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Search Results for Topic : Overlay District

Rye Brook, NY Affordable Housing Floating Zone
Date Added: Thursday, August 3, 2023
Overlay District, Zoning    
New York
In order to qualify for the floating zone, developments of 2 units or more must be 50% affordable units. For rental units, households must make under 60% of AMI. For-purchase units, households must make under 80% of Westchester County AMI. The units must remain affordable for 50 years. The Board of Trustees can permit modification or waiver of the applicable dimensional and bulk requirements. To the extent practicable, the Board of Trustees and Planning Board shall prioritize affordable housing floating zone applications. .. Read More
Cambridge, MA Affordable Housing Overlay District
Date Added: Thursday, August 3, 2023
Overlay District, Zoning    
To qualify for the Affordable Housing Overlay zone, there must be 100% affordable units on site. For rental units, at least 80% of the units shall be initially occupied by households with gross annual income under 80% of AMI. Remainder of units shall be initially occupied by households under 100% of AMI. Rent, utilities, and fees should not exceed 30% of gross household income. For-purchase units, at least 50% of units should be sold to households with gross income under 80% of AMI. Remainder of units should be sold to households with income un.. Read More
Town of Saugerties Waterfront Overlay District
Date Added: Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Coastal Protection, Land Use Planning, Overlay District, Planned Development Districts, Site Design Standards    
New York
The Town of Saugerties adopted the Waterfront Overlay District (WOD) to protect and enhance the shoreline by protecting water quality and preventing erosion along the Hudson River, Esopus Creek, and Plattekill Creek. All development in the WOD District will be reviewed on a case by case via the site plan review process to ensure appropriate layout and design of all properties. The WOD is superimposed over the basic zoning districts, therefore regulations from the underlying district and the WOD apply in those areas. Properties or portions of pr.. Read More
Town of Williston Ridgeline/Wooded Hillside Protection Overlay Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Overlay District, Ridgeline Protection    
The purpose of the Williston Ridgeline/Wooded Hillside Protection Overlay District is to protect the scenic beauty of the town, as well as to protect the sensitive natural communities of slopes and to prevent erosion. The ordinance sets out restrictions for the type of building that can be done in the zone and the amount of ground cover that must be kept around building lots. .. Read More
Town of Erwin Viewshed Protection Overlay District
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Overlay District, Ridgeline Protection, Scenic Resources    
New York
This law provides a very detailed set of regulations with the primary purpose of protecting the viewshed and natural beauty of the town... Read More
Town of Avon Ridgeline Protection Overlay Zone
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Overlay District, Ridgeline Protection    
This overlay district was adopted to protect ridgelines for the conservation of environmental attributes including ground water quality, ground water recharge and wildlife habitat, and in order to prevent erosion. It provides for a setback area from the ridgeline as specified by a qualified professional. The setback area is designated on a map prepared by the Commission... Read More
City of Gloucester Interim Planning Overlay District
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Intermunicipal Agreements, Overlay District, Sewage Management, Smart Growth    
This ordinance is primarily concerned with the potential for overburdening of city sewer lines upon the completion of an intermunicipal agreement between The City of Gloucester and the Town of Essex. In order to prevent such an occurrence, they have created overlay zones to ensure orderly growth, provide the city time to study the effects, preserve community attributes, and to implement recommendations of the comprehensive plan... Read More
Town of New Paltz Wallkill River Recreation Overlay District
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Floodplain Regulations, Open Space Preservation, Overlay District, Recreational Uses, Smart Growth, Wildlife & Fish Habitat    
New York
This law creates the Wallkill River Recreation District, which is to be an area that serves the combined purposes of recreation, open space preservation, floodplain management, wildlife protection and scenic resource preservation. The law outlines the procedures for obtaining land to be used in the project and creates restrictions to be placed on these lands once they become part of the project. The 2011 amendment adds “The public hearing upon the application for renewal of such special permits shall be noticed in accordance with Article XVI, .. Read More
State of North Carolina Overlay Zoning Ordinances – Counties
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Overlay District, State Land Use Law, Zoning    
North Carolina
