrate the data collected for t.. Read More
Town of Morristown Transit Village Core Zone (TVC)
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Pedestrian Oriented Design (POD), Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Transportation & Land Use Planning, Zoning    
New Jersey
The Code of Ordinances for the Town of Morristown, New Jersey, provides for a Transit Village Core Zone (TVC), which is aimed at creating a livable, walkable community that decreases the need for cars. The town was the first of five transit villages designated in 2000 by New Jersey Department of Transportation and New Jersey Transit, as its downtown includes a New Jersey Transit station on the Midtown Direct Line that connects commuters to New York Penn Station. In September 2009, the town unveiled a $75 million, 217-unit condominium project kn.. Read More
City of Rahway Mixed-Use Zone
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Pedestrian Oriented Design (POD), Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
New Jersey
The City Code of Rahway, New Jersey provides for an “M-X” zoning district (mixed use zone) that aims to create a high-density area near the Rahway Train Station (which underwent a $16 million renovation, including a public plaza in front of the station) by providing for multiple uses and pedestrian linkages to the waterfront and downtown areas. The renovation of the train station has led to an increased effort in downtown revitalization, with new residences, restaurants, and art galleries being constructed in the downtown area. The M-X ordin.. Read More
Agricultural Residential Zone for Readington Township in Hunterdon County
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Clustering & Cluster Development    
New Jersey
Readington Township passed this Agricultural Residential Zone Ordinance to preserve open space and farmland. This ordinance requires that within the designated Agricultural Residential (AR) zone, any lots over 40 acres must be developed as 1.5 acre open space clusters. Land tracts that are 30 acres or greater adjacent to deed restricted farmland or open space within the AR zone must also be developed as 1.5 open space clusters. .. Read More
Township of Stafford Wellhead Protection Overlay Zone
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Aquifer Protection, Overlay District    
New Jersey
This ordinance establishes an overlay zone that prohibits or restricts certain uses and activities within 1,000 feet of an existing public well. Such activities include the above or below ground storage and disposal of hazardous waste. .. Read More
Township of Readington Open Space Trust Fund
Date Added: Monday, October 17, 2016
Land Acquisition, Open Space Preservation    
New Jersey
This ordinance authorizes the creation of an open space fund into which the dedication of $.02 per $100 of assessed valuation of annual taxes. The funds are to be used for the acquisition of open space. The fund also permits the acceptance of donations and testamentary bequests to this fund. .. Read More
Township of Warren Transportation Improvement District (T.I.D.)
Date Added: Monday, November 14, 2016
Impact Fees, Transportation & Land Use Planning    
New Jersey
This ordinance was created to ensure that necessary infrastructure could be maintained and additional infrastructure could be created to accommodate new development. Under the Transportation Improvement District (TID) Impact Fees system, if there is any new development that takes place within the Transportation Improvement Districts, developers must pay a fee calculated by determining the impact that the proposed development will have on traffic multiplied by district improvement costs needed. .. Read More
State of New Jersey Riparian Buffer Conservation Zone Model Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Buffer Zones, Local Environmental Law, Water Resource Protection    
New Jersey
This model ordinance provides a template for New Jersey municipalities wishing to implement a riparian buffer conservation zone to protect water resources and control flooding. The riparian buffer conservation zones are divided into three categories based on the natural characteristics of the water course, and each offering varying levels of protection. An overlay to the existing zoning districts is created; the provisions apply to any activity requiring a building permit, zoning variance, special exception, conditional use, or subdivision/la.. Read More
Delaware Township, New Jersey Ordinance #2011-06LU
Date Added: Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Solar Energy, Zoning    
New Jersey
The town of Delaware, New Jersey provides specific lot-size requirements based on the type of solar facility. Ground-mounted Minor Solar or PV Energy Facility or Structure must be located on lots of at least one acre gross, while Major Solar or PV Energy Facility or Structure must be located on lots of at least twenty acres gross. .. Read More
Planned Unit Developments
Date Added: Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Affordable Housing , Mixed/Multiple Use    
New Jersey
North Brunswick, New Jersey has a chapter in its zoning code dedicated to Planned Unit Developments (PUD). The code sets a 50-acre minimum size to establish a PUD, and this may be met through one parcel or multiple together. It also requires at least one road connecting to the PUD. In North Brunswick, PUD may be used for single- and multi-family housing, retail totaling no more than 50% of the PUD, office space, educational and recreational facilities, public utilities, and conditional use of religious space. Fifty-three dwelling units a.. Read More
Hackensack Transit Oriented Development
Date Added: Thursday, April 6, 2017
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
New Jersey
The Hackensack, New Jersey Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Report focuses on the process of a community-based vision to bring TOD to the areas surrounding the city’s two NJ TRANSIT rail station and its bus terminal, as well as the recommendations that resulted from the process. The development plan builds upon assets already present in Hackensack, such as its dense and diverse population, it being the seat of county government and that there is a growing health care sector centered on Hackensack University Medical Center. The report is a com.. Read More
Borough of Red Bank Planning & Development Regulations
Date Added: Thursday, April 13, 2017
Pre-Application & Consensus Building    
New Jersey
This statute allows for an informal discussion period in the pre-zoning planning process. These discussions are non-binding. .. Read More
Washington Township Town Center District Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Transportation & Land Use Planning, Transportation Efficient Development    
New Jersey
