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Search Results for Topic : Development Standards

The Town of Islip Word Usage and Definitions for Zoning Requirements
Date Added: Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Development Standards, Local Governance, Zoning    
New York
The Town of Islip set out the word usages and definitions to be used in their zoning requirements. All accessory buildings must be restricted to one story in height. Building height is determined by looking at the vertical distance from the average grade of the ground at the base of the structure to the highest point of roof, excluding chimneys, spires, and other permitted projections. For any single-family homes in a special flood hazard area, the building height shall be measured from the average grade of the ground at the base of the structu.. Read More
The town of Skaneateles Nonconforming Uses, Structures and Lots Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Development Standards, Mixed/Multiple Use, Zoning    
New York
The town of Skaneateles created rules that apply to nonconforming uses, structures, and lots. Existing nonconforming lots with impermeable surface coverage may be redeveloped by a special permit. The impermeable surface area must be reduced to the maximum extent possible to minimize the impact on streams, lakes, and groundwater. Measures to reduce the impermeable surface includes infiltration trenches, vegetated streams, and lake buffers. If the lot is within the Skaneateles Lake Watershed, the Planning Board Engineer shall also consult with th.. Read More
The City of Redmond Site Requirements for Residential Zones Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Development Standards, Land Use Planning, Planned Development Districts    
The City of Redmond established basic site requirements for residential zones while implementing Redmond’s Comprehensive Plan, the Growth Management Act, and the County-Wide Planning Policies. These requirements set basic dimensional standards for residential development while providing flexibility in project design, maintaining privacy between adjacent users, and preventing public nuisances. There is a prescribed level of permitted density, this is to maintain a consistent and compatible land use pattern in Redmond’s residential neighborhood. .. Read More
County of Teton Natural, Scenic, Agricultural, and Tourism Resources Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Development Standards, Ridgeline Protection, Scenic Resources, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
This ridgeline ordinance prohibits any ridgeline development from "skylining" meaning that no sky can be seen behind the structure as seen from specified public roads... Read More
Technical Guidance Manual for Sustainable Neighborhoods
Date Added: Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Development Standards, Local Environmental Law, Subdivision Regulations, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Zoning, Street & Sidewalk Development, Parking    
State: Not Applicable
U.S. Federal
The sections of this manual are designed to parallel a typical municipality’s land development plans, regulations, and related policies. It begins by presenting strategies to integrate LEED-ND criteria into local planning policies as expressed in comprehensive plans and special area plans. It then presents strategies for incorporating LEED-ND criteria into traditional zoning code sections, site plan and subdivision regulations, and other land use development standards, including building and related codes. Finally, it introduces strategies for .. Read More
State of New York Official Map Changes Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Development Standards, Official Map, Site Plan Approval, Zoning, Street & Sidewalk Development    
New York
This law authorizes city legislatures to change or add to the official map of the city in order to lay out new streets, highways parks and even drainage systems. Changes are made subject to adequate notice to those persons noted on last real property tax notice which is to be included in such proposed layout, and are subject to report by planning board who may forfeit right to suspend further action if no response is rendered within thirty days of such reference. Adopted changes become part of city’s official map and are deemed final... Read More
New York State Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas Act
Date Added: Monday, May 8, 2017
Coastal Protection, Development Standards, Erosion & Sedimentation Control, State Land Use Law, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The statute calls for the identification and mapping of coastal erosion hazard areas within the state by the commissioner of the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and for local governments to formulate an erosion hazard area ordinance or local law, to be reviewed by the commissioner. The commissioner also adopts regulations establishing minimum standards for development in erosion hazard areas. Any person wishing to undertake development in an erosion hazard area must obtain a permit from the DEC... Read More
City of Belmont Traditional Neighborhood Development Ordinance
Date Added: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Development Standards, Quality of Life, Site Design Standards    
North Carolina
The intent of the Traditional Neighborhood Development Provision “is to minimize traffic congestion, suburban sprawl, infrastructure costs, and environmental degradation”. The ordinance contains general standards and provisions, in addition to design standards for public and civic areas, shop fronts, businesses, multifamily and single family, and general architectural design standards... Read More
Town of Malta Knolls Eleven Planned Development District
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Development Standards, Planned Development Districts, Site Design Standards, Site Plan Approval    
New York