North Carolina affirmatively grants counties the authority to employ overlay zoning at § 153A-342, the general statute that authorizes counties to create zoning districts. Two specific types of overlay districts are explicitly authorized in other provisions. Section 160A-383.1, which is made applicable to counties at § 153A-341.1, allows counties to create manufactured home overlay districts within defined areas of residential districts. Section 160A-400.4 allows the use of overlay districts for the designation of historic districts. Counties m.. Read More
State of North Carolina Overlay Zoning Ordinances – Cities
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Overlay District, State Land Use Law, Zoning    
North Carolina
North Carolina affirmatively grants cities the authority to employ overlay zoning at § 160A-382, the general statute that authorizes the creation of districts for zoning. Two specific types of overlay districts are explicitly authorized in other provisions. Section 160A-383.1 allows cities to create manufactured home overlay districts within defined areas of residential districts, and § 160A-400.4 allows their use for the designation of historic districts. Cities may not include in an overlay district land owned by the State of North Carolina w.. Read More
Land Use Law Center’s Model Critical Environmental Area Overlay District
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Overlay District, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The following is a model law that can be used by municipalities to protect wildlife habitat and other critical environmental areas. .. Read More
City of Minneapolis Pedestrian Oriented Overlay District Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Overlay District, Pedestrian Oriented Design (POD), Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
The City Code of Minneapolis, Minnesota provides for pedestrian oriented overlay districts (“PO”) for smaller sized areas throughout the city in the vicinity of public transit service stations (bus, train, or both) that consist of regulations aimed to promote pedestrian activity and street life in addition to the underlying zone’s original regulations. The city recently constructed Metro Transit Hiawatha Light Rail Line that makes 17 stops between the popular Mall of America and downtown Minneapolis, with dozen of bus routes timed to connect w.. Read More
Town of Mendon Environmental Protection Overlay Districts Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Flood Prevention, Historic Preservation, Official Map, Overlay District, Scenic Resources, Sewage Management, Steep Slope Protection, Timber Harvesting, Zoning, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
This law creates environmental protection overlay districts for the Town of Mendon, NY. The districts include: Wetland Protection Overlay District, Steep Slope Protection Overlay District, Watercourse Protection Overlay District, Scenic Vista Protection Overlay District, Historic Preservation Overlay District, Waste Disposal Overlay District, Woodlot and Timber Harvesting Protection Overlay District, Flood Damage Prevention Overlay District, and Soils Susceptible to Ponding Overlay District. .. Read More
Town of Big Flats Aquifer Protection Overlay District Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Aquifer Protection, Overlay District, Zoning, Drinking Water Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
This ordinance is designed to protect the local drinking water in the interest of public health and safety. The town is creating an Aquifer Protection Overlay District (APOD) to create districts in which certain uses of water are permitted. There are also various uses of water that are and are not permitted which vary by the districts that are set forth in the ordinance... Read More
City of Kingston Mixed Use Overlay District
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Affordable Housing , Mixed/Multiple Use, Overlay District    
New York
This law creates the Mixed Use Overlay District, which is intended to provide affordable multifamily housing to low income families. .. Read More
City of Jamestown High Groundwater Table Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Aquifer Protection, Overlay District, Water Conservation, Drinking Water Protection & Conservation    
Rhode Island
The City of Jamestown designated a High Ground Water Table and Impervious Layer Overlay District in which, in order to preserve the town’s fresh water supply, the area has been deemed unsuitable for unrestricted development. The District is divided into two sub-districts: sub-district A has a higher groundwater table, and thus heightened restrictions on development, and sub-district B, a lower groundwater table, and less restrictive development requirements. The ordinance lays out the restrictions on development within each zone, as well as th.. Read More
Town of Irondequoit Environmental Protection Overlay District
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Overlay District, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The purpose of Article XI of the Town Code is to protect the environment in Irondequoit through the establishment of overlay districts established in this article which provide special controls over land development located in sensitive environmental areas within the Town of Irondequoit. .. Read More
