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Search Results for Topic : Parking

Technical Guidance Manual for Sustainable Neighborhoods
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Development Standards, Local Environmental Law, Subdivision Regulations, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Zoning, Street & Sidewalk Development, Parking    
State: Not Applicable
U.S. Federal
The sections of this manual are designed to parallel a typical municipality’s land development plans, regulations, and related policies. It begins by presenting strategies to integrate LEED-ND criteria into local planning policies as expressed in comprehensive plans and special area plans. It then presents strategies for incorporating LEED-ND criteria into traditional zoning code sections, site plan and subdivision regulations, and other land use development standards, including building and related codes. Finally, it introduces strategies for .. Read More
City of San Jose Amendments to Zoning Code to Reduce Parking Requirements
Date Added: Monday, November 14, 2016
Transportation & Land Use Planning, Parking    
This ordinance amends Chapter 20.90 of the City of San Jose Zoning Code to reduce parking requirements for specific ground floor uses on properties designated with the Neighborhood Business District General Plan overlay, and to reduce parking requirements for ministorage uses citywide... Read More
City of Austin Transit Oriented Development Regulations
Date Added: Monday, November 7, 2016
Land Use Planning, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Parking    
This ordinance provides the guidelines for transit-oriented development in Austin. Requirements for station area plans are given, and ways in which they may be amended are explained. Recommended parking densities are laid-out. Density requirements for different zones within a station area district are detailed... Read More
Delaware Regional Planning Commission Municipal Implementation Tool #6: Parking Management Strategies
Date Added: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Regional Planning Entity
The Parking Management Strategies brochure was developed by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission as part of a series of implementation tools based on the recommendations in the region’s long-term plan and specifically addresses strategies to balance the supply and demand for parking. The brochure details two types of parking strategies that are important for managing parking demand, the type that can be used to accommodate existing and future parking demand more efficiently and the type that can be used to reduce parking demand whic.. Read More
Eliminating Barriers to Transit-Oriented Development
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Parking    
New Jersey
In New Jersey, two of the main barriers to implementing Transit Oriented Development (TOD) are community concern about new development potentially causing parking problems and increased traffic and negative fiscal impacts due to increased school enrollment. In order to determine if those concerns were warranted, this report studied differences between households located within a half mile radius of ten selected rail stations in New Jersey and those located in the nearby region. This report compared auto use, auto ownership, parking use, and sch.. Read More
Quantity versus Quality in Off-Street Parking Requirements
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
State: Not Applicable
Many communities emphasize quantity over quality in off-street parking requirements and have minimum parking requirements that produce an excessive supply of parking. This article details five strategies that planners can use to improve urban design and avoid problems with parking: deregulate or limit the number of parking spaces, improve the location of parking, improve the design of surface parking, improve the design of parking structures, and improve the design of residential garages... Read More
Parking Lots, Where Motorists Become Pedestrians
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
State: Not Applicable
In Parking Lots, Where Motorists Become Pedestrians John A. Stark aims to address physical design components of parking lots in terms of safety, environmental protection, and a shared experience between cars and pedestrians. The interactions between pedestrians and cars are often considered in terms of separating the two modes of traffic or how to make street intersections between the two safer. However, in a parking lot people drive in the middle of a pedestrian path when searching for a space and conversely, pedestrians are often forced to wa.. Read More
Building a Transit-Friendly Community
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Parking    
New Jersey
This report is based on key findings and conclusions from NJ Transit’s “Transit-Friendly Communities for New Jersey” pilot community program. The report takes those lessons and translates them into helpful information to guide and assist other communities’ efforts for transit-friendly development, on topics such as access, development, and parking. The process used is broken down into steps to assist other communities in getting the process started... Read More
Planning for Transit-Friendly Land Use: A Handbook for New Jersey Communities
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Pedestrian Oriented Design (POD), Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Transportation Efficient Development, Parking    
New Jersey
New Jersey Transit created this handbook to assist in planning more pedestrian- and transit-friendly communities. It emphasizes four strategies that can accomplish this goal: organizing land uses to support transit, emphasizing pedestrians (and other non-motorized modes of access), “taming” the automobile, and creating a sense of place and a sense of stewardship. Users are provided with a flow chart to best utilize the tools provided in the handbook, such as model ordinances, to fit the needs and accomplish the goals of individual communities i.. Read More
Driving Urban Environments: Growth Parking Best Practices
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Smart Growth, Parking    
Parking is one of the biggest challenges to smart growth because it consumes large amounts of land that could be developed. Parking requirements now drive many site designs and play a crucial role in financing for new developments. Maryland conducted a study which identifies and addresses best practices for three areas of parking challenges faced by developers, which are parking management, which identifies strategies to control the supply and demand for parking, parking design, which proposes strategies that reduce the aesthetic and environmen.. Read More
Creating Great Neighborhoods: Density in Your Community
Date Added: Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Mixed/Multiple Use, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Parking, Density    
State: Not Applicable
U.S. Federal
