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Search Results for Topic : Planned Development Districts

The City of Redmond Site Requirements for Residential Zones Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Development Standards, Land Use Planning, Planned Development Districts    
The City of Redmond established basic site requirements for residential zones while implementing Redmond’s Comprehensive Plan, the Growth Management Act, and the County-Wide Planning Policies. These requirements set basic dimensional standards for residential development while providing flexibility in project design, maintaining privacy between adjacent users, and preventing public nuisances. There is a prescribed level of permitted density, this is to maintain a consistent and compatible land use pattern in Redmond’s residential neighborhood. .. Read More
Town of Saugerties Waterfront Overlay District
Date Added: Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Coastal Protection, Land Use Planning, Overlay District, Planned Development Districts, Site Design Standards    
New York
The Town of Saugerties adopted the Waterfront Overlay District (WOD) to protect and enhance the shoreline by protecting water quality and preventing erosion along the Hudson River, Esopus Creek, and Plattekill Creek. All development in the WOD District will be reviewed on a case by case via the site plan review process to ensure appropriate layout and design of all properties. The WOD is superimposed over the basic zoning districts, therefore regulations from the underlying district and the WOD apply in those areas. Properties or portions of pr.. Read More
The Town of Coxsackie Waterfront Residential District Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Coastal Protection, Land Use Planning, Planned Development Districts    
New York
The Town of Coxsackie created the Waterfront Residential District (WR) to protect areas adjacent to the Hudson River. The purpose of this district is to protect the waterfront, maintain the existing residential character, and allow for low impact water-dependent and water-related recreational uses appropriate for the community and the river. A few specific purposes of the WR is the preservation of natural, scenic, and historic values along the Hudson River and to encourage compatible land uses along the Hudson River. Buildings must be set back .. Read More
City of Hannibal Planned Density Residential District Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Planned Development Districts, Smart Growth, Zoning, Density    
The Planned Density Residential District is established to ensure adequate infrastructure support and allow for flexibility of use of the land by developers. It requires increasing open space as a percentage of land as the number of residential units being built increases. The Rural District is to provide space for agricultural uses and the orderly transfer of land to urban uses, while the Agricultural District is solely for the former... Read More
Town of Malta Planned Development Districts – Zoning Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Planned Development Districts, Zoning    
New York
Chapter 167 of the Town Code for the Town of Malta sets forth the requirements for developing the planned development district. The regulations imposed on the developer include size requirements of developments, the set-asides for work-force, and specifications related to retirement housing. The planning board may also add additional requirements which are deemed necessary. There is an automatic termination within 5 years if site plan approval or the building permit has not been obtained, or construction has yet to commence... Read More
Town of Malta Knolls Eleven Planned Development District
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Development Standards, Planned Development Districts, Site Design Standards, Site Plan Approval    
New York
Chapter 167, § 167-27 provides specifications for the creation of a planned development district. These requirements include a newly created dwelling with approvals for water, sewage, drainage systems all with specified sizes and locations. Other requirements and restrictions on the developers are set forth as well... Read More
County of Maui Planned Development Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Open Space Preservation, Planned Development Districts, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
Maui County Zoning Ordinances include provisions for Planned Development and Lot Reduction, Open Space Incentives, and Cluster Development Overlay Zones. Planned Development is intended to encourage better design and land use, protect the natural environment, minimize traffic congestion, and improve living conditions. At least 20% of Planned Developments must be preserved as protected open space and designed as a park-like area. Lot reductions of 20% and multi-unit buildings are permitted in these developments, specific numbers depending on und.. Read More