Town of Greenburgh Conservation District Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Development Standards, Overlay District, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The purpose of this law is to provide performance criteria assuring conservation of natural resources during and after development in a conservation district (CD). The CD is to be an overlay zone over any other zone allowed in the town. The Conservation District will be evaluated by criteria set out under this provision including the development standards. .. Read More
City of Tampa Upland Habitat Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Overlay District, Wildlife & Fish Habitat    
The Upland Habitat Protection Ordinance was designed to protect the xeric and mesic plant communities and wildlife habitat in Tampa. The ordinance achieves this by establishing an overlay district and requiring plan approval before the commencement of development within the district... Read More
Town of Penfield Environmental Protection Overlay District
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Floodplain Regulations, Local Environmental Law, Overlay District    
New York
This ordinance is an alternative method of protection that provides for review and regulation of development in floodplains through an overlay district that specifies uses and activities which are strictly prohibited or permitted upon compliance with additional regulations. If the use or activity is regulated, a permit must be obtained and mitigation is often a condition when the use or activity will have an adverse impact on the floodplains and where no reasonably feasible alternative exists... Read More
City of Eugene Transit Oriented Development Overlay Zone
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Overlay District, Pedestrian Oriented Design (POD), Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
The City Code of Eugene, Oregon provides for a Transit Development Overlay Zone (TD) in the hopes of encouraging mixed land uses in areas that have a high potential for enhanced transit and pedestrian activity. Eugene is located about 50 miles east of the Oregon coast, on the confluence of the McKenzie and Willamette rivers, with a population of about 155,000. The city is the county seat of Lane County, and is the second largest city in the state. The Lane Transit District (LTD) is the area’s major public transportation system, providing ove.. Read More
Town of Ellington Age-Restricted Cluster Housing Zone
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Affordable Housing , Clustering & Cluster Development, Overlay District, Senior Housing, Zoning    
The Age-Restricted Cluster Housing Zone (ARCHZ) is a floating zone designed to increase availability of market rate privately developed, common interest communities for empty nesters and seniors, while maintaining the rural character of the town, preserving open space and protecting natural resources. ARCHZ zoned property shall only be used for single-family, attached or detached residential housing. Each unit must contain at least one individual 55 or over (or the survivor of such a person); and no more than one child, who must be at least 18 .. Read More
Town of Eden Classes of Districts Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Development Standards, Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Overlay District, Stormwater Management    
New York
The Town of Eden has created several zoning districts, and use regulations in those districts, that will help control flooding and protect floodplains from uninformed and overdevelopment... Read More
City of Dover Overriding Districts Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Overlay District, Steep Slope Protection, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New Hampshire
“Overriding districts”—more commonly known as overlay districts—are superimposed on existing zoning districts. Their regulations supplement existing zoning regulations, and in this ordinance are adopted to protect watercourses and wetlands as well as steep slope areas. The ordinance is intended to preserve the flora and fauna of the community and to maintain high water quality. This ordinance is adopted under the authority of New Hampshire’s Planning and Zoning enabling act, § 674:16, and the state’s Comprehensive Shorelands Protection Act § .. Read More
District of Columbia Tree & Slope Protection Overlay District
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Overlay District, Steep Slope Protection, Tree Preservation & Protection    
State: Not Applicable
The purpose of this ordinance is to preserve steep slope topography, mature tree stands, surrounding ecological areas and the open space character of residential areas near stream banks and public parks. It protects natural resources by restricting tree removal, limiting impervious cover and restricting ground coverage of new and existing buildings... Read More
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Gateway Overlay District Zoning Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Development Standards, Overlay District, Zoning    
New York