Washington Township’s “Town Center District” ordinance establishes standards for four different town center districts that create a mixed-use of housing, commercial, public and open space. It articulates policy statements to guide the review of all development applications within town center districts. There are 22 policies, including one that promotes a multi-modal transportation system, one that discourages uses that are automobile dependent, and one that promotes the creation of spaces that promote social interaction. The ordinance establ.. Read More
City of Jersey City Green Building Initiative for Municipal Projects & Green Building Incentives
Date Added: Saturday, August 27, 2016
Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
New Jersey
Jersey City, New Jersey, is part of the New York metropolitan area and lies on the west bank of the Hudson River across from Lower Manhattan, where about 26% of its employed residents work. Jersey City has a population of 242,389 with a density of roughly 16,045.5 people per square mile across a total area of 21.1 square miles (14.9 comprised of land and 6.2 of water). Jersey City is a port city, commercial and industrial center, and transportation terminus, although parts of the city remain under-utilized after years of commercial inactivity.. Read More
Township of Mount Laurel Low & Moderate Income Housing – Enforcement; Violations & Penalties Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Affordable Housing , Enforcement, Zoning    
New Jersey
Part II of General Legislation, Chapter 154, Article XVI, Section 154-131.14 D requires the township to encourage the resolution of disputes which violate the other provisions of the article through mediation and conciliation efforts... Read More
Township of Howell Riparian Buffers – Standards of Performance Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Buffer Zones, Development Standards, Environmental Compliance, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New Jersey
This ordinance sets forth the practices and procedures to be followed by developers and others in order to maintain the integrity of riparian habitat. This law creates a buffer zone in which private activity, such as tree cutting, disturbing soil, use of fertilizer, and use of pesticides are severely regulated. The town board holds discretion in allowing a buffer zone to be disturbed. If a buffer zone is disturbed, the developer is required to rehabilitate the buffer zone in accordance with the accepted practices set forth in this law. .. Read More
Township of Chesterfield Transfer of Development Rights Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Transfer of Development Rights (TDR), Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New Jersey
The transfer of development rights program allows for the shifting of development pressure from agricultural, environmentally sensitive, or open space areas of the township to villages designated for limited growth. The program allows the township to maintain its rural character while encouraging planned development. Land is preserved by transferring development rights from “sending areas” in rural parts of the township to three existing villages and one new village that have been designated as “receiving areas” within community development b.. Read More
Township of Bernards Tree Removal & Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Local Environmental Law, Tree Preservation & Protection, Timber Harvesting    
New Jersey
This tree preservation ordinance contains requirements for the number of trees that must replace a tree removed by developers, based on the size of the removed tree. Because it is not always physically possible to fit the required number of trees onto a parcel, a controversial amendment was added that requires a developer to pay $300 per required tree that cannot be planted. The money is donated to the Shade Tree Commission so that trees can be planted in other parts of town. .. Read More
Township of Chesterfield Transfer of Development Rights Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Smart Growth, Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)    
New Jersey
Chesterfield enabled a TDR program to create a town center in preparation for well-planned future growth. Chesterfield’s 1997 Master Plan envisioned a “neo traditional town center in the receiving area with a variety of housing types (including affordable housing), neighborhood shops and services, a school and other civic uses and recreational open space. Preserved farmland would surround the “planned village” and Chesterfield’s three historic hamlets. ” The TDR ordinance enabling that plan was passed in 1998 alongside a change to the zoning in.. Read More
Township of Washington Steep Slopes & Ridge Protection
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Ridgeline Protection, Steep Slope Protection    
New Jersey
This ordinance sets development restrictions for areas containing steep slopes and ridgelines. Its purpose is to “encourage good land use planning and design, maximize optimal use of the natural terrain, and maintain ridgelines and scenic vistas intact.”.. Read More
Township of Harrison Steep Slope Regulations
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Ridgeline Protection, Steep Slope Protection    
New Jersey
This law provides regulations for preventing erosion from developments built on slopes greater than twenty percent... Read More
Township of Bethlehem Land Use Regulations § 102-37.3; Solar Energy Facilities; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Monday, December 18, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
New Jersey
The Township of Bethlehem’s solar energy facilities regulation requires minor site plan approval for ground-mounted solar energy facilities between 2,000 square feet and 10 acres in size while requiring preliminary and final site plan approval for systems greater than 10 acres in size. The planning board or an appointed site plan subcommittee may waive the minor site plan approval requirement if the proposed facility is reasonable and adheres to the solar regulation’s general purpose and intent. In addition to Bethlehem’s standard site plan req.. Read More
City of Hoboken Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
New Jersey
Within its Zoning Chapter, the City of Hoboken in New Jersey has integrated a section specifically for solar installation. The section lists regulations for roof installation, non-habitable building installation, ground-mounted installation, and signage requirements. In order to install a solar energy system on a parcel, however, an applicant must first obtain a certificate of zoning compliance and a building permit from the Zoning Officer and the Construction Official, respectively. The City of Hoboken has also reserved the right to require th.. Read More