Chapter 167, § 167-27 provides specifications for the creation of a planned development district. These requirements include a newly created dwelling with approvals for water, sewage, drainage systems all with specified sizes and locations. Other requirements and restrictions on the developers are set forth as well... Read More
State of Massachusetts Municipal Growth & Development Policy Committees Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Development Standards, Intermunicipal Agreements, Local Boards, Local Governance, Smart Growth    
A growth and development policy committee consisting of two or more municipalities may be established under this statute and “engage in all acts and conduct for the purpose of intergovernmental planning of balanced growth and development issues.” Paragraph one broadly defines “balanced growth and development issues.” Subject to the committee’s comment and review are issues which may have a “significant impact upon the health, safety or welfare of the member municipalities’ citizens, including issues pertaining to growth management and land us.. Read More
State of Massachusetts Cluster Development by Special Use Permit Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Development Standards, Clustering & Cluster Development, Zoning    
Section nine of chapter 40A authorizes zoning ordinances or by-laws to provide for special permits for uses that are in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the ordinance or bylaw, including special permits for cluster developments. Such cluster developments are to be permitted upon review and approval by a planning board pursuant to the subdivision control laws of chapter forty-one, sections 81K to 81GG inclusive. See paragraph six. Paragraph seven defines cluster development, as among other things, residential developments separa.. Read More
County of La Plata Development Standards Ordinance
Date Added: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Affordable Housing , Development Standards    
La Plata County divides development standards into two groups, required and encouraged. Standards are encouraged through a point system. A developer is awarded points for meeting various importance factors which are scored in relevance to its assigned importance level. Negative scores are assigned when a project causes some detriment to the community. A developer is then eligible for various incentives and waivers depending on the total points accrued. The provision of affordable housing for employees and residents is an encouraged standar.. Read More
City of New York Special Midtown District Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Development Standards, Incentive Zoning    
New York
The City of New York created incentive zoning in 1961 to acquire available open space in densely packed commercial or business districts. Article VIII, Chapter 1 in the New York City Zoning Resolution regulates floor area bonus for Special Midtown District. As-of-right “floor area” bonuses are not permitted in this district... Read More
Township of Howell Riparian Buffers – Standards of Performance Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Buffer Zones, Development Standards, Environmental Compliance, Wildlife & Fish Habitat, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New Jersey
This ordinance sets forth the practices and procedures to be followed by developers and others in order to maintain the integrity of riparian habitat. This law creates a buffer zone in which private activity, such as tree cutting, disturbing soil, use of fertilizer, and use of pesticides are severely regulated. The town board holds discretion in allowing a buffer zone to be disturbed. If a buffer zone is disturbed, the developer is required to rehabilitate the buffer zone in accordance with the accepted practices set forth in this law. .. Read More
City of Happy Valley Development Agreements Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Development Standards, Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Steep Slope Protection    
Law authorizing the City to delay surface work (except for surveying and staking) on land if the City finds that severe erosion will present a danger. .. Read More
Town of Greenburgh Conservation District Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Development Standards, Overlay District, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The purpose of this law is to provide performance criteria assuring conservation of natural resources during and after development in a conservation district (CD). The CD is to be an overlay zone over any other zone allowed in the town. The Conservation District will be evaluated by criteria set out under this provision including the development standards. .. Read More
Town of Gardiner Open Space Development Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Development Standards, Open Space Preservation, Zoning    
New York
The Open Space Development ordinance implements procedures to allow for development of protected and preserved land, while preserving the natural attributes of the land. Conservation analysis shall take place to plan open space developments. Applicants must prepare inventory maps, surveys, topography maps, and descriptions of the land. Planning Board will make final determinations on the value of the lands preserved. .. Read More
Town of Gardiner Development in Floodplains Ordinance
Date Added: Friday, May 5, 2017
Development Standards, Floodplain Regulations, Historic Preservation    
New York
Town of Gardiner NY Development of Floodplains section 220-18, regulates development in the floodplains of Gardiner. Section 220-18(D) establishes conditions in which variances may be issued to include: reconstruction or restoration of structures listed in the National Registry of Historic Places, for good cause, and for showing that substantial hardships will result without the variance. Conditions that will be taken into account when the Zoning Board of Appeals reviews appeals are also included in this section... Read More