Croton-on-Hudson has developed a scheme for the creation of physical gateway areas comprised of roads and surrounding areas where those first encountering the village will derive a sense of arrival and connection to the village, which will establish a favorable impression of the community. Restrictions will be placed on development within these areas to ensure and preserve a residential feel and provide a more defined entrance into the village for incoming motorists and pedestrians, which ultimately will bring a more favorable image to the comm.. Read More
City of Charlotte Transit Oriented Development Districts
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Overlay District, Transit Oriented Development (TOD)    
North Carolina
Charlotte’s Transit Oriented Development (TOD) zoning district and the related overlay districts were created to encourage a compact and high intensity mix of residential, office, retail, institutional, and civic uses in areas with high potential for enhanced transit and pedestrian activity. To achieve the high-density mixed districts, minimum densities and floor area ratios (FAR) increase in areas closest to transit stations. In addition, development standards, such as minimum building setbacks, are implemented to encourage pedestrian friendly.. Read More
Town of Brookhaven Wetland Overlay District Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Coastal Protection, Development Standards, Overlay District, Site Design Standards, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
Increasing demand for development on property containing wetlands and surface waters may adversely impact and impair such natural resources. This statute creates an overlay district to protect property containing such resources. This statute uses Chapter 81 of the Town Code, Articles 24 and 25 of the New York Environmental Conservation Law, and maps drawn by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to determine what areas should be considered wetlands, buffer zones, etc. and protected in the overlay district. This statute .. Read More
City of Santa Fe Escarpment Overlay District Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Overlay District    
New Mexico
Creates an overlay district in the area of the escarpment (ridgetop). Stricter regulations and more plans are required to build in the escarpment area. No new subdivisions may be permitted that are entirely in the escarpment overlay district... Read More
City of Omaha North Hills Environmental Resources Overlay District Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Overlay District    
Section 55-901 of the municipal code establishes the North Hills environmental resources overlay district. The ordinance was created because the North Hills area is characterized by “steep slopes and valleys with heavy forestation and ridge tops of forests or uncultivated grasslands.” The ordinance requires a special permit for grading and excavating, removing vegetation, and disturbing sensitive features which include native prairies, intermittent and perennial streams, loess bluffs and glacial tills, and extremely steep slopes. .. Read More
City of Omaha ED Environmental Resources District Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Overlay District    
The environmental resources overlay district allows for the adoption of special standards for areas of “special natural environment significance or sensitivity.” Creation of these districts can be initiated by the mayor, the planning board, or the city council. In order for an environmental resources district to be adopted, an ordinance establishing the ED must be written and passed by the city council. .. Read More
City of Greensboro Pedestrian Scale Overlay District
Date Added: Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Overlay District    
North Carolina
The Pedestrian Scale Overlay District encourages infill, mixed-use and urban revitalization; features reduced setbacks and reduced parking requirements; and sidewalks and trails... Read More
City of Clayton Overlay Zoning Districts Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Overlay District    
The overlay zoning districts enable Clayton to make zoning districts that are identified by geographical characteristics. Overlay zoning district boundary maps define the limits to overlay districts, and the CBD is intended to promote pedestrian friendly commercial centers... Read More
City of Chanhassen Bluff Creek Overlay District
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Overlay District    
The goal of this ordinance is to protect the ecosystems within the local watershed. The region is mapped and classified, and development has to be designed to minimize the impact on the waterways, wetlands, bluffs, trees, and other natural features... Read More
City of Louisville Waterfront Overlay District Design Standards
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Overlay District    
The waterfront overlay district design standards were created to control development activity within the community along the waterfront due the importance of its appearance. Some of the design standards include considerations of functionality, continuity, and pedestrian activity, among other things as criteria which are evaluated before new development occurs. These standards are evaluated by the Waterfront Development Corporation... Read More
City of McCall Shoreline & River Environs Overlay District Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Overlay District    
