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City of Ann Arbor Land Development Regulations
Date Added: Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Development Standards, Local Environmental Law, Planned Unit Development, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The goal of this ordinance is to specify procedures of and materials for proposed development projects. It also provides guidelines to identify, evaluate, protect, and mitigate six types of sensitive environmental areas... Read More
City of Ann Arbor Land Development Regulations
Date Added: Monday, November 14, 2016
Development Standards, Local Environmental Law, Planned Unit Development, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The goal of this ordinance is to specify procedures of and materials for proposed development projects. It also provides guidelines to identify, evaluate, protect, and mitigate six types of sensitive environmental areas... Read More
City of Ann Arbor Natural Feature Open Space Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, March 16, 2017
Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
The goal of this ordinance, in conjunction with Ann Arbor’s Required Open Space Ordinance is to require wetland setbacks, which are not designated under the state wetlands law... Read More
Local Food Supply: A Chapter of the Marquette County Comprehensive Plan
Date Added: Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Comprehensive Planning, Local Food Production, Healthy Communities, Zoning, Urban Farming & Community Gardens    
The County of Marquette added a chapter to its Comprehensive Plan entitled Local Food Supply as a way to expand the local economy through increased local food production and to enhance the health of residents through better access to affordable, healthy foods. Some of the policies enacted via this Local Food Supply Plan include amending the zoning code to allow for small scale agricultural uses in residential zones, establishing community gardens, developing educational opportunities to teach the importance of local food production, supporting .. Read More
Solar Ann Arbor
Date Added: Monday, June 11, 2018
Solar Energy    
Ann Arbor, Michigan adopted Solar Ann Arbor, a functional plan that includes an energy profile for the City and recommends creating municipal solar financial incentives streamlining the solar permitting process, integrating solar energy systems into municipal infrastructure and culture, adopting solar access laws and robust building energy codes, creating a solar outreach campaign, and supporting solar workforce development and green jobs... Read More
Promoting Enhanced Bicycle Infrastructure
Date Added: Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Economic Development, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Healthy Communities    
Grand Rapids, Michigan has created legislation to improve existing bike paths and install new bike paths that accommodate recreational trips as well as trips to work, shopping and school. The goal of this legislation is to meet the City’s plan to make 10% of all regional travel made on bicycle. Limiting dependency on cars has manifold benefits: serves those without the capacity to drive (senior and minors); reduces congestion and time spent commuting; reduced land consumption through roadways and parking; tax re-allocation from roadways; improv.. Read More
City of Ann Arbor Required Open Space Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, April 6, 2017
Open Space Preservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
The goal of this ordinance, in conjunction with Ann Arbor’s Natural Feature Open Space Ordinance, is to require wetland setbacks, which are not permitted under the state wetlands law... Read More
Michigan Sample Conservation Easement
Date Added: Thursday, April 13, 2017
Open Space Preservation    
This is a model conservation easement that demonstrates the necessary elements of a conservation easement. Particular sections are specific to Michigan, but the general format may be followed in other states. .. Read More
City of Grand Rapids Mixed-Use Commercial Zone Districts
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Mixed/Multiple Use, Pedestrian Oriented Design (POD), Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
The city code of Grand Rapids, Michigan provides for several different types of mixed-use districts under the overarching category known as mixed-use commercial zone districts. Grand Rapids is located on the Grand River, about 30 miles east of Lake Michigan, and the city has a population of approximately 193,627 people. In 2007, the city adopted a master planning process called “Green Grand Rapids,” and created a new zoning ordinance that incorporated tenets of Transit Oriented Development, LEED criteria and Smart Growth principles. Unde.. Read More
City of Ferndale Zoning Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Ferndale, Michigan permits solar energy systems in all of its zoning districts as an accessory structure, subject to a number of requirements. These requirements include that the systems meet all other applicable construction codes; the design of the system must conform to applicable industry standards; and that the systems be screened per the discretion of the community development department. Solar energy systems, according to a sub-section within Ferndale’s Zoning Chapter, also have to meet the height and setback requirements of the zoning d.. Read More
City of Grand Rapids Alternative Energy Regulations; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Under its section on Alternative Energy within its Code of Ordinances, Grand Rapids, Michigan incorporated a subsection on solar energy. According to that sub-section, solar energy systems are permitted as an accessory use in all districts. “In Residential Zone Districts, solar energy systems may be installed on the roof of a primary or accessory structure.” The subsection goes on to list placement regulations as well as the factors the Planning Director will have to consider for an Administrative Departure to allow for solar panels on the fron.. Read More
Promoting Enhanced Bicycle Infrastructure
Date Added: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Healthy Communities, Bicycle Infrastructure    
Grand Rapids, Michigan has created legislation to improve existing bike paths and install new bike paths that accommodate recreational trips as well as trips to work, shopping and school. The goal of this legislation is to meet the City’s plan to make 10% of all regional travel made on bicycle. Limiting dependency on cars has manifold benefits: serves those without the capacity to drive (senior and minors); reduces congestion and time spent commuting; reduced land consumption through roadways and parking; tax re-allocation from roadways; improv.. Read More
Township of Casco Zoning Ordinance §§ 13.26-13.28; Solar Zoning
Date Added: Saturday, January 6, 2018
Solar Energy, Zoning    
Casco Township passed Ordinance #30-83 to add provisions addressing small, medium, and large solar energy systems in its zoning ordinance. The ordinance defines small solar energy systems as single residential or small business-scale solar energy conversion systems consisting of roof panels, ground-mounted solar arrays, or other solar energy fixtures, and associated control or conversion electronics, occupying no more than one-half acre of land and that produce utility power primarily to onsite users or customers. Medium solar energy systems ar.. Read More