Town of Eden Classes of Districts Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Development Standards, Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Overlay District, Stormwater Management    
New York
The Town of Eden has created several zoning districts, and use regulations in those districts, that will help control flooding and protect floodplains from uninformed and overdevelopment... Read More
Town of Eden Stormwater Management & Erosion Control Ordinance
Date Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Development Standards, Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Stormwater Management    
New York
Chapter 177 of the Town Code for the Town of Eden serves to decrease stormwater and erosion problems, associated with increased development in Eden, NY. Article II. Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control Within the Regulated MS4 Overlay District was added in 2007 and describes regulations to manage stormwater, and erosion and control sediment within the RMS4 overlay district, which is a district which has been determined by federal and state agencies to be a regulated municipal separate storm sewer system (RMS4) under the Phase.. Read More
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Water Supply Protection Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Coastal Protection, Development Standards, Site Plan Approval, Zoning    
New York
The Water Supply Protection Code of the Village of Croton-on-Hudson dictates that each Waterfront Development District shall be comprised of 10 or more contiguous acres of dry land under single ownership and shall have a minimum of 1,000 feet of shoreline along the Hudson River. Permitted uses include specific recreational, residential, and special permit uses, but accessory uses are limited to those uses that are customarily incidental to the permitted uses. It additionally provides the requirements regarding enclosure, landscaping, bulk, heig.. Read More
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Visual Environment Advisory Board
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Development Standards, Local Boards, Quality of Life, Scenic Resources, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
New York
The Croton Visual Environment Advisory Board was developed to safeguard the beneficial effects of such existing natural and man-made features and structures and to prevent the harmful effects of potential unattractive or inappropriate projects and thus to promote and protect the economy, quality of life, and general welfare of the Village of Croton-on-Hudson. Chapter 60 of the Municipal Code creates an Advisory Board on the Visual Environment consisting of five members appointed by the Mayor. The Board shall serve in an advisory capacity to the.. Read More
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Multiple Development Use District
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Comprehensive Planning, Development Standards, Historic Preservation, Mixed/Multiple Use, Open Space Preservation, Scenic Resources, Site Design Standards, Site Plan Approval    
New York
This law creates guidelines for creating a multiple/mixed use district in the Village of Croton-on-Hudson. The law includes information such as: eligibility requirements, general conditions, permitted uses, site development standards, procedures for MDU designation and approval of site development plans, lapse of approval of site development plan, performance guaranty, phasing of development, amendment of site development plan, and revocation of MDU designation. .. Read More
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Gateway Overlay District Zoning Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Development Standards, Overlay District, Zoning    
New York
Croton-on-Hudson has developed a scheme for the creation of physical gateway areas comprised of roads and surrounding areas where those first encountering the village will derive a sense of arrival and connection to the village, which will establish a favorable impression of the community. Restrictions will be placed on development within these areas to ensure and preserve a residential feel and provide a more defined entrance into the village for incoming motorists and pedestrians, which ultimately will bring a more favorable image to the comm.. Read More
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Environmental Compliance Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Development Standards, Clustering & Cluster Development, Environmental Compliance, Site Design Standards, Site Plan Approval, Conservation Districts & Subdivisions    
New York
This law authorizes the village Planning Board, and other advisory boards within the Village of Croton-on-Hudson, to retain the services of an Environmental Consultant to review and consult the board(s) concerning development taking place within the village’s environmentally sensitive areas, and to assure that environmental compliance measures are followed. The law also describes the role and duties of the Environmental Consultant. .. Read More
Town of Cazenovia Lake Watershed Residential Use District
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Development Standards, Open Space Preservation, Site Design Standards, Watershed Protection, Zoning, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
§ 165-11 and § 165-12 of the Town Code for the Town of Cazenovia list several regulations that are designed to limit the use of the lake and the development of property around the lake. Buildings in the designated area around the lake, except for churches and schools, have height limits, and buildings and lots have minimum size requirements. No machinery, equipment, or vehicles used in a business can be stored outside. Boat houses cannot be used for residential purposes and are limited by size and structure requirements. Recreational use an.. Read More