The shoreline and river environs overlay district is designed to protect the water quality of Payette Lake and the North Fork of the Payette River, as well as the aesthetic views. McCall is known for its natural scenic beauty, which generates tourism and recreation in the area. One reason for the ordinance was to protect this economic resource by protecting viewsheds and fish and wildlife habitat. The most significant part of the ordinance establishes a 50-ft development setback from the lake and river, which helps protect the water resource.. Read More
County of Blaine Wildlife & Scenic Highway Overlay Districts
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Overlay District    
Although Blaine County, Idaho, has a small population (the largest city is Hailey, pop. 6000), its municipal code includes several environmental protections, including two overlay districts. The wildlife overlay district is designed to protect migratory routes of the major species in the county, particularly elk, deer, and antelope, by restricting residential development and requiring residents to work closely with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. The scenic highway overlay district was written in part to prevent wildlife from being tra.. Read More
City of Richmond Hill Conservation Preservation District Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Overlay District    
This ordinances uses overlay districts for the protection of wetlands and the river corridor. Within these districts the ordinance provides not only for what can’t be done in these areas, but how certain activities are to be carried out... Read More
County of Douglas Environmental Overlay District Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Overlay District    
The ordinance establishes environmental overlay districts in order to protect the groundwater and wetlands of the community. Activities having the potential to impact the groundwater or wetlands are regulated, including the lot size for new homes which will require a septic tank or septic field, chemical or petroleum storage tanks, and any development within 100 feet of a wetlands area. The districts are marked on the town’s Zoning maps. .. Read More
County of DeKalb Mountain Conservation District Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Overlay District    
This ordinance establishes a protection overlay district for Arabia Mountain. The overlay district allows for reasonable development, while preserving the natural resources and scenic views of the mountain. .. Read More
County of Kent Draft Growth Zone Overlay District
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Overlay District    
Proposed amendment to the Kent County growth zone overlay district seeks to more clearly spell out the requirements and guidelines pertaining to the growth zones. The goal is to direct future development to more desirable areas, as well as to ensure that there is an adequate infrastructure where future growth is planned... Read More
City of Peoria Desert Lands Conservation Overlay
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Overlay District, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The Desert Lands Conservation Overlay (DLCO) of the City of Peoria is designed to protect desert hillsides in the City from development. It seeks to protect the sensitive habitats of the Sonoran Desert found in Peoria by providing controls for the development of desert conservation features such as ridges and peaks, major rock outcrops, critical wildlife habitat corridors, washes and riparian habitats... Read More
City of Mountain Brook Flood Plain Overlay Zone
Date Added: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Flood Prevention, Overlay District    
This overlay zone provides for recognizing lands which are subject to flooding and restricting the use to which the lands may be put. An exclusive list of proper uses for the land includes activities such as recreational facilities, short-term parking, and cooking facilities... Read More
Town of East Hampton Policy Statement & Coastal Overlay District Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Coastal Protection, Overlay District, Sea Level Rise Adaptation    
New York
The Town of East Hampton acknowledges that, while the extent of future sea level rise and increased storm activity may be uncertain, “it is well established that present sea level is rising and statistically certain that storms will be an ever-present threat to the Town’s coastal zone.” By enacting the coastal flooding and erosion control recommendations of the Town’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, Policies 11-17, the Town’s Coastal Overlay District (COD) is intended to improve protection of coastal resources in East Hampton. The CO.. Read More
Town of Malta Downtown Overlay District
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Overlay District, Transportation Efficient Development    
New York
Malta’s Downtown Overlay District is intended to concentrate new development within easy reach of existing and future transportation, and to incorporate traditional neighborhood design principles to create a pedestrian-friendly mixed-use town center. The ordinance encourages new residential development within a five-minute or ¼-mile walk of the town center and aims to develop compact, defined urban neighborhoods and to facilitate convenient and safe movement throughout the community for all modes of transportation... Read More