Density is a key factor in in the success of smart growth and can often be opposed by communities because poorly designed density adds to public frustration. This report emphasizes the importance of a balanced perspective when considering how density should be created and what it should look like. To assist communities in achieving a balanced perspective, the report explains the benefits of density in a community, provides case studies of the success of well-designed density, and design principles that can be applied by local communities to suc.. Read More
Parking Management Strategies
Date Added: Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Smart Growth, Parking    
Traditional parking policies, which generally focus on setting a minimum number of parking spaces for various land uses are based on standards developed by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The Lancaster County Planning Commission conducted a study, Analysis of Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing, which found that the amounts of parking required for various housing types does not match what is needed and developed this document to help match parking supply to parking demand. The document details techniques that can be used .. Read More
Manual of Best Practices for Transit-Oriented Development
Date Added: Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Site Design Standards, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Transportation & Land Use Planning, Parking    
New Jersey
The Manual of Best Practices for Transit-Oriented Development is a guide that was developed to help New Jersey municipalities plan for high-quality transit-oriented development. The manual contains information on site design guidelines, architectural design guidelines, and parking guidelines. The standards contained in the manual are not mandatory and provide transit-supportive and pedestrian-friendly zoning text and guideline language that should be used to help municipalities structure plans and ordinances that fit their needs. .. Read More
Parking Policy for Transit-Oriented Development: Lessons for Cities, Transit Agencies, and Developers
Date Added: Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Parking    
Parking policy is a key factor that can improve the performance of rail transit and Transit Oriented Development (TOD). This article evaluated information and insights of three studies on residential TODs, office TODs, and joint development of transit agency station parking in California. Results from the literature review showed that TOD parking supply and pricing policy are seldom structured to support transit ridership goals. The author has formulated policy recommendations for transit agencies, cities, and developers to improve parking poli.. Read More
The High Cost of Free Parking
Date Added: Wednesday, October 28, 2015
This paper identifies free parking as the fundamental problem planners face with parking, and explores the consequences associated with it. Actual monetary cost as well as raised housing costs, and reduced urban density are all evaluated in relation to minimum parking requirements. The paper also provides information on how charging for curbside parking, as an alternative to minimum parking requirements, is more beneficial... Read More
Parking Spaces / Community Places, Finding the Balance through Smart Growth Solutions
Date Added: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Smart Growth, Parking    
State: Not Applicable
U.S. Federal
This guidebook by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency illustrates parking issues faced by municipalities and explains suggested alternatives to parking. Viewed through the lens of the impact of parking on the environment, the importance of mixed-use, walkable areas that balance parking with other environmental concerns are illustrated through case studies of cities throughout the United States that municipalities can look to for assistance with Smart Growth. .. Read More
Appropriate Parking Management Strategy for Successful Transit Oriented Development
Date Added: Monday, July 20, 2015
Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Parking    
A major challenge to successfully implementing Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is parking, specifically minimum parking requirements which produce an oversupply of parking that undermines the intended benefits of TOD. This Master’s thesis addresses the effects of parking on TOD’s success, the defects of conventional parking requirements, and specific strategies for TOD parking management, as well as providing a case study of parking in King County, Washington. Additionally, recommendations are given to assist communities in implementing park.. Read More
Parking Pricing Implementation Guidelines
Date Added: Monday, July 20, 2015
State: Not Applicable
Foreign Country
This paper focuses on parking pricing as a part of an integrated parking management program. It provides guidelines for municipalities to use on optimal parking prices, revenue uses and the economic impact of parking prices. Also addressed are obstacles to parking pricing and potential solutions that can be used by a municipality to implement policies efficiently. The paper also details case studies that demonstrate successful implementation of various parking pricing policies in the United States, Canada, and Europe as examples to be followed... Read More
Parking Management Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Date Added: Friday, July 17, 2015
State: Not Applicable
Foreign Country
This document was written as a summary to the book Parking Management Best Practices (Planners Press, 2006), which describes and evaluates more than two-dozen policies and programs that result in more efficient use of parking resources. Parking is undergoing a paradigm shift towards providing optimal parking supply and price, as opposed to the old paradigm which resulted in too much supply, and this paper details parking management strategies that are effective under the new paradigm as well as ways to implement them... Read More
Parking Code Guidance: Case Studies and Model Provisions
Date Added: Friday, July 17, 2015
The Parking Code Guidance: Case Studies and Model Provisions paper was written as a part of the San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC) Smart Growth Technical Assistance: Parking Reform Campaign. Its goal is to provide guidance on identifying key issues, reforming parking standards, and on how to regulate and manage parking in a way that supports development in urban infill areas, encourages balanced multimodal access, and reduces vehicle traffic. The guidance provided is based on best practices for access and parking regul.. Read More
Parking Best Practices: A Review of Zoning Regulations and Policies in Select US and International Cities
Date Added: Friday, July 17, 2015
New York
This document is a compilation of parking regulations and policies used in various cities throughout the United States, Canada, and London. The study identified 21 policies implemented in 15 different cities that address on-street and off-street parking resources, as well as traffic congestion. A comprehensive list of definitions and examples of the parking policies are provided, in addition to case studies illustrating their implementation. Resources are provided where more information can be obtained about individual cities, as well as genera.. Read More