City of Carlsbad Second Dwelling Units Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Affordable Housing , Development Standards, Fair Housing, Zoning    
The Second Dwelling Units Ordinance allows the construction of second dwelling units by permits, subject to certain requirements, in order to achieve affordable housing goals... Read More
Town of Brookhaven Wetlands & Waterways Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Development Standards, Site Design Standards, Site Plan Approval, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
The purpose of Chapter 81 of the Town Code, for the Town of Brookhaven is to protect surface waters, lands underwater and wetlands since they are important natural resources to the town. This statute applies to all lands defined as wetlands or waterways, to any activity in an adjacent area of a wetland or waterway, or to any activity that has the potential to adversely impact wetlands or waterways. No person shall conduct any regulated activity within such lands without obtaining permission from the town. Regulated activity includes dredging.. Read More
Town of Brookhaven Wetland Overlay District Ordinance
Date Added: Monday, May 1, 2017
Coastal Protection, Development Standards, Overlay District, Site Design Standards, Zoning, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation, Wetlands & Watercourse Protection    
New York
Increasing demand for development on property containing wetlands and surface waters may adversely impact and impair such natural resources. This statute creates an overlay district to protect property containing such resources. This statute uses Chapter 81 of the Town Code, Articles 24 and 25 of the New York Environmental Conservation Law, and maps drawn by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to determine what areas should be considered wetlands, buffer zones, etc. and protected in the overlay district. This statute .. Read More
City of Clive Architectural Development Standards
Date Added: Saturday, April 15, 2017
Development Standards    
The city of Clive, Iowa, enacted an Architectural Design Ordinance. The ordinance requires that site plan approval be submitted and reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Counsel in accordance with the architectural standards set forth in the ordinance. The purpose of the ordinance is: to decrease the visual and audible impact of service areas, loading areas, or similar operations on adjoining properties and general public; reduce negative aesthetic impacts of large buildings; and create a compatible look for buildings by.. Read More
City of Malibu Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan – Shoreline & Bluff Development
Date Added: Saturday, April 15, 2017
Development Standards, Sea Level Rise Adaptation    
The City of Malibu requires the design and siting of all new shoreline development and shoreline protective devices to consider anticipated accelerated sea level rise. The City requires that new development be sufficiently set back and elevated to minimize to the maximum extent feasible hazards associated with anticipated sea level rise over the expected one-hundred year economic life of the structure. All applications for new beach or bluff-top development must include an engineering analysis of coastal hazards, including future projections .. Read More
Town of Barnstable Wetlands Buffer Zone Regulation; Conservation Commission Regulatory Summary
Date Added: Friday, April 14, 2017
Buffer Zones, Coastal Protection, Development Standards, Sea Level Rise Adaptation    
The Town of Barnstable’s Wetlands Buffer Zone Regulation Summary acknowledges that accelerated sea level rise will result in increased coastal erosion processes and impact land erosion, storm drainage, flooding and wetland loss. To address these impacts, the Town of Barnstable requires fifty-foot buffer zones for any land subject to flooding, inundation by groundwater, surface water, tidal action, or coastal storm flowage. In the Conservation Commission’s Regulation Summary, revised in 2006, the Commission established additional performanc.. Read More
Town of Blooming Grove Staged Development Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Development Standards, Site Plan Approval, Subdivision Approvals    
New York
The Staged Development ordinance is intended to complement and be applied in accordance with subdivision regulations and is only intended to apply when final subdivision approval is sought in section. It covers procedure for applying, construction of improvements, expiration of approvals and, exemptions from zoning amendment, fees and applicability... Read More
City of Ann Arbor Land Development Regulations
Date Added: Monday, November 14, 2016
Development Standards, Local Environmental Law, Planned Unit Development, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The goal of this ordinance is to specify procedures of and materials for proposed development projects. It also provides guidelines to identify, evaluate, protect, and mitigate six types of sensitive environmental areas... Read More
Vermont Employment Growth Incentive
Date Added: Monday, September 26, 2016
Development Standards    
The Vermont Employment Growth Incentive (VEGI) was created to encourage job creation in Vermont by a Vermont company, a Vermont division of a company that plans to grow and expand in Vermont, a company considering locating a new business or division in state, or Vermont start-up business activity. The VEGI program provides incentives from the State of Vermont to businesses to encourage prospective economic activity in Vermont that is beyond an applicant’s “organic” or background growth and that would not occur except for the incentive provided... Read More
West Hollywood Green Building Ordinance
Date Added: Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Development Standards, Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