Town of Blooming Grove Zoning & Overlay Districts Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, April 6, 2017
Overlay District, Ridgeline Protection, Scenic Resources, Zoning    
New York
Chapter 235, Section 235-5, of the Town Code for the Town of Blooming Grove establishes different zoning and overlay districts and it describes the purpose of these districts. The purpose of the overlay district is to protect specific types of resources such as scenic views/ scenic roads, and ridgelines. Overlay districts do not change the use of the district, but impose on it, specific requirements that must be followed... Read More
Town of Batavia Wellhead Protection Overlay Zone Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, March 23, 2017
Overlay District, Zoning, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
This law is designed to protect those areas of the town which are important to ensuring a safe and healthful drinking water supply for the Batavia area, local residents, employees and the general public through the preservation of the town's groundwater sources. The designation of two Wellhead Protection Areas (WPA) within the Wellhead Protection Overlay Zone and the careful regulation of activities with these zones will reduce the potential for groundwater contamination. The Wellhead Protection Overlay Zone will preserve and maintain the exist.. Read More
Town of Bedford Aquifer Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, March 19, 2017
Aquifer Protection, Overlay District    
New York
This ordinance delineates an aquifer protection zone where certain uses and activities are regulated or prohibited. It includes a Table of Uses and their Wastewater Equivalents, which can aid in community development and planning. The boundaries of the protected zone are delineated on an official map, prepared by hydrogeologists... Read More
Town of Dover Aquifer Overlay District Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, March 19, 2017
Aquifer Protection, Overlay District    
New York
The Town of Dover aquifer overlay district ordinance regulates activities by performance standards. These standards pertain to the use of fertilizers and pesticides, wastewater treatment systems, sediment generation, and the control of other chemicals that have the potential to adversely impact aquifers... Read More
City of Scottsdale Historic Property Zoning
Date Added: Saturday, August 27, 2016
Historic Preservation, Overlay District    
The (HP) Historic Property zoning overlay district is intended to protect and enhance the cultural, historical, social or archaeological heritage of the City of Scottsdale. The HP District encourages the retention of historic resources by keeping them in active use in their original appearance, setting, and placement... Read More
City of Tumwater Aquifer Protection Overlay Zone (AQP) Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Aquifer Protection, Overlay District    
Tumwater, Washington, has three related aquifer protection ordinances. The Aquifer Protection Overlay zone (AQP) “protect[s] vulnerable aquifer recharge areas within the City and urban growth area” by “impos[ing] additional restrictions on development in order to protect public health and safety by preserving the existing and future groundwater supply.” The district restricts seven activities unless they comply with best management practices... Read More
Township of Stafford Wellhead Protection Overlay Zone
Date Added: Monday, March 21, 2016
Aquifer Protection, Overlay District    
New Jersey
This ordinance establishes an overlay zone that prohibits or restricts certain uses and activities within 1,000 feet of an existing public well. Such activities include the above or below ground storage and disposal of hazardous waste. .. Read More
Village of Mamaroneck TOD Zoning Study
Date Added: Thursday, October 29, 2015
Affordable Housing , Overlay District, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Zoning    
New York
The Village of Mamaroneck was awarded a grant from the Tri-State Transportation Campaign (TSTC) and the One Region Funders’ Group to conduct a community-based Transit Oriented Development (TOD) zoning study that would result in a draft zoning ordinance for the area near the Mamaroneck Metro-North Railroad Station. Mamaroneck has access to public transit, through the Westchester County Bee-Line Bus and Metro North, as well as major transportation corridors including I-95 (New England Thruway), the Hutchinson River Parkway and U.S. Route 1 (B.. Read More
City of Springfield Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District
Date Added: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Aquifer Protection, Overlay District, Drinking Water Protection & Conservation    
Springfield created a Drinking Water Protection Overlay District that contains four time of travel zones (TOTZ) around its wellheads “to protect aquifers used as potable water supply sources by the City from contamination.” Within these zones the ordinance restricts use of hazardous materials, which could potentially enter and harm the groundwater. The district includes 0-1, 1-5, and 10-20 year TOTZ... Read More