West Hollywood adopted one of the nation’s first mandatory green building ordinances, and it became effective in 2007. The ordinance ensures that new buildings will be healthier for residents, and use energy and resources more efficiently. Flexibility, responsiveness to local conditions, and cost-effectiveness are key features of the ordinance. The City has created a green building manual to guide users through the process. The green building requirements and incentives and private development ordinance focus on establishing new development sta.. Read More
San Francisco Green Building Code
Date Added: Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Development Standards, Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
To ensure that all buildings are healthy, sustainable places to live, work and learn, the San Francisco Green Building Code requirements reduce energy and water use, divert waste from landfills, encourage alternate modes of transportation, and support the health and comfort of building occupants in San Francisco. The 2008 green building requirements apply to newly constructed residential and commercial buildings and for major renovations to existing buildings. New construction in San Francisco must meet all applicable California codes, provide .. Read More
Bloomington Indiana Green Building Program
Date Added: Monday, June 27, 2016
Development Standards, Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
In the Municipal Code contains a Green Building Program, Chapter 2.29. The purpose of this program is to further the city’s commitment to environmental, economic and social stewardship, yield cost savings to city taxpayers through reduced operating costs, provide healthy work environments for staff and visitors, reduce local greenhouse gas emissions, and prepare for a current period of reduced supply of oil and natural gas. The program adopts LEED certification. .. Read More
San Antonio Ordinance Approving and Adopting Sustainable Task Force
Date Added: Monday, June 27, 2016
Development Standards, Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
Mission Verde focuses on economic growth and development to drive environmental and equitable outcomes, rather than using environmental goals to drive economic growth. The intent of the plan was to invest in energy saving initiatives that would save the consumer and the community money, and serve as a catalyst for job creation and innovation. Ordinance 2009-03-12-0179 discusses adopting the Sustainable Building Task Force, provides amendments to the city code to implement certain recommendations, providing for an effective date and severance. .. Read More
Tuscon Ordinance Amending the Unified Development Code
Date Added: Monday, June 27, 2016
Development Standards, Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
As a part of the Sustainability Framework for Plan Tuscon, the Sustainable Code project was created to facilitate, clarify, and remove regulatory obstacles pertaining to urban agriculture, solar development standards and other miscellaneous green improvements to the Unified Development Code. Each component of the project is being developed and processed separately. City staff revised relevant portions of the Unified Development Code to facilitate stated sustainability goals and policies including urban agriculture, energy and water conservation.. Read More
Miami-Dade County Resolution Declaring Sustainable Development Measures
Date Added: Monday, June 27, 2016
Development Standards, Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
The Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution #R-1200-05 in 2005. This resolution establishes the incorporation of sustainable development building measures into the design, construction, renovation and maintenance of County-owned, County-finances and County-operated buildings. .. Read More
Miami-Dade County Ordinance Sustainable Buildings Program
Date Added: Monday, June 27, 2016
Development Standards, Green Buildings & Energy Efficiency    
Ordinance 07-65 was approved on May 8, 2007. This ordinance amended the Code of Miami-Dade County to establish a Sustainable Buildings Program for Miami-Dade County facilities. In this legislation, the County established a program to promote the green design, construction and operation of buildings that are developed, constructed and managed by the County. .. Read More
Town of Mamaroneck Local Impact Review
Date Added: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Development Standards    
New York
The purpose of Chapter 130 of the Town Code for the Town of Mamaroneck is to address the impact of noise, traffic, cultural or aesthetic resources, existing patterns of population concentration and community or neighborhood character and thereby provide for the proper care, management and use of the streets and highways of the Town, and the protection, safety, health of persons and property therein... Read More
City of Ann Arbor Land Development Regulations
Date Added: Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Development Standards, Local Environmental Law, Planned Unit Development, Natural Resource Protection & Conservation    
The goal of this ordinance is to specify procedures of and materials for proposed development projects. It also provides guidelines to identify, evaluate, protect, and mitigate six types of sensitive environmental areas... Read More
Recommended Model Development Principles for Protection Natural Resources - Hudson River Estuary
Date Added: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Development Standards    
New York
This document presents specific recommendations on how to foster more environmentally sensitive local site design within the Town of Clinton, NY. The purpose of the project is to review existing development codes and identify regulatory barriers to environmentally sensitive residential and commercial development at the site level within the bounds of the Wappinger Creek Watershed. Code modifications and recommendations were crafted to provide flexibility, support, and guidance for developers implementing Better Site Design. This document focuse.. Read More